Chapter 12

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I opened the front gate as it made a loud creaking sound. I walked in and saw Hayley stand up. She looked at me.

"I'm ready" I said.

Hayley nodded and grabbed her bag. She picked up my bags and handed them to me. We then walked over to the last horse that was left behind and we both jumped on. I rode out of the gate and stopped outside. I looked back for one last time as I closed the gate for the last time. I grabbed the walkie talkie.

"Connor. We're on our way" I said.

I put the walkie talkie onto my belt and we rode out. It was going to be a long ride. I was on the front of the horse and Hayley was on the back. She had her arms around my waist holding on as we rode.

"You think we will come across any zombies?" Hayley asked.

"Most likely not. This road should be clear thanks to Port Adelaide and their guards" I said.

We rode past a car with vines and moss growing from the windows. The car's paint was also flaking off. If you think about it, it's kind of beautiful. There are sometimes little pink flowers growing from the moss and it looks very pretty.

I looked at the road and there was no lines visible. There are cracks all through the road and at some points the road is either lifted up from the ground or pushed down. The road is very uneven. I heard a loud bang and looked up. It was cloudy and it looked like a storm was coming through.

"It's gonna start raining soon. We should find shelter" Hayley said.

"No. We can just put our hoodies on. We keep moving" I said.

I knew Hayley was unsure about my plan. But I just wanted to get there as fast as possible to see Prince. We kept on riding and soon it started raining hard. The thunder gave me a few jumps every now and then, and it was starting to get hard to hold on to the rope. My hands were getting slippery.

There was a large puddle of water ahead of us. I rode through it and the water splashed onto Hayley and I. Hayley wipes the water and mud off of her face as I kept riding.

"We should stop. We can't be out here in the rain" Hayley said into my ear.

I ignored her and kept riding. We rode past a zombie on the ground trying to grab us. He was nowhere near us. It started to get hard to see, as the rain was going onto my eyes. I wiped the water from my eyes but more rain would get into my eyes. My eyes start to sting but I kept riding.

As I was about to wipe away more water from my eyes my ears started to ring and I heard a loud bang. I saw the lighting bolt come down about two streets from us. The horse got scared and stopped.

"Calm down" I told the horse.

I looked up and I could see fuzzy objects walking towards us. I wiped the water from my eyes again and I noticed that it was a small horde of zombies.

"If we want to get around then we have to fight!" I yelled over the rain.

Hayley grabbed her machete and I grabbed my hatchet. We both climbed off of the horse and slowly walked towards the horde as another lightning bolt came down, this time way further away.

I got up to the first zombie. It was hard to see. I swung my hatchet aiming at the zombies head but I missed. I got the hatchet stuck in the zombies shoulder.

"Shit" I said to myself.

I kicked the zombie away and the hatchet came out. I pulled my hoodie so it would go over my face more. I walked up to the zombie and quickly took it out. All I could hear was the rain. It was so loud. I couldn't even hear the moans from the zombies.

As I was walking up to another zombie I noticed something. My heart stopped and I could hear it beating louder and louder. I stopped in my tracks as I noticed what it was. A zombie was holding a knife. The Whisperers are back. Hayley was about to take the zombie out who had the knife.

"Hayley look out!" I yelled.

The Whisperer dodged Hayley attack and was ready to kill Hayley. But Hayley quickly kicked him back. I ran to Hayley and we went back to back.

"Be ready. There could be more!" I yelled over the rain.

I saw a Whisperer running towards me with a large knife. I kicked the Whisperer's leg and and he fell over. I chopped his head with the axe and blood squirted all over me. But there were more coming.

I quickly faced them and took another one out. Hayley took one out as well.

"We need to get out of here!" Hayley yelled over the rain.

I looked around me and saw about five Whisperers all around us in a circle. I yelled as the ran at us. I quickly took two out as Hayley struggled with the other three. I spun around and took one out while she took the other out. But the last Whisperer quickly put their hands up and knelt on the ground.

"Please spare me! I don't want to die!" The Whisperer yelled over the rain.

I walked up to her, and looked straight into her eyes.

"Fuck, you!" I yelled.

I swung my hatchet back and chopped her head off as it skidded across the slippery surface hitting the curb of the road. Hayley looked at me.

"You didn't have to do that" Hayley said.

"Yes I did" I said walking past Hayley.

I got back onto the horse and waited for Hayley to get up as well. We were almost at Port Adelaide. There was probably about another hour of riding left. I rode a little slower so we could all catch our breath.

"I think it might be a good idea to stop and rest!" I yelled over the rain.

"You think" Hayley chuckled.

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