Chapter 13

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Sam shot his gun in the air to attempt at getting the Guardians attention. The baby stopped crying and unfortunately his plan worked. The Guardians were after Sam.

"what do we do?" Beta whispered.

Sam started shouting. Telling his people to run. He said that he loved his daughter.

"pathetic" I whispered.

"what do you mean?" Beta whispered.

"he loves his daughter. he isn't strong. he cares for others rather then himself. let him lead the horde out. we don't need to lead the horde. we can move out with the horde and then break off" I whispered.

"yes alpha" Beta whispered slowly limping away.

I slowly walked around with the horde. Their moans always gave me comfort. That's why they are my Guardians. They protect me. I looked behind me and saw Guardians making their way out. Sam must be trying to lead them away.

I followed the horde to the front gate and when I got out I slowly turned to the left and walked down the fence. I looked behind me and saw Beta and a few others following me. We stayed silent and kept walking. A few Guardians broke away from the horde and followed us. Beta walked up to me.

"are we going back to camp?" Beta whispered.

"we are" I whispered.

We limped all the way back to the camp in Crafers. Everyone grabbed food and their skins. Once everyone was ready we all moved out as one big horde. My pack all gathered around me.

"We move out. We keep moving. We find a new home" I said.

We all moved out slowly limping away so the Guardians won't recognise us. We turned left onto the freeway and headed towards the hills. It would take us a long time to get to a new camp. Especially at our speed.

I heard one of my pack members behind me talking to another. Sage said that she couldn't keep going, and that she wanted to break off and have a break. I slowly turned around and grabbed her arm and pulled her out in front of me. There weren't any Guardians our front so it was safe.

"stay loyal to the pack" I whispered into her ear.

She knew what was coming. A tear went down her cheek. She looked so scared. Which is what I wanted. I want people to be afraid. As afraid as she was. I pulled out my knife and stabbed her in the neck. She screamed and cried in pain as blood squirted everywhere. She fell to the floor cradling herself in pain. I kept slowly walking away as the Guardians feasted on her flesh. I smiled as her screams and cried died down and it was back to the moans of the Guardians. I closed my eyes and listened to them. I let out a small breath and wiped the blood off of my knife onto my pants. I put the knife back into my holster.

Beta walked up beside me. He didn't talk. He just stayed close to me. I looked over to him.

"something bothers you?" I whispered.

"where are we setting up the next camp?" Beta whispered.

"like the many times before the place will find us. we just need to keep moving" I whispered.

Beta nodded and kept waking with me.


It was late at night. I could hear the wind slowly blowing past us. After our win on The New Order we pushed back closer to the city more. The New Order was an easy target. They looked like they only know how to shoot, and in a new world where there's no guns anymore, they didn't stand a chance. They were weak.

I was laying on the ground trying to get some sleep. I heard a few crunches from leaves and sticks breaking outside. I stood up and saw a young woman. I couldn't see her face because it was so dark. She slowly stepped forward and I could see who it was. It was Lauren from Sam's group. I quickly grabbed my double barrel shotgun and aimed it at her. The gun didn't work but it's a good way to scare people.

"why are you here?" I whispered.

She looked at me into my eyes and smiled.

"I'm here to join your group" Lauren said.

"how can we trust you? what if this is just a foolish trick?" I whispered.

"Well. Before Sam I was apart of a group. I killed lots of people. For my pleasure. Sam showed me a new world. Where I didn't have to kill. But after he disappeared I finally came out of my shell and found out who I really am" Lauren said.

"and who are you?" I whispered.

"I'm a Whisperer" Lauren said.


Hayley and I found a house with a garage. We put the horse into the garage and Haley and I went inside. There was rain slowly dripping down the wall. But I ignored it and checked to see if the mattress was dry enough to sleep on.

I found the bedroom and pat the mattress. It was dry so I pulled it out and dragged it to the lounge room where Hayley and I were sleeping. Hayley laid out some blankets and pillows onto the mattress and we both sat down on it.

"It's weird to think that some couple probably used this bed before us" Hayley said.

"Don't think about it then" I said eating a spoonful of avocado.

I kept my eyes down on the avocado as I ate it. Before this I used to hate avocado. But now it's one of our food supplies and I have to like it or else I would starve. I drank a little bit of water from my drink bottle.

I grabbed our cook pot we brought with us and put it outside in the rain. I then walked back in and relaxed. The sound of the rain was relaxing. But every now and then there would be a lighting strike and I would jump a little. It was very cold. Hayley and I covered each other in the blankets and we both fell asleep.

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