Chapter 23

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I looked at the travellers. Then I quickly turned around to see what was happening. Connor and a few others started to take away the bodies. I then looked back at the travellers.

"Did you hear me?" The man said.

"Sorry. I'm not sure we can let you in. At the moment we are in danger of another group out there. A dangerous group. We can't trust any new faces that comes to our gates" I said.

"Maybe we can speak with the leader?" The man said.

I turned around and saw Connor moving a body. I quickly climbed down the ladder and ran over to him.

"They want to talk with you" I said.

Connor followed me to the gate. He looked through a hole to see the people. He slowly walked back.

"Let them in" Connor said walking away.

I looked at the guard and shrugged. He slowly opened the gate. Connor walked away to deal with the mess and I slowly walked up to the opening gate.

As the gate opened I saw the travellers quickly putting on zombie masks. I was shocked. I slowly stepped back in terror as they took out their knives.

"Whisperers!" The guard yelled.

A Whisperer aimed at the guard with their knife and threw it at the guard. It went right into his neck and the guard slowly fell backwards. He then fell off the guard post and landed hard on the ground. He was dead.

I quickly turned around and ran. People around the gate started to panic and run as well. I looked behind me and saw the Whisperers inside. One Whisperer was continuously stabbing the guard who was already dead on the ground.

I saw Andrew, Jonah and Georgia so I quickly ran up to them. They looked shocked but they also looked ready for what was gonna come.

"We need to get to the armoury!" Andrew said.

We all nodded and ran towards the armoury. As we were running there a Whisperer walked in front of us. He looked at Andrew and tilted his head. He tried to make us scared of him. Which we were.

"there's more of us coming" The Whisperer whispered.

He brought out his knife so it was visible. Then he sprinted at us.

"you will lose" he whispered.

He tried to stab me but I quickly stepped out of the way. I grabbed his arm and bent it upwards. He dropped the knife and I kicked him in his leg. He fell over and quickly crawled towards his knife. Andrew kicked it away. I held the Whisperer down and Jonah walked up to him. He grabbed his leg and bent it backwards.

There was a loud crack sound from his leg. The Whisperer screamed in pain as his leg was broken. Andrew walked over to the knife and grabbed it. He then walked back and stabbed the Whisperer in the head as he was screaming.

We quickly jogged to the armoury. We made it and there was no Whisperers around. We walked in. I saw Jonah grab his double sided spear, Georgia grabbed her fancy curved machete and Andrew grabbed his mace which has a spiky end on it. I looked around and saw Kane's two handed sword. I slowly grabbed it. I held it tightly in my hand and we all walked outside.

The Whisperer was right. There were about five more Whisperers walking through the gate.

"Georgia and Jonah you take the old ones! Ana and I will deal with the new ones!" Andrew yelled.

We all nodded at each other and split off into our teams. I ran with Andrew to the gate. I held tightly with two hands on the sword as the five Whisperers all took out their knives.

Andrew and I stood still and firm as they all slowly walked up to us. Suddenly they all sprinted at us. Kane's sword is really long so I quickly swiped it as hard as I could at the Whisperers. It was very affective. I chopped off two of the Whisperers heads and cut off one of the Whisperers arm. The Whisperer fell to the floor and clenched his arm as it bled.

Andrew swung his mace at a Whisperer and it quickly fell to the ground like it was running into a metal pole really fast. There was two Whisperers left. One of whom was crying on the ground because of his arm. The Whisperer looked at us and quickly turned around. She ran away heading outside of the community. I was going to chase her.

"Leave her. Get the gate closed" Andrew said.

I quickly climbed the guard tower and turned the handle which closes the gate. Once I closed the gate I climbed down and walked beside Andrew. He looked at me and then looked back at everyone else running around and panicking.

"We need to go help Georgia and Jonah" Andrew said.

We both quickly ran off looking for them. I then heard fighting nearby. I pulled Andrew to the left and we both ran towards it. We came across Georgia and Andrew struggling to fight off three Whisperers. We quickly came in. I cut off the head of the Whisperer attacking Georgia and Andrew swung his mace at the Whisperer attacking Jonah hitting it in the face. The Whisperers were dead. We all caught our breath.

"Wasn't there more?" I asked.


I was hiding in a house next to the front gate. Gabriella was out helping with the Whisperers. I looked out the window and saw two Whisperers running out through the front gate. I looked at Prince.

"Prince. I saw two Whisperers escape. We need to follow them and make them never come back again" I said.

Prince nodded we both ran out of the house and ran after the Whisperers. We stayed behind them and followed them back to their base. They stopped at a Supermarket called Welland. It was a long walk. Prince and I looked around the corner and saw all of the Whisperers gathered around the two escaped Whisperers.

"How did it go?" Alpha asked.

"We lost. They were too strong" One of the escapes Whisperers said.

Alpha took off her mask. She looked really angry. She took out her knife and walked over to both of the Whisperers. She put her finger up to her mouth like she was trying to keep them quiet. She then stabbed one of the Whisperers in the neck. Blood squirted out everywhere. Prince and I quickly looked away in horror. We both started to cry because we were too scared.

I heard a crunch from breaking sticks behind us. I slowly turned around and saw a tall man looking over us. He had two large knives in his hands and looked really scary.

"what are you two doing here?" He whispered smiling.

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