Chapter 21

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I am finally out of the hospital. I am able to walk around without someone keeping an eye on me constantly. Now that I was able to walk it was time to find out if we have a traitor amongst us.

Andrew, Georgia, Jonah and I were all sitting in the meeting room. There was one seat empty. That seat was where Kane used to sit. We all were looking at it, waiting for Connor to finally arrive.

"He was the nicest man I have ever met. He would always be there for you. He was a good man. He cared for everyone. It's like I always say 'we always lose the good people and the bad people live'. I guess that's true now" Andrew said.

"We aren't the bad people" I said.

"Maybe we are. I've killed many people before. People that have a family. People that were probably like Kane. I'm sure all of us has killed people. How does that make us good people?" Andrew said.

"Because the people we killed were killed for a reason. They threaten us and our family. So we fight back" I said.

"Aren't the bad people doing the same thing?" Andrew asked.

It was quiet for a few seconds. The door opened slowly and Connor walked in. He sat down on Kane's seat and put his hands onto the table.

"Did you gather the people?" Andrew asked.

"I did they are all outside. I don't believe any of them did it though" Connor said.

"Bring then in one by one please, and don't talk" I said.

Connor nodded. He stood up and walked back outside. He came back with a woman. She looked scared and confused. She had short hair like Andrews. She sat down and looked at us.

"Why am I here?" She asked.

"What's your name?" Andrew asked.

"I'm Judy" She said.

"Ok, Judy. We were attacked by a group of Whisperers the other day. They somehow knew that we were heading that way. So we believe that there's a traitor working with the Whisperers. Can you tell me, what were you doing six days ago?" I said.

"I was with my new boyfriend. We were having a meal together and then I went back to his house. That's all. You really think I would be with the Whisperers. I would never. They are animals" Judy said.

"Ok. Do you know anyone who might be suspicious?" Georgia asked.

"Trent. He was drunk yesterday. He was acting like he was a Whisperer. But he was drunk. But other then him, no. This community is too kind. I doubt anyone would do something like that" Judy said.

We all looked at each other. I looked back at Judy.

"Ok. Thank you" I said.

She stood up and walked out. Connor then quickly stood up and brought in the next person. This time it was a man. He looked a bit more relaxed and confident. He sat down and rested his feet on the table. Georgia pushes his feet off.

"You mind?" He said.

"Name?" I asked.

"Names Trent. Damn you are a fine looking lady" He said.

"This isn't a date. This is serious" Andrew said getting annoyed.

"Why are you so strong man?" Trent asked Andrew.

We all looked at each other. He was clearly drunk. Maybe this could be a could time to get the truth from him.

"Do you remember what you were doing six days ago?" I asked.

"Um yeah! I was drunk. I was at my friends house and he kicked me out because I vomited on his bed. Then I was walking around alone" Trent said.

"Someone said that you were acting like a Whisperer?" Andrew said.

"Yeah! You wanna see it!?" Trent asked excited.

We nodded and all sat back to watch him. Trent stood up and started walking around the table like a zombie. He then all of a sudden stopped and pulled out an invisible knife. He then started running around the table. Then he walked up to Georgia and pretended to cut her head off. He then pretended to hold it up in the sky. I looked away. It brought back memories of Kane my husband and many others. Andrew could tell I was upset.

"That's enough" Andrew said looking at me putting his hand out to me.

I shook my head at him telling him that I'm fine. I cleared my throat.

"Why are you doing that?" I asked.

"Because it's funny!" Trent said laughing.

"It's funny? Excuse me? So all of those people dying is funny?" I said angrily.

"I mean no. But the Whisperers are funny" Trent said.

We all looked at him in shock. He has no idea what the Whisperers are like.

"I lost my husband because of them. They cut his head off, and put it on a fucking stick. To show the world, and you stand in front of me and tell me that they are funny. You the hell are you!" I said angrily.

I stood up and stormed out of the room. I heard Trent say sorry as I walked out but I kept walking. I needed fresh air. I looked behind me and saw Georgia following me. She stood next to me and put her hand onto my back. I wiped away my tears.

"Do you think he is the traitor?" Georgia asked.

I thought about it for a while. But I don't think he was. He's just putting on a show. He seems stupid as well.

"No. I don't think he is. We need to keep looking" I said.

"Yeah. I doubt he is. Come on. We still got a few more people to get through" Georgia said agreeing with me.

"If you don't mind. Could I stay out here for a little longer. I just need some fresh air. I'll come back in soon" I said.

"Ok. That's fine" Georgia said.

Georgia gave me a hug and walked back inside. I leaned against the wall and tried to think of anything else then my husband. All I can remember is seeing his head being buried. Without a body. I shook my head and walked back inside. Thankfully they were up to another person. It was Claire.

"Hey Ana" Claire said.

"Hey Claire. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Connor told me about you guys going out to Melbourne" Claire said.

"Why" I asked.

"I was looking for you. I wanted to ask you if we can release Paul yet?" Claire asked.

"It's not up to me. It's up to Connor" I said.

"Ok" Claire said.

"Claire you can go. I know you wouldn't do something like this" I said.

Claire stood up and walked over to me. She hugged me and thanked me. She then walked outside.

A few hours later I stood up and I didn't hear any jingling from the cell keys. I patted myself down trying to find them but they weren't on me. I then remembered about Claire. I started to panic.

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