Chapter 10

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I woke up early in the morning. Like most days. It's hard to get to sleep, and when I do, I don't sleep very long. I slowly slipped out of bed and looked over at Prince like I do every night. He was fast asleep like normal. I put on my shoes and walked outside. The light blinded me as I walked across the oval which was completely just dirt. There was only little patches of grass.

Today I was going to work my ass off on the crops. I need to try to make them better then they ever were so I can persuade the rest of my people that we can stay here with only a few people. At the moment there are only about twenty people here. It will be hard to keep this place going, but I'm gonna try as hard as I can.

I got up to put crops. I quickly looked over them and then walked away to get a bucket to water the crops. I walked all the way to the gardening shed and walked inside. I grabbed a bucket and shook everything that was inside it out. I then turned around and walked to our water system.

I filled the bucket up with water and walked back to the crops. As I was walking back I saw leaves all over the ground. I quickly walked up to the crops and saw that all of our crops were ripped apart, out of the ground. All the tomatoes were squished on the floor or thrown far away from the crops. Someone is trying to sabotage me.

I grabbed my hair and screamed. Everything was going horrible. Not only the Whisperers killed a lot of our people but they also have us traumatised after what they did changing our lives forever. Now everyone is going to want to go to Port Adelaide, and leave this place behind them.

"Fuck!" I yelled.

"Are you ok?" Gabriella said behind me.

I turned around and faced her. I was angry and she could tell. Her face completely went down and she looked shocked.

"Did you do this!?" I yelled pointing to the crops.

Gabriella slowly stepped forward and looked at all of the crops. She looked as shocked as I was.

"No. Ana I didn't. What the hell happened?" Gabriella asked.

"I went to get water to feed the plants and I came back and they were all ripped up out of the ground" I said.

Gabriella looked to the floor. I knew she was going to tell me. She is going to tell me that we can't stay here. I could see it in her eyes. I nodded no back at her. She closed her eyes and rubbed them.

"Ana this isn't good news. We don't have any food to keep us going here, and with the people we have we won't be able to replant. We are gonna have to leave" Gabriella said.

I looked over at the crops. I thought that it was a coincidence for her to walk past at this very moment.

"You did this didn't you? I mean you walked right past me as soon as I see this" I said.

Gabriella looked up at me.

"Ana. I swear I didn't do this. I would never do something like this" Gabriella said.


"We want to leave!" A man said in the crowd.

"Let us go! We can't live here!" A woman said.

A crowd of about ten or more were crowding around the front gate wanting to leave after hearing the news of the crops.

"It's not safe to go!" I said.

"Why did you let the others leave then?" A man said.

They started to push and shove. Soon there was no chance in even trying. They pushed their ways through us and were heading towards Port Adelaide.

I fell to my knees in frustration. After most of the people left before we had twenty people now ten people just left then and now we have a small group. I know we don't have enough to survive here. But I'm not leaving this place.

Gabriella looked over to me. She grabbed my wrist. I quickly tugged my hand away.

"Ana. There's not enough people here. We have to go as well. All of us" Gabriella said.

"No. No I'm not leaving this place" I said.

"I thought we were giving her a chance" Samantha said behind me.

"We were until more people left. Ana if you're not going I am. I need to think of Samantha and Stella here. Maybe you should let me take Prince, if you want to stay" Gabriella said.

"Fine. Take him. But I'm staying here" I said.

Soon everyone was packed and ready to go except for me. I said goodbye to everyone as they were about to leave. But Hayley and Gabriella were talking about something. Then Hayley all of a sudden turned around and walked towards me. She stood next to me and waved to Gabriella goodbye.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Well you can't stay here alone. So I'll give you a little company" Hayley said.

I walked over to the gate and closed it.

"I don't need it" I said.

"Ana. Come sit with me. Let's have a chat" Hayley said.

I nodded and walked over to her. I sat next to her and waited for her to talk.

"So. I know everything is hard at the moment. But would you like to talk about something to me. Anything on your mind, you would like to get out?" Hayley said.

I thought of Lauren. I missed her a lot. I remembered back to the day we took drugs together.

"I miss Lauren. She was becoming a very close friend, then she left. I miss her. It's hard to make decisions without her. She helped me get through life. She was so happy all the time, and then I screwed up and she hated me. I never should of said what I said. She would still be here if it wasn't for me" I said.

"You sound like you're saying she's dead. Because she isn't. She's still alive. Somewhere. Just trying to find herself. Or cooling down. Maybe she will come back" Hayley said.

"But that's a reason I wanna stay. What if she comes back and we are all gone?" I said.

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