Chapter 8

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In addition to my father being taken, no my mother was taken. Yesterday. We haven't seen her since. Same with my father. Now it's just me and my brother. With our hands tied behind our backs.

The door quickly opened and one of the men walked in. He had something in both of his hands. He threw the thing in his right hand onto the ground and it rolled over to me. It was a hand. With a ring that belonged to my mother on one of the fingers. I started to cry. I wanted to scream but I couldn't because of the thing over my mouth. The man then started to eat something. He looked down at me.

"You're mother is quite tasty" he said.

They must of eaten my father as well. I started to cry even more. As the man got onto his knees I started to hear loud bangs. Like it was from gunfire. The man stood up and made a run towards the loud noises. But he dropped a knife. As he ran out of the room and reached for the knife with my leg. It didn't take long until I finally reached it. I dragged it behind me to my hands and I picked it up. I then started to cut at the rope around my wrist. Once I was free I went to my brother and let him free. We didn't even talk. We just ran for it. Once we got out the fresh air going through us felt like nothing before. It felt amazing. We were finally free.


My brother and I slowly limbed down the road together. We had no food or water, and to top all of that off my brother has stated to show signs of a sickness. He's been sweating and coughing a lot. It could be an infection or something which means we need to find some antibiotics.

"Let's go check that house" my brother said.

Just because he was a few years older then me he thought he should be the top dog. Even though he's sick. We made it to the house and my brother collapsed onto the couch. I rolled my eyes and searched the house. I found a box with antibiotics written on it. I opened it and checked inside. There was only one left. I quickly ran downstairs to my brother.

"Here look I found one antibiotic" I said.

My brother didn't respond. I looked up at him.

"Wake up" I said shaking him.

He didn't even move. I shook him more.

"Wake up!" I yelled.

He didn't respond. I quickly felt to see if he had a pulse. But he didn't.

"No! Don't leave me alone! I can't survive alone! Don't leave me!" I yelled crying.


I was hoping that some miracle will happen and he will wake up. But I knew it wouldn't happen. He will wake up but he's not going to be my brother anymore. I knew that I had to take him out. I stood out my knife and put it up to his head. I closed my eyes.

I couldn't get myself to put him down. I dropped the knife and started to cry into my hands. I wish I was eaten by those people instead of my mum and dad. I rested my head onto my brothers stomach and cried.

I sat there for about a hour, waiting for him to wake up. Waiting for him to turn. Soo enough I saw his hand twitch. His eyes opened. I looked into his eyes and saw the cloudy colour in them. He turned. I stood up and slowly walked away as he got up he saw me and slowly started to limp towards me making moaning and groaning noises. I quickly ran outside. My brother followed me. I closed my eyes.

"Please bite me" I said.m

I heard a gunshot, and all of a sudden my brother stopped making groaning noises. I heard him fall to the ground with a large thud. Then I heard three or four people running up to me.

I slowly opened my eyes. There were actually three of them. They had a gun to my head. I stood still as they all crowded around me.

"Search her" one of the men said.

Another man started to search me. I had nothing on me. All of my things were inside.

"Do you have a place?" The man asked.

I nodded no.

"How come you don't have a single weapon then?" The man asked.

I didn't respond. He nudged me hard. It really hurt.

"All of my things are in that house. I'm alone" I said starting to shake.

They all put their guns down.

"What's your name?" A man asked.

"Lauren. My names Lauren" I said.

"Well Lauren. Why don't you join us?" He asked.

"And who is us?" I asked.

"The Silent" The man grinned.

"You weren't very quiet" I said grinning back.


I think back everyday. About my mother, about my father, and about my brother. I think everyday about what we went through. But I've been playing along for too long. I have to be who I am. I have to find the Whisperers. They are my best chance to become who I was.

I grabbed my backpack filled with food and water. I then left a note on my table which read 'I'm sorry. But I've been playing this make believe story for too long. I am leaving to find out who I really am. Don't come looking for me. Let me be. Use your time to find Sam. Thank you. Lauren'.

I slowly walked out of my room and closed the door behind me. I looked around for the last time. As I slowly walked towards the fence. I climbed up onto the roof of a nearby house and climbed onto the fence. I then quickly jumped over and I was out. I headed towards Renmark. On foot it would take about four days maybe longer.

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