Chapter 18

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I was walking down a dark road at nighttime. There was only one light to guide me. It was on the road really far away. I kept following the road till I got to the light. I put my hand out to touch it and it disappeared. I then started to hear voices. Lots of them. The voices sounded familiar to me. I then turned around and saw a man standing still facing away from me. All I could see was his back.

I slowly walked up to him. He wasn't moving at all. As I got closer I realised that he had a prosthetic leg made out of metal. That's when I noticed it was Sam. I quickly ran up to him and grabbed his shoulder. I pulled him around to face me.

"Sam!" I yelled excited to see that he was alive.

As he turned around his face was normal. Like the last time I saw him. But then all of a sudden his skin started to decay and he quickly turned into a zombie. I slowly stepped back tripping over myself. He turned around fully and started to slowly chase me. I slowly crawled away in fear. But then Sam said something as his jaw fell off.

"We all die someday" He said.

He started to run and he got me. He then bit me on my neck and I screamed. But then everything went black, and I started to hear people. As I woke up I saw Kane over me shaking me to wake up.

"Ana. It's time to go" Kane said.

I slowly got up trying to remembering my dream. But like most dreams you forget them in a matter of minutes. I stretched myself out and then put my shoes on. We all packed up our things and got ready to leave. I grabbed the food bag and my bag. We all then walked to the garage and got our horses. We slowly pulled our horses out from the garage and put our bags onto them. I looked behind me and saw a zombie walking towards me. I took out my small knife and stabbed it in the head. The zombie fell to the ground.

I slowly walked back to my horse and got onto it. Kane, Andrew and I all waited for Georgia and Jonah to get onto their horses. Once they got on we rode onto the road and headed for Melbourne. We were close but we still had a lot of riding to do. I would guess we still have six hours of riding until we get to Melbourne. Then we are gonna have to look for the community.

We were on a long main road. There were lots of broke down cars on the side of the road. Each cat had its own vines and flowers growing out of it. I was paying too much attention to the vines and flowers. A zombie walked out in front of me when I was looking at the cars and my horse stopped suddenly. I lost my grip and I flu off of the horse landing on my side.

"Ana!" Kane yelled.

I was in lots of pain. It's possible that I dislocated something. I remembered the zombie and looked up. It was just standing in the middle of the road. Not moving. Then all of a sudden zombies walked out from behind cars all around us. We were surrounded.

Kane jumped off of his horse and ran to me. He helped me up. But I couldn't stand on my right leg. I noticed that my right leg was dislocated.

"Argh. My right... leg is dislocated" I said in pain.

Kane put his arm around me. We both looked up at the zombies. One of them stepped forward and slowly put its hand to its sleeve. The zombie took out a knife. It couldn't be. How could the Whisperers know we were out here?

"Whisperers!" Andrew yelled.

Everyone got off of their horses. They took out their weapons. Andrew has a mace with a spiky end to it. Georgia has a fancy curved machete and Jonah has a spear with two ends on it. Kane slowly put me down and took out a large two handed medieval sword. I wanted to get up to help but I couldn't. There were about eleven Whisperers and five of us.

"you die now" all the Whisperers whispered at the same time.

Everyone looked terrified. Kane tightened his grip on his sword as the Whisperers rushed us all at once. A Whisperer went straight for me so Kane quickly shielded me with his sword. He kicked the Whisperer away and chopped the Whisperer's head off. Georgia, Andrew and Jonah were all in a large battle taking down lots of Whisperers at a time. My vision started getting blurry. Kane looked at me. I looked at him and then I saw him flinch.

He slowly moved his hands down to his stomach. I saw blood squirting out of his mouth and his hands and arms became bloody. I saw the large knife through his stomach. The knife was taken out and he was stabbed again, again, again, again.

"" I tried to say while I was in pain.

I saw Georgia quickly running over. She took out the Whisperer who killed Kane and quickly ran to me. There was only two Whisperers left. But all I could think about was Kane. He was moving. He was just laying on the floor with his hands on his stomach, where he was stabbed first.

I blacked out as Andrew took out the last Whisperer. I could hear the horses galloping as I was unconscious. I woke up every now and then and looked at the road moving past. I could see the vines and flowers all growing from it. All the different sizes and lengths of cracks and all the different colours. It was beautiful. I blacked out again.

I woke up and I could see Sam. He wasn't a zombie though. He was right there in front of me. I slowly walked to him. He smiled at me.

"Sam?" I said.

"Hey" Sam said.

As I walked up to him I put my hand out towards him. He looked at my hand and slowly touched my hand with his. He looked into my eyes and smiled.

"I miss you" I said.

"I miss you too. You don't have to look for me anymore. Just forget me. I've been gone for too long. I'm probably dead. Focus on other matters. Like Prince, or Lauren" Sam said.

"Don't say things like that. Of course I'm gonna keep looking. There are people who miss you. Your daughter misses you. She wants to see you again. She needs you. She want make it without you. So no I'm not gonna give up" I said.

"That's why I love you. You never give up" Sam said.

"Just like you" I said.

"No. You are different. You lived longer then me" Sam said.

"The communities fell apart. Without you here. Without Hunter. Everyone just left. They all left for Port Adelaide. It's going to be even harder to get the world back to what it used to be" I said.

"You can manage. Trust me. You will create a better future. For you and your children" Sam said.

"Ok. I will try" I said.

"Before I go. Tell Samantha that I love her, and so does her mum" Sam said.

"I will" I said.

"Well. You should really wake up" Sam said.

It felt like I was falling. All of a sudden I took a large breath in and I was back on the horse. It was very bright. The sun hurt my eyes. I rubbed them and looked up to see where I was. I was still on the horse. I was on Kane's horse. He smiled at me. But I scratched my eyes and his face turned into Andrews.

"You're ok?" Andrew said.

"I guess" I said.

I leaned onto Andrew back and looked behind me. I saw Georgia on her horse. She smiled back at me. Behind her was Jonah. He had two horses attached to his horse. My horse and Kane's horse. I looked at Kane's horse. Laying over it was Kane's body. It looked lifeless. I started to cry into Andrews shoulder. Andrew rested his head onto mine.

"We are almost back home" Andrew said.

"What about Melbourne?" I asked.

"We turned straight back to Port Adelaide after the attack" Andrew said.

I nodded and looked down at the road again. I watched the road quickly go past. Until I fell asleep.

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