Chapter 30

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'To Dad.

You may never read this. You might not even be alive. But I haven't seen you in a long time. A very long time. I miss you. I wish I will get to see you again.

If you do ever return you will have to be up to date on what's been going on. We defeated the Whisperers. About twenty three years ago. But people died. Your father died. The Whisperers attacked them. Claire and Paul died. Connor died, but we found out that he was a traitor, he was working for the Whisperers. But the saddest was Ana. She died trying to protect Lauren.

After we lost her we moved on. To Melbourne. We found a place. The place is just like the world before, apparently. The world I never got to see. Now twenty three years in the world is back. We haven't seen a zombie in five years. We are safe.

I can't wait to meet you again. I can't remember you as much anymore. But I remember that you loved me. That you saved my life. So please come back. Where ever you are.

Lots of love from Samantha Rose
Your daughter'

I slowly put the letter I wrote onto my bedroom table. I stretched my legs out and stood up. I slowly walked up to my bedroom door. I opened the door and looked out.

Underdale High is really coming together. Two years ago I moved here, with a construction crew. Together we built this place back up. Now Underdale is one of the main safe zones. We've expanded the community. Instead of just the school it's the entire suburbs as well.

I walked past everyone. This place brought in a lot of people from everywhere. People love to come by and visit, so they can see the history of the Trials. The Trials is what we call the time before. When the zombies used to walk around everyday.

"Hey Samantha!" I heard someone yell to me.

I turned around and saw Prince running over to me. He dropped a wooden box he was holding.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Melbourne?" I asked.

"No. I moved here. This is my new home" Prince said smiling.

"Gabriella was ok with that?" I asked.

"Yeah. I mean it took a lot of time to get her to agree but I'm here now" Prince said.

I started to walked away. I had to go and work on the crops. Prince followed me.

"You look really good today" Prince said smiling nervously.

I laughed and looked at Prince.

"Come on Prince. How many times do I have to tel you. I'm just not into you that way. I'm sorry" I said.

"One day you will be. Trust me. I'll leave you to your job. I need to find a room. Could I sleep with you? Prince asked me joking.

"In your dreams. I'll see you later" I laughed.

I walked over to our crops and food. The entire oval is where we grow our crops. There is a also a park nearby that we use. I crouched down to check on the tomatoes. They were very red. Tomorrow I think we could start to pick them. I stood up and turned around. I saw the spot where apparently my father led the horde. I stood still looking at the corner.

All of a sudden my head started to hurt. I quickly ran over to the water tank that we use to water the crops. I splashed my face with the water and took lots of deep breaths. I started to hear moaning from zombies playing over and over again in my brain. I started to have flashbacks of my father fighting the horde. I leaned against the water tank. I breathed in calmly. My headache disappeared as I stood up straight.

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