Chapter 20

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The doctor walked in. He had a piece of paper clipped to a clipboard and a pencil that he was tapping on the top of it.

"Alright. It's time for you to get up and moving so you can keep that leg nice and strong" The doctor said.

I nodded. The doctor helped me slowly get out of bed. First I put my left leg onto the floor. But then my right leg was next. The leg I dislocated. I slowly dragged it across the bed. Once I got to the edge of the bed I got ready for my leg to drop. Slowly I lifted it off of the bed and my leg quickly dropped to the floor. It was a little bit painful but I stayed strong.

"Ok. Now try to stand up. It's ok if you can't" The doctor said.

I slowly stood up putting all of my weight onto my left leg. Then slowly I put my weight onto my right leg. It hurt a lot.

"Argh!" I yelled in pain.

I quickly sat back down on the bed and clutched at my leg. It hurts so much.

"Well that was a start" The doctor said.

"I guess" I laughed.

The doctor wrote something down on the piece of paper. He the. Looked up at me.

"Ok. I want you to wiggle your ankle, your foot, your toes and your knee around as much as possible. Get the right leg moving. But don't do it constantly. Tomorrow we will see if the pain is gone a little" The doctor said.

The doctor wrote something else down. He then turned around and was about to walk out.

"Wait" I said.

He turned around and faced me. His left eyebrow was raised a little and his glasses moved up with the eyebrow.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Doctor Stevens" The doctor said walking out.

I slowly laid back down on my bed. My head was throbbing. I heard the door open again. It was Hayley. She walked in and sat next to me.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" Hayley asked.

"Pretty shit at the moment" I said wiping the sweat off of my forehead with the back of my hand.

Hayley looked kind of upset. I reached for her hand and held it. She looked up at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

She slowly looked up at me as a few tears ran down her cheeks. I held both of her hands as she cried. She sniffled and then looked at me.

"I was the one who made us move. I sabotaged the crops. I'm sorry. If I didn't sabotage them then maybe you would be fine, and we would still be at Mount Barker" Hayley said.

I was shocked. I thought Gabriella would of been the one who did it. I held her hand tighter. I was kind of pissed but it's in the past now, and Port Adelaide is a pretty good community.

"Look. It's ok. Me being in this hospital bed isn't your fault. But, may I ask. Why did you sabotage the crops?" I asked.

"I, I couldn't live at Mount Barker anymore. It just wasn't home anymore. Without anyone there. We would of died. I didn't want to take the risk" Hayley said.

I relaxed myself a little on the bed and closed my eyes.

"Thank you for telling me" I said.

Hayley smiled. She got up and hugged me softly.

"I have to go. I'll come back and check on you later" Hayley said smiling.

"Ok. See you" I said as Hayley walked out of the hospital.

I played with my fingers a little because it became a little boring. I had nothing to do so I decided to get some sleep. I slowly closed my eyes and let myself to drift asleep.

I was dreaming. It was a weird dream. I was running from someone. The man had shadows all over his face and was impossible to see who he was. The pathway I was on was flashing red lights and was really foggy. It was completely pitch black as well. The man was like a giant. He was right over me. I was running for ever when I came across a door. I quickly walked up to the door and opened it.

I walked inside and looked around. The room was a really bright white. Almost blinding me from how white it was. I saw a man in the distance it looked like Kane my dead husband. He turned around and smiled at me.

"We all die someday" he said.

A massive knife came out of nowhere and chopped his head off. This reminded me of what the Whisperers did to Kane. His head landed in my arms. I looked down at his head. His eyes were closed but then suddenly they opened. I freaked out and woke up.

I was breathing hard. I looked around the room and noticed that it was nighttime. I sighed with relief that it was just a dream and slowly relaxed back down onto my bed. I put my arm up to my forehead and looked up at the roof. The only thing that was lighting the room was a small candle in the corner of the room.

It started to rain and I listened to it. I loved the sound it makes when rain hits metal roofing. It sounds so calming and makes me cosy. I fell asleep again, listening to the pouring rain.


I woke up with Dr. Stevens sitting next to, waiting for me to wake up.

"You're awake" Dr. Stevens said.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

"You ready for some more rehab?" Dr. Stevens asked.

"Yeah. I guess. I'm a little tired though" I said.

"It's better to get it over and done with. Ok so wiggle your toes for me please" Dr. Stevens said getting straight into it.

I wiggled my toes on my right leg.

"Ok. Now circle your feet using your ankle" Dr. Stevens said.

I circled my foot. It didn't hurt as much. There was still a little bit of pain.

"Now bend you knees over and over" Dr. Stevens said.

I bent my knees and it felt way better. I looked at Dr. Stevens and smiled.

"It doesn't hurt as much" I said.

"That's good you must of been doing this last night, yes?" Dr. Stevens said.

"Yeah. A little bit" I said.

"Ok. Let's get you up on your feet and see how you do" Dr. Stevens said helping me out of bed.

I took a few steps and my right leg wasn't hurting as much. I walked around the room for about five minutes and then went back to my bed when it started to hurt.

"It hurts a little still. But it's good" I said smiling.

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