Chapter 14

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I woke up in the warm bed. I slowly spun around and saw Hayley facing towards me. Her eyes were shut closed and she was still asleep. I slowly stood up.

It wasn't raining anymore. But I could hear that it was still a little windy. I walked towards the front window and pulled the curtains away. The window was fogged up so I wiped the fog off with my hand. I looked outside. I noticed that the bucket we put outside last night was now full of rain water. There was water dripping out from the bucket overflowing.

The wind stopped for a little and it went quiet. All I could hear was a few drips of water from the gutters. As I looked out carefully a zombie jumped out of nowhere and started trying to grab me. I jumped a little but I then just looked at it. When ever I see a zombie I'm reminded of what happened. What Alpha did to us. It scares me. It's all I can think about.

I walked to the front door and opened it. The zombie slowly turned around and started limping towards me with it arms out ready to grab me. I took out my knife and stabbed it right in the head. The zombie fell to the ground. I walked back inside and closed the door. As I was walking into the lounge room I saw that Hayley was awake.

"What happened?" Hayley said yawning.

"It was just a zombie" I said.

Hayley nodded and stood up. She stretched out her arms, legs and neck while yawning. She then looked at me.

"We are gonna have to get going soon. Prince is probably waiting for you" Hayley said.

I nodded and continued walking into the lounge room. I sat down on the couch and looked at the tv. The tv had a large crack through it. As I was looking at the tv I thought of Lauren all of a sudden. I remembered the moment we had when we kissed each other.

"I miss Lauren" I said.

"I know you do. I do too" Hayley said.

I looked up at Hayley as my eyes went watery. She looked at me in a way that she knew I was being serious and I didn't want to joke around.

"Before Lauren left we were out looking for Sam together. We were both sitting up on the roof of a house, she offered me some drugs we found, and then we kissed. I don't know if it was just because we were both really high. Or if she actually had feelings for me. Then I threatened her and she left. It was all my fault" I said.

Hayley sat down on the edge of the couch. She looked at me and put her hand onto my shoulder.

"It wasn't your fault" Hayley said.

"And how do you know that?" I asked her.

"Because that was her decision to leave. Even if you didn't threaten her or whatever then she would of still left. This is her fault not yours" Hayley said.

"Then why do I feel guilty?" I asked.

Hayley sighed and shrugged.

"I feel guilty about many things. People I killed who tried to kill me, I remember them everyday. I think about them being people, like I used to be. They would of had jobs, kids, a family. I feel guilty. But then I think. If I didn't kill them I wouldn't be here. I would be dead, and those people would have another few days or more to kill others. You see where I'm getting here?" Hayley said.

I nodded. I stood up and pat Hayley on her shoulder. I gave her a little grin.

"Let's go" I said.

She stood up and we both walked out. Hayley grabbed the horse and I grabbed the bucket full of rain water. I filled out water bottles up and I took a drink. I then put it into the horse satchel and got on. Hayley climbed onto the horse and put her arms around me. I started to ride heading for Port Adelaide.

"How long?" Hayley asked.

"About less then thirty minutes" I said.

It felt shorter but we made it to Port Road. We now just needed to follow it until we got to the river.

Soon enough I could see the river. We were on a hill and I could see the sun shinning on the water. I looked out past the river and saw Port Adelaide. I saw the fences surrounding it. I sped up a little and rode down the hill. As we rode down the hill trees covered the view of Port Adelaide.

We made it down to the river. Where the bridge was that we built. We slowly rode over it. We did well making it. It's a strong bridge. Thanks to Sam. He pushed us enough just to get the bridge done perfectly.

We got to the other side of the bridge. I could see the front gate to Port Adelaide. We rode up to it and the guard saw us. He looked at us and aimed his spear at us.

"Tell me your name's and what community!" The guard yelled.

"My name is Hayley. I'm from Mount Barker" Hayley said.

"I'm Ana, leader of Mount Barker" I said.

The guard nodded and smiled.

"I can't believe your here" the guard said opening the gate.

In Port Adelaide most of the people think that Sam is some sort of god now. They respect him a lot. He's basically the first celebrity in this new world, and who ever knew him and fought with him was also known to be a little famous. I slowly rode in. The guard told us to hitch our horse with the others.

We rode to the stable and hitched our horse. I was excited to see Prince again. I quickly got off of the horse and ran away to find him. I saw Gabriella in the distance and ran over to her. Around her she had Samantha, Prince and Stella. I tapped Prince on his shoulder. He turned around and gave me a big smile. He hugged me hard as a few tears ran down my face.

"I won't leave you again Prince" I said.

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