Chapter 25

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It was late at night. I was walking alone towards my room. It's lonely without Prince here. I was never a good mother. I wasn't good enough for him. He deserves better. Now he's somewhere with Samantha probably scared to death. Since he disappeared I think everyday if Prince and Samantha are a still alive. But half of me believes they are dead. It's the Whisperers we're talking about here.

I was walking down an alley way which leads to the Main Street. As I was walking down I saw two black figures against the left side of the wall. As I got closer I started to hear spray paint cans. I could see the two men. They were both wearing black hoodies and were hiding their faces.

"Hey! What are you guys doing?!" I yelled getting their attention.

They looked at me and quickly made a run for it. They dropped the cans on the floor and ran down the alley way. Then they vanished. I walked up to the wall and looked at it. Graffitied onto the wall with white spray paint was 'Silence The Whisperers'. The paint was dripping a little down the wall. I stood there and looked at the paint slowly dripping down.

I slowly stepped back. I started to have memories of the Whisperers. I saw flashbacks of my husbands head being put into a grave. I saw flashbacks of the Whisperers killing Kane as he held onto me so I could stand up. I saw flashbacks of the Whisperers attacking this place and killing a lot of people.

I quickly walked backwards. I was shocked. I walked back into the wall behind me. I fell onto the ground. I was having a panic attack. I slowly breathed in and out. Slowly I started to feel better. I stood up and brushed the dust and dirt off of my clothes. I then walked down the alley way back to my room.

I made it to my room and walked in. I slowly fell onto my bed and closed my eyes. I started to cry. I am scared. I'm scared of the Whisperers. They are different to others that we have fought against before. They get into your head and change you completely. I slowly fell asleep while I was crying.


I woke up. I saw my pillow. On my pillow next to my face was a wet circle. I must of been crying all night. Even during my sleep. If I even did sleep. I slowly got myself up and my skin felt sticky and wet. I rubbed my eyes and brushed my cheeks with my hands. I then slowly got out of bed and put on my shoes.

Today is the first day of training. Like I promised everyone in my speech. I heard that the blacksmith is working on shields and weaponry for the war. I haven't meet the blacksmith yet. I decided to go say hello before I go to the training.

It was a short walk to a grassy open park. I saw the small house built by Port Adelaide. The house was where the blacksmith works. I walked up to the door and I was about to knock.

"Hello Ana. What have you come to me for?" The blacksmith asked.

I turned around and saw him. He had a large black beard with a grey baseball cap on facing forward. He has blue eyes and looks like he is in his forties. I walked over to him and put my hand out.

"I've come to meet you. What's your name?" I said smiling as he shook my hand.

"My name is Earl Sutton, nice to meet you" He said coughing.

Earl walked over to his work station which was underneath a veranda. He put on an apron and picked up a shield. It was a long shield. It was about Hal of my height maybe taller. It had spikes all along the edges of it and had a small rectangular hole at the top of it.

"What do you think?" Earl said asking me for my opinion.

I walked up to him and touched the shield. It felt solid and strong.

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