Chapter 4

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I made it back to Mount Barker shortly after Crafers. I hitched my horse next to Anas horse and grabbed my spear. I angrily walked to the armoury and chucked my spear away. I turned around and saw Ana waiting for me with her arms crossed. I jumped back a bit because she came out of nowhere.

"Where have you been?" Ana asked.

"I was looking for Sam" I said walking away.

"I know what you actually did. You went to Crafers didn't you" Ana said.

I was shocked at how she knew that. I looked at her confused.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Because I saw you following me from when I entered the freeway. I then saw you turn off into Crafers. I'm not blind" Ana said.

"No one was there. No Whisperers. No horde. Nothing. Just a few decapitated heads. They must of moved on. They must of left" I said.

"Lauren. You don't want to do this. You don't want revenge. You have to stop trying to find them. Look. It was my fault that Sam disappeared. If I didn't go across the border he would still be with us. You don't want to make the same mistake. Trust me" Ana said.

"I do what I want" I said.

"Yeah. But what happens if what you do puts everyone else's lives in jeopardy?" Ana said.

"I don't have time for this. They killed your fucking boyfriend! They killed all of those people! And you just sit back! You don't want to fight them! You're a fucking coward!" I yelled in her face.

She wiped her face because I must of spat on her while yelling in her face. She looked at me into my eyes.

"If you ever talk about Kane again like that, I swear I will cut you open and use your skin like the Whisperers do. Now backoff" Ana said standing her ground.

I looked at her as a tear went down my cheek. She didn't even look emotional. She looked so strong. She took everything I said. What I said didn't even change her. She still just looked the same. I looked into her eyes as I walked away. She turned around and watched me as I walked back to my room.

I fell onto my bed as my head started to become fuzzy. I started to think thoughts of killing Ana. The same thoughts I had when I was leading the Silence. I started to have memories of what I did. It all came back to me. I hit my head as hard as I could three times.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" I yelled.

More memories cake across my head. I was beginning to be filled with anger. I felt like I was just going to pop like a soda bottle after being tossed around.

"No. Not again. I can't. Not again!" I said.

I couldn't think. I looked down at my hands and noticed they were bleeding. I noticed that I was griping onto my knifes blade. I let go of the knife. I didn't even notice I was doing that. I didn't even feel pain. I felt like my true personality was slowly breaking out. Who I truely was. Silence. That's my group. That's where I belong.


Samantha went back outside and I was left alone, on radio duty again. I was wide awake and ready to try to communicate with these people. I held the microphone tightly waiting for someone to say something. Over the day there has been a few conversations about walls or something. They said they needed to strengthen the walls as much as possible because something was coming their way.

The radio started to buzz and I could hear static. I turned the dials and the voices became clearer.

"Renmark is a shit hole. I hate this place. I want to go back to the city man. I miss that place" A man said.

"Same mate. I used to go to this one pub in Thebarton. It was probably my second home" Another man said.

"Hello! Hello! Who's this!?" I yelled into the mic.

"Yeah it was good times man" the man said.

They didn't even hear me. I tried again.

"Hello?" I said.

"Fuck the end of the world" the man said.

"Fuck!" I yelled throwing the mic onto the floor as hard as I could.

One of the men said Renmark. I wonder if that's where they are. The conversation ended there and no one else was talking. But then all of a sudden I could hear screaming over the radio. Then I could hear a man yelling.

"The Whisperers! Their here!" The man yelled.

"Hurry get.. Argh!" The man yelled.

"Cody?! Cody?! What happened?! Are you there?!" A man yelled.

Did he say Whisperers? Are they still out there. I stood still listening to the people panicking. I could hear people running around and people yelling commands into the walkie talkies. It was horrible. It reminded me of what happened to the Adelaide Oval. It sounded exactly the same. I needed to get Ana. She needs to know about this. I quickly ran outside and saw her. I sprinted towards her.

"Ana!" I yelled.

She turned around and faced me. She looked confused. She walked up to me as I caught my breath.

"What's the problem?" Ana asked.

"The radio! Something is on the radio!" I yelled.

Ana looks shocked. We both ran back to the radio room and we listened to the screaming.

"I've been listening to them for the whole day. They are in Renmark somewhere. But there's something else" I said.

Ana looked over to me. She then looked back at the radio. She knew something. But she didn't tell me.

"The people who are attacking. It's the Whisperers. They are back. The Whisperers are back" I said.

"How do you know?" Ana said.

"One of the people on the walkie talkie said the Whisperers were here. It's got to be them. Who else could it be?" I said.

"Ok. Calm down. We will go check it out tomorrow. I'll take a small group to see it from a far distance to stay safe" Ana said.

Ana walked out. I held my hands to my head. It felt like it was hard to breathe.

"The Whisperers are back" I said to myself.

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