Chapter 24

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I was sitting on my bed in my room. I missed Prince. He hasn't been seen since the attack, and I fear that the Whisperers took him. Samantha is also missing. Gabriella isn't sleeping. Neither am I. We can't get to sleep. We both need to know if they are ok.

The tension is high. The entire community is panicking. Everyone is scared. No one knows what to do. We are all just waiting to be attacked again, and to lose even more people. Connor called a meeting for the entire community to find out what our next action should be.

I stood up and wiped my tears away. I slowly opened my door and walked outside. I saw the crowd of people already flooding around the stage. I walked to the crowd. I saw Gabriella and stood next to her. She was holding Stella. I put my arm around her to comfort her as Connor walked up onto the stage. He stopped in the middle of the stage and looked out at all of us.

"I know that we are in danger right now. We have been since the start. But now it's possible that the Whisperers will come back and attack us again. We need to be ready for them. If they do attack us again. We need to fight back. We can't trust any outsiders anymore. Now onto the next problem. I have heard that two of ours has gone missing. Samantha and Prince. Both have caring mothers. But I am sorry to say this. They are not my problem. We are not going to war with the Whisperers. If they attack us we fight. But we aren't attacking them. I can't risk it. I don't want anyone else dying" Connor said.

The crowd went from being quiet to being loud. Everyone was yelling and disagreeing with Connor. I was as well.

"We need to fight back!" A man yelled.

"We need to save the children!" A woman yelled.

"The Whisperers deserve to be silenced!" A woman yelled.

I stood with Gabriella shocked at Connor saying that he isn't going to do anything about Samantha and Prince. Gabriella and I looked at each other. The crowd started to get riled up. Andrew stepped in.

"Calm down everyone! We will be fine! Listen to Connor! Trust him!" Andrew yelled getting everyone's attention.

A man tried to push past Andrew so Andrew pushed him back. The man was angry so he punched Andrew. All of a sudden there was a brawl. Everyone was punching each other. People were knocked out on the floor. People were bleeding and crying. I could see Andrew trying to stop the fight. But he wasn't doing much. I had an idea.

I quickly turned around and ran to Gabriella's house. I walked in and looked around Samantha's room. I found a small rectangular box under her bed. I took off the lid and looked inside. I found a picture of everyone that she drew when Sam was still alive. I put it down gentle onto the floor and saw what I was looking for. Sam's revolver. The only gun that has bullets.

I quickly picked it up and ran back outside to the brawl. I aimed the revolver in the air. I haven't fired a gun in a long time. I closed my eyes and squeezed the trigger.


Everyone jumped from the loud gunshot. I forgot how loud gunshots were myself. Everyone looked over at me and stopped fighting.

"The next person to throw a punch gets a bullet in the head!" I yelled.

Everyone stood up straight and looked at me. They looked all scared. They all had some sort of injury. Like a black eye or cuts and scratches.

"We shouldn't be fighting each other! We need to use our energy on the Whisperers not ourselves. No one would of wanted this! Sam wouldn't of wanted this! He envisioned a world where we all worked together! Are you all really going to ruin his dream? I don't know about you but I disagree with Connor. I believe we should grab all the weapons we have and go to them. But that would be stupid. We need a plan first. Join me! If you want to fight the Whisperers, and end this war once and for good!" I yelled.

Everyone was silent for a few seconds. Then all of a sudden everyone started to cheer. They were clapping and calling my name.

"Ana! Ana! Ana! Ana! Ana! Ana!" The crowd yelled.

"Shut the fuck up! Why don't we all ask Ana. What is your plan?" Connor asked.

"First off we train everyone to fight. Then while we are training we send groups of people out to try to track where the Whisperers hideout is. When we find it and everyone is trained. We fight, and we end the war" I said.


It was dark and cold. Prince and I were put into a small room. We were locked up. Without food or water. I heard someone unlocking the door. They walked in. They had a zombie mask on. They slowly took it off and put it on the floor. I looked up and saw who it was.

"Hey guys" Lauren said.

"Lauren!" I yelled running to her arms.

I hugged her hard. I missed her a lot. Prince quickly joined in and we hugged each other.

"Keep the noise down. I shouldn't be in here" Lauren said.

Prince and I let go and we both looked at Lauren. She looked tired and unclean. She looked really skinny.

"How is it at home? How's Mount Barker?" Lauren asked.

"Everyone left and went to Port Adelaide. People didn't feel safe. When you left there wasn't enough leaders, and without my dad people were panicking" I said.

"Shit. That's not good. Oh. Um. Sorry for the language. Don't say that word" Lauren said.

"What's shit?" Prince asked.

"Prince don't say that word" Lauren said.

Prince nodded and agreed with Lauren.

"where are you?" A whisper came from outside.

Lauren looked behind her and then looked back at us. She grabbed her mask and put it on.

"I'll get you guys out of here. You need to get back home. These people will kill you" Lauren said.

"Why don't you come with us?" I asked.

"I'm sorry. I can't. This is my home now. These are my people" Lauren said walking out.

Lauren closed and locked the door, and it was dark again. I sat back down on the ground.

"What are we gonna do?" Prince asked me.

"We need to get back and tell them where their base is" I said.

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