Chapter 19

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I woke up and we were riding into the gate of Port Adelaide. It was very dark. I think we must of rode during night time. I don't think Andrew, Georgia and Jonah took a break.

We rode up to the stables and I saw Jonah and Georgia get off their horses. Andrew slowly got off of his horse and walked to the back of it. Georgia walked over to help me off while Jonah watched. They both pulled me down. They put my arms around their shoulders and dragged me to the infirmary. The doctor ran up to me and he pointed to a bed.

Andrew and Georgia quickly dragged me to the bed and laid me down. They caught their breath and both looked at me. They both looked shocked still from the Whisperer attack.

Andrew put his hand onto my shoulder. I looked him in the eyes. I was too weak to respond to him. So I gave him a little smile. I think I must of blacked out. Because that was all I could remember.

I woke up again. The sun light was beaming through the window onto my bed. I looked around and saw Gabriella holding my hand with Stella sleeping on the bed, Samantha at my head and Prince next to Samantha. They all jumped up as they saw me open my eyes.

"Ana!" Gabriella yelled.

"Mummy!" Prince yelled hugging me.

"Ack. Geez a little bit softer" I said.

Prince let go and looked at me. I reached over a little and kissed him on his head. He smiled and put his hands up onto the bed. I looked at Gabriella. She smiled and held my hand tighter.

"What happened? I have only heard small details" Gabriella leaning in closer.

I sat up a little. My leg was still in a little bit of pain but it wasn't as bad.

"We were attacked by Whisperers. My horse got scared and bucked me off. I dislocated my leg, and Kane died" I said.

"Oh. Who's Kane?" Gabriella asked.

"He was a man in the group I went out with" I said.

"Ok. Well I'm just happy you're ok" Gabriella said.

"I'm not. How do you think they attacked us at that exact moment, at that exact spot. How did they know that we would be there? I think we have a traitor" I said.

"A traitor? Like someone working with the Whisperers?" Gabriella asked.

"Yes. It's the only way. They did it before. We took in Debra then we found out who she really was" I said.

Gabriella nodded and agreed with me.

"Who do you think?" Gabriella asked.

"I don't know. Not many people were told we were going out to Melbourne. We just need to narrow those people down and maybe we will find them" I said.

"Well you should really rest. Don't worry about this right now. Just rest and then we can all help you" Gabriella said.

"We may not have enough time. I want to see Andrew, Georgia and Jonah. Bring them in. Please" I said.

Gabriella nodded. She let go of my hand and walked out. Less then five minutes later she came back with them. They all walked in and stood around me. I looked at Gabriella, trying to tell her that I wanted to talk in private.

"Ok. Come on guys" Gabriella said.

Prince waved to me goodbye as Gabriella picked up Stella. They all walked out as I looked up at the group.

"Good to see that you're ok" Andrew said.

"Thank you. Thank you to all of you. You saved me" I said.

"It was manly Kane. His funeral will be held tomorrow. You think you will be strong enough to attend?" Andrew said.

I nodded. I was still sad about Kane. He was a nice man.

"So what did you want us for?" Andrew asked.

I realised how quiet Georgia was. It was normal for Jonah to be quiet but Georgia hasn't said anything yet.

"I wanted to ask all of you. Do you think it was kinda weird how the Whisperers knew where we were at the exact time?" I said.

"Yeah. We were thinking that as well. Once you get better we should tell Connor. We could do a few interrogations as well" Andrew said.

I looked over at Georgia and smiled. She gave me a little smile back and looked down at the floor. I slowly put my hand out to her and she took it. I looked her in the eyes.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"I fine. I just. I miss Kane. He was a good friend. He was always there for me. He was there for everyone" Georgia said as her eyes got watery and a few tears ran down her right cheek.

I held her hand tighter. She wiped her tears away and looked a bit more comfortable.


Someone was knocking at the door. Andrew, Georgia and Jonah all turned around and faced the door. The door slowly opened and I saw Connor stick his head in. He slowly walked in and walked up to the side of me.

"Hey. I heard what happened. Are you guys ok?" Connor said.

We all nodded.

"Where's Kane?" Connor asked.

No one answered. We all looked away from him. He then figured out what happened to Kane by looking at our faces.

"Oh" Connor said.

"We all believe that there's a traitor within this community" I said.

Everyone looked at Connor waiting for a response. He thought about it for a few seconds.

"Really. I know everyone here. Everyone here are kind, caring people. I don't think my people would ever work with the Whisperers" Connor said.

"Well then maybe you don't know everyone. Are there people you think were acting strange on the day we left?" Andrew asked.

"Well. Maybe a couple people" Connor said.

"How many people did you tell?" Andrew asked.

"About what?" Connor asked confused.

"About the fucking trip to Melbourne. What else?" Georgia said clearly pissed off.

"Sorry. I'm just a little tired today. Yes I told a few people" Connor said.

"How many! And who!" Georgia yelled running out of patience.

Connor started to look a bit angry. He stepped closer to Georgia and looked her into her eyes.

"Don't you ever raise your voice at me young lady. I'm the leader of this place. You can't talk to me like that" Connor said.

Jonah walked over to Connor and grabbed him by his collar. He then pushed him against the wall. Jonah looked pretty pissed as well.

"Who. Did. You. Tell" Jonah said a few centimetres away from Connors face.

Connor looked scared. He had his hands up against the wall over his head. He slowly turned his head around so Jonah wasn't so close, but Jonah just kept moving in closer.

"I told about ten people. That's it. Just ten" Connor said.

"Who?" Jonah said.

"I'll show you them. I just need to go find them" Connor said.

Jonah let go. Connor brushed his shirt with his hands and looked up angrily.

"I have the authority to kick all of you out of this place if I wanted. Don't mess with me ever again. Or I will" Connor said.

"Go on. Kick us out. But we are the only people that can protect you. So think about that" Andrew said.

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