How It All Started

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Asaili Pov
"Well if you gone keep using this house as an excuse to keep me prisoner,then I guess I'll just leave"-Me
I started packing all my stuff ,my little sister came in my room crying begging me not to leave but I told her I had to go.Meanwhile,my older brother was looking at me with mixed emotions,almost like he was disappointed and sad at the same time.I was done packing gave my crying sister a kiss,same for my brother and mother.
"Your not leaving out of this house"-Mom
"Watch me"-Me.......This is not how I expected my summer to start.
Well let me introduce myself,I'm Asaili (I-sail-ie) Williams,I'm 17.I'm a Carmel skintone,I'm 5'8.I am also a bbw,wellllll not like big big but I'm fluffy.If you could see me,you wouldn't even be able to tell I was a lil big but anyways, and summer just started I'm single and I have been for a long minute.I'm not the type of female that was worried about a boy,I was more concerned on getting my medical degree.I have hopeful hopes to become a doctor.Now,I'm not like most girls my age that are concerned with sex and all that other stuff.Yes I'm still a virgin,I've always been mature at a very young age.I have 7 siblings,well 11 in all but 4 of them past away.we don't see each a lot.I live two of them and I love those rats to death but there just pains in my ass but that's what siblings are for right.I also have this friend,her name Layla.She really the only bitch I trust.Mom and Dad are separated,their first loves but they practically hate each other now.I know and yes it is hard being in the middle of that because I'm the child that shares their DNA.Thats where my struggle comes in.No,I was never abused or raped or anything to bad.Everything that's wrong with me is emotional and that's what makes me me.
Ok enough about me and back to reality....

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