Candid Camera

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"This is all my fault...I killed her"-me
"No baby you didn't.Bri did"-Keem
"Baby I know this is sad but I promise this isn't your fault,please don't stress it"-Keem.I didn't say anything after that.I feel like this while thing is on me.If I had just left her alone then none of this would've happend.I should've just listened to Keem.
"Let's get you cleaned up"Keem said walking me to the shower.Once we got in,I had a bunch of crazy flashbacks of her last moments,how scared she looked..
"Baby I'm sorry"I said as I began to cry
"Don't be "he said while hugging me
When we got out of the shower,I noticed how Keem put his hands on my stomach.
"What if their twins or triplets"-Keem
"Aww baby c'mon now you already know that I'm scared of that.That gene runs bad in both of our families"-me
"Yea two or three babies is a lot for our first babies but I wouldn't mind having them"-Keem
"Yea cuz you ain't gotta have them,I do"I said pushing him in the head
"You a big ass bully"-Keem
"What you gone do bout it"-me
"Bet"he said with an evil smirk
Keem POV
I can't believe this shit mannn.Damn.I can't even sit here as act like it's not my fault.I shoulda drop that bitch when Say told me to.I'm bout tho go pay that bitch a visit.I know Say ain't gone like this but I'm not bout to keep letting this hoe fuck our life's up.Say fell asleep after we had our lil fun but I need to do this shit asap.
Can't believe I fell asleep.I look over to my right to see that Keem wasn't in bed so I get up to look around and he can't be found no where.I go back into the room to see if he texted me.No messages from him,but I did get a message from one of Dell's old hoes.
"Excuse me for being nosey but I just saw ya man in Bri apartments"-Old hoe
What the hell he doing over there.Oh yea we bout to find that shit out immediately.On my way there I call LaLa and tell her wassup and she is on the way.
At Bri apartment...
Once I broke in,I heard some loud slow music coming from the back.I follow the music and once I got to the door I put my ear on it but I couldn't hear nothing.I open the door and I see Keem laying on the bed tied up and this bitch on top of him.
"Oh shit what the hell you doing in my house!"-Bri
"Baby look I promise you it ain't what it look like"-Keem
Words can't describe how I fucking feel right now.I can't fight cause I'm pregnant.Nah fuck that.I snatched that hoe up and whooped her as.I just happen to look at the table beside the door and saw a bunch of glass and shit.I don't know what took over me but I just started going crazy.Throwing anything I could grab.I was so mad that I didn't realize that LaLa came in and started fighting Bri and she slapped Keem I couple of times.It was all to much.I felt I was about to pass out.I had to leave.
"LaLa c'mon."-me
"Nah fuck all dat"she said before she looked at me and saw that I was about to cry
"Ight we out dis bitch den"she said walking me out.Walking to my car,I felt my body get weak.Next thing I know I couldn't walk or breathe.Then everything went dark.I blacked out.
2 hours later...
I wake up on a sofa bed at my house.
"Asaili,can you hear me?"-Nurse
I slowly sat up to see LaLa abd Dell in one corner and Keem in the other.
"Why the fuck are you here?"I asked Keem angrily
"Baby,I swear to God it ain't what you thinking"-Keem
"Uh uh shut all that up.Baby you need rest.That panic attack wasn't to good for you or the baby"-Nurse
"I'm not doing nothing till he leave"-me
"Bro just get the fuck out"-LaLa
As they all left,Keem turned and looked at me and for some reason,that stare did something to me.After they left,I couldn't help but cry,cry,and cry some more.Cried my self to sleep.
Next Morning...
*Knock Knock Knock*
"Hello ma'am,my name is Nate.I'm coming from the county sheriff's police department.I need you to come into the station for some questioning"-Officer
At the station,all they did was ask me a bunch of question about Bri.Is the bitch dead?
"Ma'am we ask you these questions because we have video surveillance of you trashing Ms.Howards place and she is trying to press charges"-Officer
I couldn't help it but i just began to laugh.This bitch done called the cops.Wait...if they have proof of me fucking the place up,than they should have some video of what happened before that so I can see if this nigga lying or not.

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