First Day

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Keem POV
Yo,last night was mad fun.I finally released what I was feeling for so long  and I feel pounds have have been lifted of my shoulder.I mean she couldn't deny a sexy mf like myself.I wander what she doing right now.She asked if I wanted to stay last night because she'd didn't want me driving late at night but I told her no because I didn't want to "over step" my boundaries as her boyfriend after 4 hours,but I'm bout to go hop in the shower and head over there to see my baby.
I can't believe that happened last night,like I'm still surprised. Considering the facts that I'm not really "his type" if you know what I mean but I guess I was wrong.
Damn,who is calling me at 8:30 in the morning.A bitch can't even take shit with out somebody calling me.
"Hello"I said with an attitude
"Ew you can loose the attitude fuck nigga"-Mia
"Girl of course I'm gonna have a attitude if you calling me early this early in the freaking morning."-Me
"Mm that's cute,anyway who got you smiling early this morning"-Mia
"Girllll touch yo little ass nose"-Me
"Oop ok remember that but I was jus calling to check on you"-Mia
"Child boo you calling to make sure that your place is right and alright" I said while brushing my teeth
"No girl I know I can trust your extreme OCD having ass"-Mia
"I don't have OCD mufucka"-Me
"Yes huh look at how hard you just scrubbed your teeth"-Mia
"Ok bitch I get the point" I said as we started to laught."But Nah for real I'm ok and for your nosey ass information...I went on a date last night now with who that's for me to know and you to find out"I said with a smile knowing it was going to aggravate her
"Ou ok bet remember that,but I'm going to hit you back later when my plane lands.Love you"she said and blew a kiss.I swear,Mia make being a traveling doctor look so fun.Let me go get in the shower..
About 15 minutes later...
I'm still tired.I guess I'm about to go back to sleep...
Keem POV
"Waddup nigga"-Dell
"Nun much you know chilling"-me
"Well I hope you ain't to busy cause I need you to come by the trap"-Dell
"Dog I done already told you,I ain't moving no weight no more.Done with that shit".Yes we used to sell drugs.That's how we became so close.Two lil ass jhits hanging on the corners tryna make some money to put some food on the table.The dude was already like family cause we grew up together.His people knew my people,then we watched our uncle's deal with that life and it just grew on us and we went from there.Anyway,we don't do that no more,we just stop by the trap every now and again to check on the people's.
"Ain't nobody talking that shit.Nigga you got some type of package"-Dell
"Oh ight well I'll be by after I go cuddle up with yo sister"-me
"What fuck nigga"he sad all mad and shit.Then I hung up.Ouuu I know that boy mad,he'll be ight but lemme go check on my baby cause she not answering the phone...When I walked,she was no where to be found then I walked in the room and saw her sound asleep and the tv was on Peppa Pig.Childish ass.I decided to take a picture,she look so adorable.I slowly lay on the bed and lay some kisses on her face.
"Morning beautiful"-me.Next thing I know,shawty got a gun to my face
"Damn you move quick"-me
"Oh my bad I was having a bad dream" she said moving over
"Why do you have so many weapons"-me
"Safety precautions"she said with a smile.Damn she crazy.That shit lowkey a turn on.I placed her head on my chest so she can lay back down
"Baby, What were you dreaming about to make you pull a gun"-me
"Nothing important, just a nightmare"-Say.I can tell she was lying
"Ma whatever you scared of,leave that shit behind,I'm here and I'm going to protect you no matter what.I got you girl"-me.She looked at me with tearing eyes.I want to know who or what was hurting her this bad.She places her soft,fat,luscious lips on mine and gave me a nice slow kiss.Damn man,it's too fucking early for boners dude.She wanted to finish "watching" tv so we laid up watched tv and I rubbed her booty till she fell asleep.Then,I was out like a light.

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