So It's A Date

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Asaili POV
Last night Keem went to the club with Dell.I haven't no call or text but his Instagram story was full of shit.I know Dell got home safe cuz LaLa FaceTimed me last at like 1 and he was in the back snoring his ass off.I don't even know why I'm stressing,this ain't my nigga,he grown,he can do what he wanna do.Speaking of the fuck nigga,he calling me.
"Hey Say"-Keem
"Mm wassup"-me
"Nun you know what I'm saying just chillin"-Keem
"Mm that's realllll nice" I said.Then I got this crazy idea to try to make him mad
"I know you probably mad bout last night but-"
"Yea mhm hold up..Treyyyyy,can you bring my something to drink"his face immediately turned
"Ok now what where you saying"Then he just hung up.Hmmm...well I guess it worked,time to go eat.
15 Minutes Later....
Yo who the fuck is knocking on my damn door like that
"Yo who the fuck at my door"I said while opening the door
"Mm wassup with you Say,how your day going so far,oh yeah that's great"he went on rambling while pushing me out of the way and looking around the apartment like a crazy person
"What are you looking for dude"-me
"Hmm..good question,did you ever get your drink?"-Keem
I couldn't help but to start laughing while he was walking around like a crazy person,all in my closet and shit.
"Aww what's wrong bestie boo,you got just got pranked by your dear innocent Say"I said with a smirk while sitting on the bed
"Ohhhhhh woooooowww,that's what we do now?"-Keem
"Nah,what we do is play in thots asses all night and not call their closest friend to let them know that their ok"-me
"Oh shit yea damn my bad Say.I got caught up with the liquor and I just vibed the rest of the night out with my dawg".I knew he was lying.It was all over his face and Instagram.
"More like caught up in some girl loose ass pussy"-me
"Ok well anyway,I do apologize for not calling you.I know you were probably up all night worried about your dear bestie"he said with a smile
"Boy ain't nobody worried bout you and yo hoes,don't play ya self"-me
"Yea Ight, so you say,but I wanna take you out"-Keem
"Friday,be ready by 8"-Keem
"Ight whatever and don't try no fuck shit cuz I got some shit for a fuck nigga just try me"-me
"Oouuu that just turned me on"he said flicking his tongue
"Head assssss,but anyways,why you want to take me out?My birthday ain't for another 2 more months"-me
"Just cause I can nosey and this will hopefully make up for last night.Just be ready okay"-Keem
"Till then,a nigga tired so I'm bout to slide to the crib and check on brodie and take a nap or some shit but I promise I'll call you"-Keem
"Sure"I said rolling my eyes."LOCK THE DOOR WHEN YOU LEAVE!!"-me
"Ight,bye wifeyyy,luv ya"-Keem
Ok now that he gone,let me call LaLa and tell her wassssuuuuppppp.I can't believe he asked me on a date.Till Friday.

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