My Fault

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The Next Day...
"Baby..I was thinking that we should tell ma and everybody else today"-Keem
"That would be nice"I said while brushing my teethe
"Especially since I know ma is a lil down today because of the-"
"Twins.Yea,I know"I said cutting him off.Today is the birthday of my twin cousins who past due to a bar car accident and a group of hating ass bitches.Therefore,we think that it would be nice to tell ma about the baby today to brighten her mood a little bit.I honestly don't know what she's going to do or say.I just hope that all goes well.
On the way to dukes house,I had the strangest idea...
"Keem,I think that I should meet up with Stacey afterwards and talk"-me
He gave me a strange look"what are you talking about?what do y'all even have to talk about?"-Keem
"I just wanna talk,get more information ya know.Not tryna be that bitch bestie or nothing"-me
"Nah shawty"-Keem
"Well muthafucka you don't control me and I do what the fuck I want to do"-me
He pulled the car over on the side of road.
"What more do we need to know Say.What that Stacey is a dirty,trifling,ass muthafucka"-Keem
"I just have a feeling that I don't have all the information I need and she hidings something"-me
"I know but she not good people.I don't want her no where near my girl or my baby"-Keem
"Look,would you rather me tell straight up or me go do some shit behind your back"-me
He started driving again and all he did was look at me.Oh well,I'm going to see her.Only for information though.
"Well we're here,you ready?"-Keem
I so nervous that I just felt a rush of throw up come out of my mouth.After I finally stopped throwing up in my mother yard,we go into the house and she and my siblings are in the living room watching some dumb ass show.After having a little conversation we finally decide to tell them.
"Guys we have to tell you something"-me.The look on my mother's face told me that she already knew
"I'm pregnant"I said nervously.The room was filled with gasp and empty faces,especially from mom.
"Sooooo,we gone be aunties"Simba asked
"Yes"I said with a chuckle.Everybody started talking to Keem and I but I couldn't help but noticed that ma walked upstairs.
"I'll be right back"-me
"Ma?"I said walking into her room to see her sitting on the bed
"Sit down"-Ma.I couldn't tell if she was mad or sad or anything
"Listen ma,I know I screwed up and I know your mad but-"I interrupted by a river of tears
"I'm not too mad.Only because I understand your young adults and I was your same shoes,but I try not to be too upset because God allows everything to happen for a reason and I can't change that.Now come here"she said pulling me into her chest.I just laid there and cried while she held me in her arms.
"Ma,I'm scared"I said wiping my tears
"I know baby.Shit I was scared with each one of y'all but don't worry cause ill be here every step of the way.Plus,you've dealt with kids your whole life.You got this in the bag"-Ma
30 minutes later.....
We left mommas house while ago so im at home right now changing to meet up with Stacey but while im getting dressed,I hear Keem loud ass on rhe phone
"Hell naw nigga ion like this shit.....yea and you know she hard headed as damn right....have KK to do it but tell him to be smoother cause Say ain't stupid".Ohhhh so this mutha fucka got people following me
Keem POV
"It ain't nigga"-KK
"Don't you think i already said it your self,Say ain't stupid"-KK
i swear this woman pisses me of sometimes.
"So let me run it back...your not pregant.Bri has been paying you to fuck up our lifes.Ummm..oh yea she ran me off the road and tried to kill me"-me
"And she has a psycho ass boyfriend too"-Stacey
"Well who is it-"I was interrupted by a massage she began to read.I can tell out scared her because the look on her eyes changed.
"I'm sorry,I have to go"Stacey rushing
"This wasn't meant to happen.Forget that I was here"she said walking out.I ain't bout to chase no bitch.Let me call Keem cause I know he mad
*Phone Rings*
"Hey bab-"me
"Don't hey baby me.Where the fuck are you"he said angrily
"You already know more than likely you're already tracking me my phone.Come catch me if you can"I said as I hung up.After a minute of sitting in my car,I drive off and Stacey waking across the street the BOOM.
I get out of the car to see if she alive.Once I got closer,I saw that Stacey was dead.Oh my gosh.I can't believe this.I look over and see that her phone.When I picked it up,I saw a message from and unknown number that read...
"Remember...rats die!!"
"Say get in the car,c'mon"-KK
"No we can't just leave her like this"I said almost about too cry
"There's nothing we can do.I'll get the boys on it now let's go!!"KK said pulling me into the car. I couldn't help but cry. This is all my fault.

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