Forgiveness is the Key

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Asaili POV
I finally get to the mall.When I get to the food court,I see my mothers long nails wiggling in the air.I get to the table and she gave me one of the tightest hugs I've ever received in my life.She must have been sniffing me because she said....
"You smell like a nigga.He has good taste.Who is he?"
"You remember Keem,yeah well we sort of bumped into each other before I got here"-me
"Ohhhh,hmmmm,remember what I taught you Say,don't move to fast"-ma
"Yeah ma,I remember.Plus ain't nobody worried bout that anyway"-me
The table got quiet from our shame,but I decided to be that bigger person and say something.
"Ma,I'm sorry"I said almost on the verge of crying.
"No no no no baby it's okay,parents have fall outs with their kids,it's part of growing up,but what matters now is that your okay and in my arms.I will tell you this,if you ever raise your voice at me like that again,I will bury you okay"she said with a smile
"Mannnnn,your crazyyy"I said laughing and wiping my tears away.Then,she apologized and I asked if I was coming back home and the rest of our conversation led from there and we talked for a lonngggg time.It's about 6:30 and I'm ready to go so we leave.I get home and I see my cousin D loading up Mia's car,I never mind it.I walk upstairs to tell about today.
"Hey gir- what going in here"-me
"Hey Pooh,sorry to tell you last minute but I'm in a rush.I'm moving away for a little bit for this writing opportunity.The rent will still be paid,everything is still in my name,all you got to do is lock up when you leave okay.I know it's a lot to put on you but you have the responsibility of mature grown ups.I trust you."-Mia
It's so much spinning in my head now.I'm low key scared,nervous,hype,and excited all at one time,but I still got to play it cool..
"Just ok,girl please I know you and I know that you happy and scared"she said with a laugh "Anyway I gotta go,love you,lock up"the she blew a kiss then the door shut.OK BITCH IM FUCKING SCARED.I immediately ran across the apartment and made sure everything was locked and that the alarm was shut.After a minute of calming down,I took a shower,and went to sleep,well after I told my bitch of course.

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