Wasn't Expecting This

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5 Months Later
"Ew girl you need to go to the doctor"-LaLa
"Why so they can tell me something I already know"-me
"Yea that you have "the flu"-Mia
"I mean it only makes sense.Its October and everybody catching i-" I was interrupted by the quick rush of throw up.Mia scoffed and walked over to the closer in the bathroom and pulled out a box of pregnancy test.
"Uh uh girl I don't need that.I am not pregnant"-me
"I mean it makes sense so either your pregnant or you really do have the flu"-LaLa
"Take it"Mia said aggressively.I said ok and they stepped out.
5 minutes later...
"See,negative"I said handing them the test.Mia made a suspicious face almost like she knew that I had did something to the test.I don't know if I'm pregnant or not but I'm scared.
"Take another one....with me in there"Mia said."Why so nervous,ya coochie hairy or sum"-Mia
"Neva dat saweetie"I said grabbing the test from her
Another 5 minutes later...
"They should be ready now,wanna go look?"-Mia
"No"I said depressed because I already knew the results
"Say....they're positive"-LaLa.My body went cold.I don't know what to say or do.This changes everything.This wasn't supposed to happen this early.What if he leaves me.I don't want to to raise this child on my own.
"Maybe they're expired"I said I'm denial
"Don't"I said on the verge of crying.I rushed out of the door to go get more.
Unknown POV
I'm in the store and I saw that Saili was picking up pregnancy test.Hmmmm...so she's pregnant huh.Wait till boss lady finds out about this...
"Boss she's pregnant"-unknown
"Yea I just found ou-"-unknown
"SHUT THE FUCK UP....I've gotta take this bitch out before it gets worse"-Boss
I want to go see Simba so I'm on the way to mamas house.
Shit it's Keem....
"Hey baby"-Keem
"What's wrong mamas?Still don't feel good?"Keem
"Yea...um baby can I call you back I want to focus on the road cause folks is out here driving reckless"I couldn't stay on the phone and I lie to him
"Umm...ok stay safe.I love you"-Keem
"Love you too"I said and hung up.Maybe some nice R&B will calm be down.I come to a stop light and notice out my review mirror a car coming at me at full speed.I'm trying to drive but the car won't start
"911,what's your emergency?"
"Help,please help.There was a bad car crash on exit 95.The car flipped over and I think the woman is unconscious.It's bad,very very bad.."
Keem POV
"Nigga your cheating bruh chill out"-Ron
"Nigga you a sore looser"I said jokingly
"KEEM,SAY IS IN THE HOSPITAL"-Dell.I quickly rush to my car. On the way to the hospital,all I could do was pray to God that she was ok.I don't know what I would do if she wasn't here with me.Oh Lord...
Arrives at the Hospital...
"Sir,where is Asaili Williams room"-Me
"Sir,I can't show you where that is.She has just come from surgery"-Doctor
"Sir I'm going to have to have you to leave if you don't calm your temper"-Doctor
"CALM MY TEMPER?!-"I was quickly interrupted by Dell
"Let go of me nigga before I bust a cap in your ass too"-me
"Nigga chill just chill.Look we all want to know where she is and why but she wouldn't want us to act an ass out here like this,none of us ok.So, for now just think positive and wait"-LaLa.As much as I want to rip that Doctor to pieces,I can't because LaLa is right.Say wouldn't want me like this.
About an Hour Later...
"Excuse me sir,you can go see her now.Room 214, down the hall and to the right"-nurse
I quickly ran to her room with LaLa and Dell behind me.I looked in her window and see her just laying there with stitches and bruises all of her.
"Hello I'm nurse Jenkins and you are?"-Nurse Jenkins
"Hakeem,boyfriend.Odell,brother,Lashawn,sister"Dell quickly said
"Nurse what happened"LaLa asked almost about to cry
"Ms.Williams was involved in a fatal car accident earlier today.The car flipped over which is what caused a lot of the damage but she will be ok".I let out a breathe of relief.Thank you God.LaLa said she was hungry so she and Dell went to go get us all something to eat.We noticed Say started to move a little but the the nurse asked me to step outside the door.
"As you know we have ran some test on her and the results may be shocking to you but sir you girlfriend is pregnant. Congratulations"-Nurse Jenkins
"What...how far along is she?"-me
"Two months,still in her first trimester.I'll give you a minute to take this in"she said then walked away.I can't believe this....

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