That's What You Get

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Keem POV
I fucked around and fell asleep but I'm on my way to the trap now.I wander what this package about.
20 minutes later...
"Yo wassup brody bro"-Dell
"Wassup with it,where the bomb at?"-me
"Right over here"-Dell
It was a box,might just be a bomb.When I opened it I saw a letter.
"Hello Hakeem,this is Stacey.Well you probably don't remember me but I'm the lady from the club.The news I have for you today is not easy but there is no other way to say this..I'm pregnant.Here is my contact info if you have any questions."she left her information but fuck all that.She can't be pregnant.Hell naw.Now that I think of it,I do remember it getting foggy that night and I honestly don't remember what happened after that.Oh damn...I fucked up.
"Yo bruh..."he said giving me a positive pregnancy test from out the box.
"Oh damn,nigga I oughta beat yo ass" -Dell.....
After talking to Stacey,we agreed to meet up at park next week on Tuesday.Damn how I'm gone tell Say.
"Hey baby"-Say
"Hey wassup sexy"-me
"Boy stoppp anyway I was just sayin that we might have to cancel today's plans cause I have to run some errands with dukes"-Say
"Ok that's ok baby, tell her I said hey"-me
"I got you"she says before blowing a kiss and hanging up.I wanted to say I love you but is that weird like we just got together but I've been had love for her.I don't know but I do know that I got a soft spot shawty.I don't know how she going to take this news though.
Later that day.....
Since I canceled on Keem today,I thought it would be nice to cook up a little something for him.
"Hey baby,what you in here cooking that smell so good"-Keem
"Hey baby.I have some meatloaf,mashed potatoes with gravy of course,and string beans."-me
"As good as this food looks and smells,the only thing in this kitchen I want to eat is you"he said while pulling me into him which lead to us kissing.Now one thing I have not admitted to was the fact that yes even though I am a virgin,I have received head before.I know I know,how do you receive head and not fuck.See,during all of those moments,I wasn't comfortable with having sex.You can lick,suck,and slurp all you want just don't put nothing in me.
"Ok while that's cooking,let me talk to you"he said while leading me to the couch.At this point,I felt weird like something was wrong.
"You know I love you and I wouldn't want anything to separate us"-me
"I'm of course.I love you you too.Baby what's wrong cause your scaring me"-me
He looked down with a depressed face.I lifted his face with my finger.
"Talk to me"-me
"There is a woman named Stacey who's claiming to be pregnant with my child"-Keem
I moved my hand from his face and just looked at him.No words.Not a sigh.Nothing
"Listen baby,I know it's a lot to ask for and I know I fucked up but it would make me really happy if I can have your help with this"-Keem
I want to beat the dog shit out of this nigga.I get up to go check the food.
"Please say something"-Keem
"......Boyyyy"I said with a slight chuckle."I really want to beat the fuck out of you but I'm not gone do it cause I told you that all that hoe shit you was doing was gone turn right back around and night you in yo ass and look now..."I said with another chuckle."I must say though,you are very blessed...You so damn lucky we've been friends for so long..cause I don't know what type of female would still stick by though this bullshit".He let out a relieving sigh.
"Oh thank you God.Thank you baby"he said tryin to kiss but I declined.We ate and the rest of the night was weird.He even slept in the guess room.I heard Hakeem walking towards the room.He came in and sat on the end of the bed
"Asaili,please just know that I am truly sorry.I would never purposely want to put you in a situation like this or any situation were you would be uncomfortable.This was never my intention believe me..I'm sorry.I know you tired but that's all I wanted to say"
He kissed my forehead and went into the other room..isn't this going to be fun.

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