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Keem POV
Last night was crazy.My brother got arrested for some stupid shit that got something to do with my mom and her "boyfriend".Say told me that she would feel more comfortable if he stayed with is which was suprising because I thought she was tired of all the "move ins" but JJ is like a brother to her so I see why she wants him to stay.He is about to be and everyday pain in the ass.
"You talked to Dell?"-Say
"Yea.It was short.Just talked about dat fuck nigga"-me
"I know yall wanna get rid of him.I just want to him to experience some physical pain"-Say
"I understand why.Just let me know when you ready and it's done"-me
"I will.LaLa said that they are starting to talk more and that she's back in the house so I guess everything is good.Are you going down there today"-Say
"Yea why,youb want daddy to stay"i said teasing her
"No,I just didn't want you here while the girls were here"-Say
"Yea.I asked Aaliyah and Jasmine to come over and help finish everything before the babies come"-Say
"Jasmine, Jasmine,Jasm- your ex.I don't like all this friendly shit with ya exes Say.How the hell do they even know each other?"-me
"They don't and you think your gonna come home to Jas eating my pussy and Aaliyah riding my face"..."Ian with that shit Keem and you know that.I just need help"-Say
"That's why I'm here tho.If you done want me to go then I won't"-me
"No I dont want to take you from ya work Hakeem.We just gone finish up the stuff you and me didn't finish and chill" she said winking
"Don't play wimme girl"
She giggled and then let out a slight hiss and grabbed her stomach.
"Yo bae,sit down"I said sitting her on the couch "You good,ma?"
"Yea,I just felt a kick from both of them ag the same time"she said chuckling "Wanna feel?"-Say
I put my hands on each side of her stomach and felt little jumping
"Ah daddy's boys got that energyyy"I said smiling
"What make you so sure that their boys?"-Say
"A father knows"-me
"Man shut upp"she said pushing my head and laughing.
"Nah but for real,what would we name them if both of them?"-Say.We haven't really touched this topic because I feel like once you hold your baby and feel that emotion,then the name will come to you.
"Easssyyy.Both of their name are Hakeem" I said chuckling
"Selfish much"Say said laughing "You know my dad said that if they we were to have a boy,to name him after him"-Say
"Hell nahh"I said laughing "I fuck wit ya pops but no" whew..that shit was funny
"What if were having a girl?"
"Ah I would that but if she come out acting like get momma then we gone need a whole lot of Jesus"I said laughing "But for real baby,we'll know what their names will be when we see them.Just as long as you don't give them no weird ass middle name like "Dior" or some shit"
"Eewww" she said laughing

This is lowkey weird.I should've just listened to Keem.Having to of my ex's in the same room AND they don't know each other.But I mean,so far it's going good and we're doing with everything.
"Whew thank yall so much for coming.I wouldn't have gotten this done as fast without yall"-me
"No issue babes,anything for you and them babies"-Aaliyah
"Yea you know it ain't no problem ma"Jas said winking at me.I haven't talked much about Jas but we go way back like taking a shit together at the babysitter's house back.We never lost contact really.She was always there.Then,she had to move and our relationship got distant and I ended it.Not because of the distance but because of the timing.She left around the time my mom had one of the worst relapses and I couldn't take care of my household while trying to hold a relationship with a mf more than a thousand miles away.I don't know,maybe her and Aaliyah could link up
"How was your appointment with Ms.Sherly?"-Aaliyah
"As always,good,funny,and real.She told me that everything was ok as far as the babies but she said that I've been stressing way too much and that she afraid that my injuries such as my turn disc from the accident when I was 15 and my previous one were going to interfere in my body if I don't get on these meds after I have the babies,but nothing life threatening.Oh and she put me on bed rest."-me
"Girl you are blessed okayyy"-Aaliyah
"And your going to be a great mother"-Jas
"Wait,before you give me a pat on the back...I haven't told Keem"-me
I didn't want him too distracted or worried about us so I haven't told him yet but it s nothing serious serious so I guess I'll be fine.
After the girls left,I was really home alone.My dad came by and got Simba so I guess I'll go get in the shower and wait for Keem to get home.Before I got in the shower,my phone began to ring and it was an unknown number
"H-Hey baby"-Ma
"Wassup ma?"I said in a low tone
"I know you probably don't want to hear from me right now but I just wanted to let you know that I'm doing alot better.I decided to check in to rehab and they have me doing the classes and private counseling sessions and it's honestly going good"-ma
"That's great mom" I said still in a low tone
"B-Baby,I wanna talk to you"-ma
"No I wanna do it in person.I wanna see you and Simba and apologize to your face because this is the last time and I promise you that"-ma.I've heard that one before
"Ok ma,I'll think about it"-me
"Please do.I love you"-ma
"Love you too"-me
I don't really know if I'm ready to see her yet.I mean like yea she's my mother but I don't feel like going through what I went through all them other times.Damn these kids better grow up to be boxers cause they show do know kick up a mufuckin storm.

It's fucking 2 o'clock in the morning and this nigga still ain't here.I hear the door open and walked down stairs
"Heyyyy babyyyy"he said sounding so drunk
"Where have you been?C'mon"I said lifting him up to help him up stairs.When I put him on my shoulder,I realized he smelled a little like perfume.We walk in the room and he flopped on the bed.
"I was up at trap then I went to bro crib"-Keem
"Who you been with"-me
"Whatchu mean baby"he said pulling me in between his legs
"You smell like a bitch and I know it ain't me so....Who.Have.You.Been.With?"-me
"I mean it was some bitches at the crib.It was on some chill shit"-Keem
" what bitch was so damn chill to be all up on you"-me
"C'mon baby don't start that shit.Can we just got to sleep?"-Keem
"Nah nigga.I ain't bout to lay wit you and you prolly just got done fucking some random...You know what..I'm not doing this tonight.Go to sleep cause this shit ain't over" I said walking out and slamming the door.I guees I'll sleep in the other room.

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