I Got You,You Got Me

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Keem POV
I don't know what happened what happened last night.Sim was in the car just crying.She was trying to talk but I told her that it was ok and she didn't need to explain but from the looks of it,her mom has done something.Say got back in the car with her clothes sorta shifted and a big red marking on her face.She hasn't told me either but it's no rush.A message popped up on my phone from my "step sister" Keya saying that she was in town with her boyfriend and was wandering she could crash at my place.I barley know if we're being honest.Hell I found out my dad was married through Facebook.I don't know if Say's going to like this but I don't  want her ass round us but we'll talk about that later.She's getting out of the shower now
"Morning beautiful"-me
"Morning"she said in a low tone
I got of the bed, came close to her and lifted her chin up to me
"You wanna talk about it?"
"Yes and no"-Say
She turned away from to the dresser "to get lotion" but she was just trying to hide her tears.
"Come're"I said pulling her into the middle of my legs."Talk to me"
She took a deep breath."My mom is back on her alcoholic shit an-"Her voice began to break and she started to play with her fingers."And she basically almost beat Simba"she said releasing a river of tears.
"She has never seen her like that before. I mean she's seen it second hand but not for real for real like that...Now she's scared of her own mother"-Say
"If you don't mind me asking,what do you mean by "again""-me.Yes I know what it means but I need to know what happened before
"She's always had these on and off breaks with alcohol.It caused her to do dumb shit.She drunk that shit every day.I had to raise Jordan and Simba.I was just a little girl just barely understanding life.Why did I have to take care of responsibilities of a mother when I wasn't one.She was never awake to cook or take us to school or take us out or do any of the regular shit a steady mom would do.I don't know the core or the real reason why she started but she kept doing it and saying she'll stop and get help." She began wiping her tears."You s hff e was the reason I was barely in school.I couldn't drive and I never had enough money for all of us to get on the bus.So I just stayed home and catered to her drink ass.It got so bad to the where she beat me and naw ian talking bout no whooping you get as a little kid.I'm talking a dirty dog ass whooping.For no reason.Thank God but she never touched Jordan or Simba and they only saw the half of it.But it's crazy cause even after all that shit,she's still my mother and I love her"-Say
After me and Say talked for about an hour or maybe 2,we went to go and aggravate Simba and wake her up by slapping her with pillows.She was aggravated but it made her laugh.Now their in the living room while I'm cooking breakfast.
"Oh babe Keya texted and wandered if she can here while she's down here"-me
"She can't get a hotel?"she said with a attitude
"She say she don't have money"-me
"Well the streets don't sound too bad"she said chuckling.That made me laugh
"Copy that"I said laughing
"Hey babe,do you have any plans today?"-Say
"Nah not really.Just gone pull up on Dell and we gone slide toooo-"I was cut off by the look on her face that was giving me a sign of not to say what I was about to say because Simba was right there."...slide to unc place.Ion really wanna leave you for too long"
"It's cool baby.I'm holding Simba as my hostage and servant"she said laughing.She asked when I was going cause she wanted some ice cream and we still have t gf at appointment.
We left the house at 11.We got that big baby some icecream and now we on the way to the hospital.
"Aye baby who was the nurse that did it the last time?"-me
"I forgot you weren't paying attention.It was Aaliyah"-Say
"Am I supposed to know this Aaliyah chick"-me
"You should.She used to be your bestfriend"-Say
"That don't sit to right knowing that my wife's new nurse is her ex"-me
"She's not my new nurse and it's nothing like that.Trust me.I'm yours and only yours"she said kissing my hand.Don't get me wrong,I trust Say it's just i know Aaliyah a lil to well.

"Well everything's fine love.Did Ms.Aaliyah do you right?"-Ms.Sherley
"Mmmm...yea she was ight"-Say
"Girl you are so petty.Clean up and get out my hospital" Ms.Sherly said laughing and walking out.Simba said that she wanted some candy so Ms.Sherly took her to the vending machine.
"Have you heard from moms?"-me
"Well,I heard her crazy ass voice mails.They went from screaming and shouting to apologizing and crying saying the same old shit "oh imma get help.Imma stop,blah blah blah" but I haven't talked to her though.She wants to see Sim but ion know if it's time for that"-Say
"Well your right but that's something you'll have to let her decide"-me
"If yall don't come on.I gotta boo boo" Simba said interrupting us.She so damn nasty.
"Keem,what's going on at the warehouse?"-Say
"Ion want you worrying bout that shit right now"-me
"I just wanna know"-Say
This girl so damn hard headed."Shit...it's copesthetic.You know they ain't really made no bad moves with them muthafuckas.All this shit flowing in your hands.Your in control"-me
"I like being in control"she said looking me up and down and smiling.Damn.
"Aye I know you probably don't wanna talk about this right now but as you probably already know..momma has been blowing me up and she wants to see us"-me
"Is it weird to say I miss her?"-Simba
"No,of course not.She is still your mother and don't ever forget that.Now,your sixteen,your old enough to make decisions on your own.Not all decisions but still...it's your call"-me
She was silent for a lil minute
"I wanna see her but give me like a week or two"-Simba
"Ok koo.Go to sleep.Love you"-me
"I love you too"she said shooting the middle finger up at me.As soon as I walked out I could hear Hakeem yelling downstairs.
"What's wrong?"-me
"Fuckkk!" He said hitting the counter
"They got JJ up the precinct" he said grabbing his keys
"What?I'm going with you" I said following him
"You can't stress nor leave Simbe so no"-Keem
"She will be ok and I wanna be here for you.Hell all this shit that's been going on with me and you were right there so don't think that I'm not bout to do the same" I said looking him directly in his eyes "I'm not going no where".

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