Mending Bonds

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"I don't know what he's doing now he just got out of the shower."-me
"Damn....I can't believe this shit happened.Imm spend some time with bro and try to get through,if that's ok with you."-Keem
"Of course I don't mind.He needs you and I was just about to ask you anyway...Yea so just come over here and we can switch.What's LaLa doing?"-me
"She cried herself to sleep."-Keem
"This is unbelievable...Alright well c'mon.Love you."-me
"Love you.I'll be there in a minute"
I hung up the phone and went to go check on Dell.When I walked in the room he was just sitting there,almost lifeless.
"I just don't understand"he said looking at a blank wall."I gave her everything" he said with a breaking voice.I noticed a little tear fall from his eye.He tried to wipe it before I noticed it.I sat on the bed and played his head on my shoulder.He didn't want to but I forced him.Dell is the type to not really open up.The type that think it's a cold world and it ain't now room for "softness" and because I know of his past,I could understand why he thinks that but right now,I just want him to know that I'm here for him like I've always been.I noticed a couple of tears fell down but once again he wiped them away.
"Hey,hood niggas cry to"I said with a little laugh that made him laugh.
"Here.Drink this"I said handing him some water.After he took a sip,he just started crying.Boyyy is this nigga ugly when he cry.I held him in my arms amd just let him release.I know exactly what it feels like to love someone and then turn around and see them with somebody else.After he was done,he got up and went outside to smoke.
*Doorbell Rings*
"I got it!.."-me
"Hey baby,you ok?"Keem said walking in giving me a kiss
"Yea..Can't say the same for him."-me
"Where he at?"-Keem
"Putside doing what he know best.Smoking his issues away"-me
"Hey.I got this.Don't worry ok?"-Keem
"I won't ok...Um baby bottles are in the fridge and diapers are in the top drawer to the left"I said walking out of the door
"My dog ain't no baby"-Keem
"Exactly cause you really just tried my life"Dell said coming out of the back
"Byeeee love yall.Be goooddd!"I said getting in the car.This bitch knocked the fuck out.
We finally got home.When we got inside,we both took shower and I made her something to eat.I went in the room to give it to her and she was sitting on the bed with playing with her finger and staring at the wall.
"Brought you something to eat.It aunt much but you need it"I said giving her a plate.
"I had a miscarriage" she said with a very low tone and teary eyes
"What"I said confused
"I wasn't that far along,just about a week or two.That was when it all started.All the fussing and arguing.I hated myself because I blamed my babies death on me."she said beginning to cry "I didn't know how to sit down with him to express my emotions or open up because I was scared he was going to leave.So,I started rejecting him.Me and Derek just happened"she said wiping her tears "It wasn't even good"she said laughing "I honestly don't know what I was thinking.I hated myself so bad that I jeopardized my relationship with someone who really loves versus someone that don't even have ten cent worth of dick"
I'm speechless.I put her head on my chest and let her cry.
"Damn these bitches feel like water ballons"she said playing with my breast
"You want them to be hard"I said laughing."Why didn't you tell me?"I asked while rubbing her ear.
"You were still healing from what had happened to you and I didn't want to add more stress on your plate."-LaLa
"You know you have to tell him right."me
"I wanna do it as soon as possible because it's eating me up"-LaLa
"If you want you can do it tomorrow.I have an appointment and we can just go somewhere afterwards."-me
"I wanna go to your appointment"-LaLa
"Are you sure?Considering what you just told me,I wouldn't wanna-"-me
"It's ok Say.These are my future nieces or nephews"-LaLa
The rest of the night was just full of conversation and an emotional rollercoaster.One minute she was cring then the next she was laughing and acting crazy but I it's part of the process
The Next Morning...
Keem POV
It's tough to know what my dog going through right now.I don't know what I would do if Say did this to me.We didn't do much last night,just chilled and smoked really.We gotta get up and leave cause Say has an appointment at 12 but we ain't even ready.
*Facetime Ringing*
"Good morning beautiful"-me
"Heyyyy"she said half sleep
"You still sleep?You gotta get up mamas"-me
"Mmmm,for what"-Say
"You appointment that it at 12"-me
"Aw damn.Ok,I'm getting up right now."-Say
"Us too.Are you bringing Lashawn so they can talk about this bs"-me
"You know I am.I hate seeing them like this.She really feels bad"-Say
"I know she do but that's for him to decide."-me
" I'll see you at the hospital.Love you"-Say
"Love you too baby"-me
*End of Call*
At the hospital..
"Where are they?I'm nervous.What if he walks away add soon ass he sees me?If this going wrong,Imma kill you"-Lala
"Man you ain't gone hurt nobody"Dell said walking in
"Finally,I started to think yall ran off and fucked each other or something"I said laughing
"Just cause you pregnant does not mean that I won't put this pillow ova your face"-Dell.Him and LaLa just stared at each other.
"Bruh yall gone talk or what?"-Keem
",can we go for a walk?"-LaLa.Dell looked at me and I shook my head yes."I'll be back"he said walking out.As soon as they walked out,the nurse came in..but this isn't Ms.Sherly...It's my ex.
"Good afternoon Ms.Williams.I'm nurse Aaliyah" she said looking in her folder.Once she lifted her head I think she new it was me.
"Afternoon.Uh,where is Ms.Sherly?"-me
"Oh she couldn't come in today in so I'll be filling for her if your okay with that"-Aaliyah
"Uh sure"-me
"Ok let's get started.This is going to be cold okay"-Aaliyah
"Girl I'm used to it"-me.
"Baby,I gotta take this call.I'll be right back"-Keem
"So,you just gone acr like you don't know me huh?"Aaliyah said looking at the monitor
"I don't know you Ms.Nurse"-me
"Yea it's a lil something..So you and Hakeem.I told you it was gone happen"-Aaliyah
"Yea you did"-me
"Well I'm happy for you"she said and pecked my forehead."Everything seems fine with those beauties.7 months wheww.Are you sure you don't want to know the gender?"-Aaliyah
"No ma'am"-me
"Alright then that will be the end of your appointment.Hopefully I'll see you soon"-Aaliyah
"Yea..ight"I said walking out.See me and this girl was so complicated.We ended on a good note but she all of sudden stopped texting me cause she got a new bitch but that don't matter no more.That's the past and I have my future.

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