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I woke up to knocking on the door.Ughhh.All I wanna do is sleep.My stomach is hurting a lil.I got up to see who was at the door.I looked through the peep hole to see that it was Jas.Shit I forgot I asked her to come over.
"Oh,it's you?"-me
"Ew.You can quit that stank shit" Jasmine said closing the door
"Yeah yeah.Whatchu doin here?"-me
"Just checking on you...well yall"-Jasmine
"I can't tell if your talking about the babies and I or Keem and I"-me
Alot recently,Jas has been going on and on about how she don't like that I'm with Hakeem
"Man you know how I feel bout him"-Jasmine
"See uh uh I do.not.have. time for this shit.Everytime I see talk to you it's the same shit.I know you don't like that I'm with him.That's the only reason you have not to like him.But you gotta understand had me,you fuck me over,then you lost me.So if you gone be mad at someone...let it be yourself"-me
"Imma jus dip.My apologies if I fucked up your night"she said walking out.I began to feel sharp pains in my stomach Oh my God....My water just broke.I heard a knock on the door
"I left my charg- Yo you good?"-Jasmine
"My um..water just broke" I said rubbing my forehead
"Oh shit um um we gotta go"-Jasmine
"No wait I gotta get my stuff and call-"I said before getting cut off
"Alright alright I'll handle all that jus please sit down"she said helping me to the chair.I facetimed the group chat with my dad,mom,siblings,and cousin.
"C'mon,I got even we gotta go or your going to have them babies on the kitchen floor"-Jasmine
"He's not fucking answering!" I said right before I slammed phone on the counter
"Look,I'll call him on the way there but baby we gotta go.The last thing you need right now is to be mad" she said helping me up.As we're approaching the door,I feel a contraction.
"Ah.Wait,wait,wait,wait.Contraction" I said holding the wall.We finally got in the car and texted everyone that we we're on the way to hospital.For some strange reason,even with all the pains and what's supposed to be one the happiest moments of my life,the only thing going through my head is where is this nigga at....
Keem POV
"Alright gas is pumped so um..let's get you home.What the addy?"-me
"We're not to far I'll just tell you when to turn.Your phone has been blowing up"-Janet
I looked at my phone to see hella messages and calls from Say.Ah shit.
"Aye sit back and put ya seat belt on" I said while speeding off
"Hey!missed my turn,what the fuck?"-Janet
I kept calling Say back was getting no answer. I called Dell to let him know the deal.
"Stop the car!!" "Drop me off" is all Janet keeps screaming but I don't car.Getting to Say and my kids is first priority right now.
"Talk to me baby yu good?Just breathe ok"Jasmine said while rubbing my leg.Not gonna lie.This shit hurt but I can take it
"AH SHITT!!" I screamed as I felt I very sharp pain in my back and stomach
"We're almost there,hold on"-Jasmine
I started to feel a little dizzy and light headed
"We're here.Stay right here"Jasmine said running into the hospital
"Where else am I gonna fucking go J"-me
Few minutes later...
Mom,dad,and Simba came running into the room
"So your gonna do this naturally"-Dad
"Yea daddy do you know how many horror stories I've heard about epidural"-me
"Hey dude your sweating alot"-Simba
"Yea um I don't know why"I said wiping my forehead
"Ok mom,you are 9 centimeters so once you hit 10,your gonna start pushing ok?"
Keem still isn't here...what the fuck
Keem POV
I finally got to the hospital and I'm heading up to the room now I left everything with Janet.I didn't care if she stole my shit but I'm not about to miss this.
*Phone Rings*
"Yo unc,can I call you later?This isn't a good time" I said before hanging up
What ever that was can wait.I walk in the room to Simba recording and everybody else is really just chilling
"Hey babe,how you feeling"I said kissing soft lips
"I'm fine.I just feel a little light headed"-Say
"Ok mommy, it's time to start pushing ok? Every time you push,put your chin in your chest. When I count,you push ok?"-Doctor
"Gee thanks I feel so relaxed now" Say said being sarcastic
"Hey doc,can she get some water or something. She look a lil pale and she sweating a lot"-me
"Ok one,two,three,push"-Doctor
My phone was ringing off the chain
"CUT THAT SHIT OFF!"-Say shouted
"Ah,I feel a contraction" Say said squeezing my hand. She began to push.
"You doing good baby"-me
"Ok,I see the head. Give me a few more pushes ok?"-Doctor
Say wasn't looking to good.I offered her some water but she wouldn't drink it
"Baby I need you to drink this" I said pushing the straw to her mouth but she kept denying. A tear fell down from her eyes.
"Ok,one more push baby. One,two,three"-Doctor
Within seconds,the baby came out
"A handsome baby boyyy!"-Doctor
They put him on Say's chest and she tried to lift her arm arms to hold but could barely move and her eyes were on the verge of shutting.
"Baby. Drink."-me
She took a few sips but it didn't make a difference
The nurse took my baby boy to get clean and weighted. I walk over to look at him. This is an amazing feeling.Looking into this baby's eyes is opening a new door for me and I love it already
"8 pounds and 6 ounces" one of the nurses said with a smile
"How you feeling mom?"-Doctor
"Good"she said with tears in her eyes
"Just a few more pushes k?"-Doctor
"Babe,I'm so tired"she said faintly
"C'mon baby stay with me a lil while longer.Your almost done I promise"-me
She gave a couple more pushes and we started to see the baby's head
"Give me one more bigggg push ok mom?"-Doctor
She gave one more big push and out came my daughter.
"A beautiful baby girl" she said with a smile
This is a life changing moment.Looking at my baby girl knowing that I will always protect her and be her father.I look back over at Say to see her shifting off to sleep.
"Get some rest baby" I said giving her a kiss
"Their beautiful.Damn,good luck nigga" Dell said hitting my back.He got a call so he stepped out.
"Is that a tear nigga?" Jordan said on FaceTime
"Doc,is she gone be ok?"-me
"Yea,she was very dehydrated. She just needs rest. She should be ok by tomorrow"-Doctor
"Yo Keem" Dell said signaling me outside
He handed me the phone
"Congrats nephew. I know that this is a beautiful thang you hear me"
"Yea.What was you calling for earlier?"-me
"Nun we'll talk later. I got it handled. Ya family need you right now. Cherish it."
I hung up nd went back in the room to do exactly what he said.

Unknown POV
"Took you long enough"-Rashad
"Boy shut the fuck up and be glad I did.So whatchu gone do now?"
"Finish what I started"-Rashad

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