seventeen pt. two

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(please comment and vote because it's what keeps me going 🌼)

He walked inside the clinic holding himself together so he wouldn't tremble from nervousness — he knew the results wouldn't be out today but he couldn't avoid but feel apprehensive about this whole thing because he could get a daughter at the end of everything. 

The woman behind the front desk got his paperwork and sent him to the next room — Gabe was already there, talking with some employee. He looked at Sean for a split second before looking away, not even a single hi. Soon the employee was gone and he sat in the corner, by the magazines.

"Two weeks." He said out of nowhere, Sean looked at him, confused — five empty chairs between them. "I was asking how long it takes for the results, he said two weeks"

"Oh." It was the only thing he said for a long time, nodding his head. "I thought it was faster."

"Me too." Said Gabe. "This is just a formality, you know... she's mine."

Sean chuckled as a nurse called his name. "Sean Lew..."

"If you were so sure we wouldn't be here." Said Sean before walking inside the room.

He sat as the nurse took some sample of his blood for the test and even though he couldn't see the outside, he knew when Jia and Kaycee got there — he could hear the giggles of the little one, it sounded almost the same as Kaycee's when they were kids.

The scene he saw once he got back to the waiting room was a punch in his stomach. Gabe was making Jia laugh and the little one was having the time of her life — it was the first time he saw them together, they looked like a family.

Gabe went to give his sample and then it was just Sean, Kaycee, and Jia and all the lightness that was in the room from before went away, giving its place for the heavy tension between the two adults — he wasn't going to talk with her but she looked tired, and all he wanted to do was to hold her in his arms and take care of her. All he wanted to do was to take care of them.

So he asked if she was alright, and obviously was the wrong thing to do — when Gabe came back, she went inside so Jia could give the blood sample and he could tell both of them cried by the redness in their noses when they came out.

He never meant to fight with Gabe in front of them, honestly, he was so exhausted that he didn't want to fight with Gabe at all by this point, but it happened and she left, but not before lashing out at them — Sean knew he should give her some time but his urge to being with her and fixing the mess he made was too much, so he followed her.

(...)"Please, let me explain things better to you." He said pleading to be heard, for a chance to make things better — he saw in her eyes, for a split of a second that she wanted it too. But it was just for a split of a second.

She looked at her phone and then back to him. "I could, Sean but you would be late to get your girlfriend at the airport."

Her words cut deeper than a knife and if it was any other day he probably would have gone after her, but in part she was right — he needed to get Tate at the airport because breaking up with her was the very first thing he needed to do so he could start cleaning this mess.

So he let Kaycee go for now and went to the airport, Sean waited by the gate and he wasn't sure how he was going to do everything but he knew he couldn't let himself be with Tate for a day more — it took a while but soon she was coming in his direction.

She hugged him tightly and it had been a while since they saw each other and there was no need for him to be ruder than he already was going to be later, so he hugged her back — her smell was a reminder of his time in China and for a second he missed how things felt easier there, but just as quick he remembered how it things were sadder too.

She aimed for a kiss but he hugged her once more so they wouldn't have to, before grabbing her bags so they could go to his car — the drive was not quiet, she was excited talking about all of the newest things that happened to her while he was away, and he listened.

"Okay, Sean, stop the car." She said suddenly, catching him out of a guard.

"To what?" He asked.

"Just park, please." She said and he did as he was told, parking the car in the first space he found.

"Something wrong?" He asked.

"You tell me." She said, sighing and looking at him. "You haven't said a word to me except 'hi' when I got here, you didn't even kiss me at the airport."

She didn't sound mad or upset, she was genuinely intrigued by his behavior — he sighed too, turning off the car. "I'm sorry... I was going to wait but, we got a talk."

Tate chuckled, a sarcastic smile on her lips as she denied — her eyes showing that she already knew what this was about. "Is the girl, right?"

He frowned at her and she made it clear. "Your ex-partner."

His eyes didn't found hers, embarrassed. "It's alright Sean, I knew there was something between you."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You never talked about her, if Malvin said something about her you would always change the subject, it was subtle but I noticed." She said. "I could see you were in China to try to forget something, and I could feel it wasn't working... and when you came back, I just knew it would happen."

"You are incredible and I wanted to love you, I really wanted, and I swear I tried my best to." He said, grabbing her hand on his. "I never meant to hurt you."

"I know, but we can't control the heart and deep inside I wanna thank you for ending everything." She said and he looked at her, confused. "it sucks that you don't love me but it would suck even more if you stayed with me anyway, no one deserves to be a second choice and no one deserves a second-hand love."

"I deserve to be someone's first choice, and you should be with the one it's your first choice." She added.

"Thank you." He said to her.

She caressed his face, laughing lightly. "It's alright, Sean... now take me to my parent's house."

He was surprised by Tate's reaction, he didn't imagine she would be so comprehensive about this whole thing — but it was a relief, he didn't want to deal with sadness, anger, and resentment. He wanted to get his life clean from those feelings.

After leaving his now ex-girlfriend at her parent's house, all he wanted to do was to run to Kaycee's house to let her know he was free and that he could be hers if she still wanted — not he had ever stopped being hers.

But she was mad and knowing her as he did, he knew it wasn't a good idea and it would only make things worst. She needed some time to sort her feelings out, that's how Kaycee always worked — he decided to give her this time as he sorted out how to make her trust him again.

...Ah and also, he needed to pack.

some of sean's perspective of things in this chap... also are we getting a trip next chapter??

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