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After a night's sleep and hurriedly packing the last of my things in the early, early morning, I'd finally finished and with a goodbye kiss from my mom, went off to school, anticipating the camping trip. 

All the students from Class 1A and 1B gathered near the buses as the teachers did a headcount. Monoma was taunting us, as usual, and various people were talking in small groups at a time. I just stood, waiting for the teachers to be finished so I could sleep on the bus. This is what I get for not packing ahead of time, I guess.

"(L/N)!" I lazily gazed in the general direction of the voice. Hazily smiling, I said my greetings and laughed drunkenly.

"Hey, good morning Kirishima. Nice to see you." He bared his teeth in a grin and smashed both of his fists together.

"Are you ready for camp?" he exclaimed, pumped up. "I'm all fired up! Adrenaline is coursing through my veins!" I nodded and yawned, slumping.

"That's nice, Kirishima. I'm happy for you." Our little conversation was interrupted by Aizawa announcing that we could board the bus. I took a look at the seating chart and was mentally irked. I was sitting next to Bakugo, probably one of the loudest people in our class. He'd probably start arguments and disturb the peace and quiet that I wanted.

I sighed, massaging my temples as I boarded the bus and sat down roughly on the window seat. There were clear bags under my eyes by now and I hated it. Silently cursing at myself for not packing the blonde silently took the seat next to me. He noticed me grumbling and smirked.

"What? Didn't get enough rest because you were too busy fussing?" I groaned and didn't interact with him, still mostly angry at myself. He scoffed and looked the other direction.

"Well get some rest. You're lucky you have the window seat. I'd never let you sleep on my shoulder, shit head." I mustered a smile, glancing back at him, a fairly relaxed expression adorning his features. He looked a lot less menacing like that.

"Thanks Bakugo." 

"Shut up."


I woke up groggily as I felt someone push my shoulder.

"We're at the stop, lazy." I hummed, furrowing my eyebrows as my eyes got used to the light. 

"M'kay," I murmured, getting up from my seat. Bakugo rolled his eyes and shoved his hands into his pockets, following the line of people getting off of the vehicle. I said a quick "thank you" to the bus driver as I hopped off, stretching. While Mineta was busy asking Aizawa where the bathroom was, I noticed the bushes rustle, and two figures jump out.

"Lock on with these sparkling gazes!" the red one exclaimed, twirling around. 

"Stingingly cute and catlike!" the blue one squealed, waving her white paw-mittens in the air.

"Wild, Wild, Pussycats!" they both shouted, posing melodramatically. Was I still dreaming? What kind of fantasy is this? I rubbed my eyes, still a little bit drowsy until Midoriya's screech pierced my sleepy state.

"The Wild Wild Pussycats!" he screamed, cheeks blushy. "They're a veteran rescue team that specializes in mountain rescues! This year will be their twelfth working-" Suddenly, the blue one shoved her paw in his face, steam spouting out her nose like an angry bull.

"I'm eighteen at heart!" she barked, glaring at Izuku. The red one laughed and introduced us to the property.

"We own this whole strip of land," she said, gesturing to the vast forest. "The base of the mountain, however, is where you'll be staying." A murmur ran through the crowd as the gears in our heads began to shift.

"No way..."

"Does that mean-"

"There's no possible way-" The realization had dawned on us and we sprinted back to the bus like scared mice.

"Get back! Everyone, get back!" Mina cried, scrambling to get to the door. Aizawa's expression was still the same, voice in the background of all the chaos as we were swept away by the blue hero's quirk. 

"Sorry everyone, but the training camp has already begun."


We all dropped down into the forest and directly into the way of multiple beasts made out of rock, soil, and debris. My mind was still too tired to function, but the only function my brain told my body to do was to run.

Adrenaline was coursing through my veins as I started to sprint to the next obstacle, bashing my way through the beasts' legs with whatever material I could find. Logs, thick and heavy branches, even some large stones did the trick as my other classmates helped and worked through the things standing in our way. 

We were utterly exhausted. One of Iida's exhaust pipes even burst, leaving his leg limp. He had to drag it all the way to the meeting point, where the Pussycats awaited our arrival.

"I'm so hungry I could die!" Kirishima complained, grabbing at his stomach as he collapsed on the ground. I'd retained a minor injury on my arm, scratched up from one of the beast's attacks, but it wasn't serious. My legs, however, were extremely sore from running at that high speed for a long time. Even Bakugo, proclaimed the "best" out of all of us was beaten and bruised.

"I'm surprised!" The woman in blue laughed and clapped her paws together. "I thought it would take you longer than this! You guys didn't have as hard of a time beating my earth beasts as I thought you would!" She then lunged for the group of boys in front of me.

"I'll be looking forward to where you'll be in three years!" As she fawned over the boys, I'd noticed a small child with a red cap, decorated with two horns.

"Excuse me." I interrupted the session with a quick remark. "Who's kid is that?" The cat-like girl dressed in red responded to my question, waving her paws side to side nonchalantly.

"Oh, he's not one of ours. He's actually my cousin's kid." I saw Midoriya go up to him and introduce himself, only to get punched in his crotch.

"That's brutal," I heard Kirishima mutter. Sero agreed by nodding his head, putting a fist up for Midoriya. I have to say I couldn't agree more as I looked onwards at Iida shouting at the kid. 

"You brute of a nephew! How dare you! Why would you do that to Midoriya's scrotum?" 

"I don't intend to hang out with guys that intend on becoming heroes," the small boy replied, glaring at Tenya in a harsh manner before turning and walking away. I only watched, baffled at his attitude. By now, I'd forgotten by the sores in my leg and my mind only focused on the small "brute nephew."

I'd completely forgotten that there were people around me until Sato piped up and tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey (L/N), you look kinda spaced out. You good?" I blinked, refocused. Nodding my head a couple of times, I smiled and picked up my bowl of rice and curry and chowed down on the delicious food. Now I remembered how hungry I'd been and enjoyed the evening, my mind pushing away the thought of the angry little anti-hero. 

All was well, and everything seemed to be in place at the moment, so I just basked in the glory of my friends and continued to eat until I was full. It was a good night.

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