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We got into the small holding room, the inside just sprinkled with other students that had already passed the exam, everyone talking together and amongst themselves, a calm atmosphere. Todoroki had already left my side, seeing that I had headed a different direction than he wanted to, so I was freely roaming around, saying the occasional greeting, chatting along with people from the other schools.

Until I spotted Inasa walk through the door, I was fairly bored on my own, but then saw an opportunity to finally have some social interaction with a friend when he did. I bounded over, happily beaming at him, eyes full of life.

"Inasa!" I exclaimed, clasping my hands together. "You made it!" He smiled brightly, scratching the back of his head.

"I did! It was a good effort, I believe!" I laughed and nudged his shoulder, a kind of difficult task, considering my height compared to his. We walked towards a seating area near the back, one of the many scattered around the room, chuckling and talking about what had happened while we were in different schools. He rambled on about his friends at Shiketsu, while I just listened, as he had a lot of things to say.

"My classmates are exponentially nicer than I could've imagined! They're the best people to learn and grow with, and they've really helped me improve as a hero, and a person!" I nodded, happy for his achievements. I opened my mouth, about to speak, when another wave of students came in, Inasa immediately jumping up to go to some of his classmates, grabbing my wrist and dragging me along with him.

"There they are! You have to meet them! They're really nice!" He whisked me away, and suddenly I was in front of a few students, each bearing the iconic Shiketsu school cap.

"Everyone, this is my friend, (Y/N)! I used to go to school with them!" I waved as Inasa introduced me to the group, a bit awkward at first, but we all eventually warmed up to each other, even to the point of asking if we could all possibly hang out if we had a little free time.

I then spotted some of my friends near the entrance, and I had to bid Inasa farewell in order to go talk to my other friends. I started to walk backwards, still gazing at him, preparing to yell in his direction.

"Let's meet up soon! I'm looking forward to it!" He nodded and gave me a thumbs-up, a giant grin plastered on his face. I snickered at his expression before I sped off, joining the small group of UA students.

"Hey guys, congrats on finishing." Too tired to speak, the boys and girls gave me sighs and weary smiles, mustering the smallest "thank you" before plopping down in a seat.

"The course wasn't the easiest on you, huh?" They all groaned, half lidded eyes dull and emotionless, busy rubbing their sore joints and muscles. Seeing that they weren't in a mood to talk, I meandered towards Bakugo and Kirishima, who had entered the room a little bit before the others, already situated in a corner.

As I approached them, Kirishima perked up and waved to me, a sharp grin displayed on his face.

"(Y/N)!" he called, beckoning for me to come over, "Over here!" Bakugo's expression was ashy, his eyes glued to the ground as I walked up to the pair.

"What's up?" The red head gave me a small look of embarrassment, pointing to his friend.

"Bakugo here won't bother talking, and I don't exactly know why." I raised an eyebrow, bending down to have a glimpse at the blonde's expression. My eyes widened a little bit and my mouth formed an "O" shape as I finally saw what he looked like.

"That's-" I chuckled, stifling a loud laugh, "that's pure unadulterated rage, my friend." Kirishima's expression shifted to mirror mine, not knowing what to do next. He awkwardly patted Bakugo's shoulder, trying to consult him.

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