02. Reputation

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The alarm on my phone wakes me up reminding me that I have to go to school. I put on my glasses and it takes me a moment to realize that I am not in my usual bedroom. This double bed is much more comfortable than my old single bed. The walls are painted in cream and the white furniture is elegant. The entire house is elegant in fact. When I arrived yesterday, I was afraid to touch anything in case it broke. Every ornament looks so fragile and delicate. I quickly brush my teeth and put on some casual clothes. I pull my hair up into a messy bun. I do not really care how I look. I grab my bag and head downstairs.

Drew is already dressed and having cereal at the dining table. Ashley turns away from the kitchen counter to face me and asks me what I would like to eat for breakfast. She hands me a small brown paper bag telling me that it is lunch. It reminds me of my mother - she always made me lunch for school. She is wearing a white apron with different types of fruits and vegetables printed on it. It really suits her.

"Thanks but I'm not hungry at the moment." I take the paper bag from her hands. "I will eat this during break. Thank you so much... for everything."

"No problem. You're part of our family now and Drew will give you a ride to school," she informs me.

Drew almost chokes on his cereal. "What?"

Ashley gives him an irritated look. "We talked about this. Don't let me call your father to take away your car."

Yesterday Ashley told me that Mason Evans is away on business but she did not mention when he is going to return. I did not bother to ask because it is not my business.

"Fine." Drew is not thrilled at all to give me a ride to school. What have I ever done to him to make him despise me? He has been an unreasonably hostile host so far.

Drew's mother is my guardian now. Does that make him my brother?

Drew finishes his cereal and stands up. "Let's go then."

He strides out of the kitchen quickly and I hurry to follow him.

"Have a good first day, Haley!" Ashley calls out from behind.

I thank her and shut the door behind me. Drew starts the engine of his Audi before I even climb into the passenger seat. He does not even look at me once when I am seated next to him. He turns on the radio and a pop song comes on. We stay silent the whole way to school and I am kind of thankful because I would not know what to tell him anyway and I still do not feel like talking to anyone. This Drew is so different from the funny, kind boy I used to know.

Drew stops the car on the side of the road but we are not in front of the school building yet.

I am confused. "Why did you stop here?"

He gives me an annoyed look. "The school is around the corner so you can get out now. I will meet you here after school."

"Why?" This is ridiculous.

"I don't want anyone to see me with you."

Ouch. That hurts. If he punched me in the face it would hurt less than his words. Why is he being such a jerk?

"Are you ashamed to be seen with me?"

He chuckles. "Have you seen yourself in the mirror? I have a reputation to uphold."

My hurt is replaced with rage. I get out of the car and slam his car door before I turn and walk away from the a**h***. He curses at me for slamming the door but I ignore him. I do not care about his f***ing car.

I spend the day with my head down and sit at the back of every class. I get lost twice before break. During break I sit at a table alone. I look around to see Drew sitting at a table with five other guys and three girls laughing about who knows what. I take out the paper bag Ashley gave me and open it to find a wrap which looks tasty but I am not hungry.

"Is this seat taken?" a female voice asks.

I look up to see a slim brunette girl wearing a purple sweater and jeans. Her curly hair is half-pulled back. The highlights in her hair match the color of her sweater. Her olive skin contrasts my slightly pale skin. She looks so beautiful. I shake my head in answer to her question.

She sits in front of me, placing a red tray of food on the table. "Are you okay? You seem a little sad?"

I simply shrug. I do not want to talk to anyone, let alone a stranger.

"Do you have a voice?"

I play with the plastic wrapping of my wrap, debating whether to eat it or not.

"I'm Amy Reed." She extends her hand to me.

I shake her hand. "Haley Watson."

She smiles showing off her bright white teeth. "Good to know you have a voice. Nice to meet you, Haley. You're new here, right?"

I nod taking a small bite of the wrap.

"Where did you come from and what made you move to Bend?" She is quite the nosy type. Why is she even talking to me? Doesn't she have any friends?

"Denver. I came here to live with a friend."

"Does that mean you're living here temporarily?" Why does she want to know so much about me?

"No." I look around the cafeteria feeling suffocated.

She seems to take the hint. "I apologize if I'm being annoying but my only friend is sick today and I saw you here alone so I thought you can be my new friend."

I do not want to be rude to her because she seems nice. She could be my only friend here and I really need a friend right now - someone I can talk to even though I do not feel like talking at the moment. "I'm sorry. I just lost my mom so I'm not in a good place right now." Tears start to run down my cheeks no matter how bad I try to keep them at bay.

Amy gives a sympathetic look. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have bombarded you with questions. Can I get you anything?"

I wipe the tears from my face. "I'm a mess, but I'll be fine."

She nods and digs into her food as our conversation ends there.

One Kiss (One Kiss Book 1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt