44. Reality

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I have no idea how to reach Haley. She ran out and left. I was in the kitchen waiting for her when I heard the front door shut. By the time I ran out, she was already in her car ready to leave. Now I am worried because I do not want her to drive with anger. I did not drive after her because I know she does not want that. But I still worry about her. I am sitting on the couch waiting for the front door to open when my mother's voice distracts me from my thoughts.

"She went to meet her friend, Amy, at the Mall. She texted me just now." Haley didn't text me yet she texted my mother? "You need to give her some space."

"I'm trying, but I need to explain what she misunderstood."

She frowns at me. "What happened last night?"

For a moment, I think of making something up, but then I go with the truth. I tell her about how Mona joined us without invitation. I tell her how she came on to me. "I was taken by surprise. I was shocked and frozen for a second. It was a second too late because by the time I reacted and pushed Mona off of me Haley had already caught Mona's move. She didn't give me time to explain. She just rushed out. At least she let me drive her home."

"I won't allow that girl in here ever again," my mom spits out. "I don't care if she's blood related to Haley. She will never set foot in this house ever again." I turn to go up to my room but my mom's voice stops me. "Do you want me to speak to Haley when she gets back?"

I turn to face her again. "I appreciate the offer, mom, but I think I should be the one to tell her the truth."

"Of course. I understand."

I turn on my heels and leave.

I spend two hours pacing back and forth in my room. I managed to finish all my homework in between all the pacing. The homework was a good means of distraction but now I have nothing. When I hear the front door shut, I run out my bedroom door to catch Haley before she locks herself up in her room. She almost bumps into me because she does not see me. She is carrying two small shopping bags.

"We need to talk." I block her way. "Let me explain what really happened."

She gives me an annoyed expression and rolls her eyes but does not say anything.

"I was taken aback when Mona kissed me. I did not kiss her back."

"You didn't stop her," she accuses.

"You're right, but I was frozen. I was so shocked that I didn't have time to react." I am desperate for her to understand my point of view.

"I need to put these in my room." She raises her bags between us.

"Will you come down to eat with us?"

"I already had something to eat with Amy."

"Can you join us anyway? Please?" I crave her presence. I missed her during breakfast this morning. I missed her in bed last night. I need her close to me. I hesitantly step closer to her.

"Fine." She steps aside and I let her pass me to get to her room.

Ten minutes later, my mother calls us down for lunch. I am the first to join the dining table. It takes Haley a long time to join us. For a moment I think she will not be joining us but then she appears in the doorway wearing the same clothes. She takes the chair next to my mother.

"Hello, dear," my mother greets her. "We missed you this morning. How was your shopping?"

Haley gives her a forced smile. "Good, thanks."

"I hope you're hungry because there's plenty of food."

"I'm not too hungry but I will eat a bit."

I speak next. "Haley, I hope you remember how much I care about you."

She looks at me and she gets teary-eyed.

"I love you." I have never said it to her in front of my mother. I have never even said it to my mother.

Two gasps come from Haley and my mother.

"I cannot live without you, Haley. You make my life complete."

Tears make their way down her cheeks and she sniffs. "You should have pushed her away."

"I know. Can you come sit next to me now?"

She nods slowly and comes over to sit on the chair next to me where she usually sits.

I wipe away her tears. "I am sorry for hurting you."

"You two are so good together," my mother says in a cheery voice. "You don't have to worry about that girl coming in between the two of you. I will not allow her to come in this house, no matter if she's related to you."

Haley thanks her and we continue to eat.

"What would you like to do today?" I ask Haley.

"Can we go see my father again?"

"Of course."

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