37. Sister

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Panic takes over. The girl claiming to be Haley's sister shows up again. She looks nothing like Haley. Haley is blond while this girl is a brunette. When my mother called me to tell me this girl showed up out of the blue claiming to be Haley's sister and sent her away, I did not expect her to show up again. I thought my mother sent her away for good. She must be one of those persistent people who cannot take no for an answer.

This girl looks like the total opposite of Haley. She looks like a punk with her pink dye and black clothing. When she takes off her round sunglasses I can see that her eyes are chocolate brown, unlike Haley's crystal blue ones.

Haley looks confused. I never wanted her to know about this chick. I do not believe she is her sister. She cannot be. Now that she is standing in front of me, I believe that even more.

I regain my composure before Haley does. "Haley does not have a sister." I almost close the door in her face but she stops the door with her hands.

"I was born two years before her. My father left us, before I was even born, to start a new family with her mother. We only share the same father."


Haley is still standing there, still confused.

My mother joins us. "Who is-" She halts when her eyes land on our visitor. "I told you to go as far away from here and never come back." I have never seen my mother this furious, except for the time she kicked my father out of the house maybe. Usually my mother is the sweetest and loveliest human being. This visitor has brought out my mother's ugly side.

"I have proof." Mona hands out a paper to my mother and she takes it.

My mother inspects the paper carefully. "A birth ceritificate proves nothing." She throws the paper back at Mona.

"I'm willing to do a DNA test if you want."

This girl really wants to prove she is Haley's sister. But why? Why now? She could have tried to find Haley for years but she never did until now. What does she want from Haley?

"Why did you come now?" I ask Mona.

"I only found out I had a half sister a month ago. I went to look for her in Denver but people told me her mother died and that she moved here. So here I am."

"My father had another family?" Haley is still looking out of it.

I am worried about Haley. If all this is true, I do not want it to have a negative impact on her.

Before I can say anything, Haley surprises me when she says, "I'm willing to take a DNA test."


My mother intervenes again. "Haley, you don't have to do that."

"I want to know. I want to know the truth."

I believe the fact that she does not know much about her father, makes her want to know more about him. She wants to take the test to find out whether what Mona is saying is the truth or not. I do not know what to think of this. I want Haley to be happy. I definitely do not want this to ruin the progress she has made after her mother's death.

"How about we go tomorrow morning?" Haley seems determined to find out the truth.

"I'm good with that," Mona agrees.

After Mona leaves, I follow Haley to her bedroom. She sits on her bed with her back against the headboard and her arms resting on her knees. She does not look sad but she does not look happy either. I sit next to her.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"I think so." She does not even look at me.

I hate Mona even more than before I met her. I really hope she is not her sister. If she actually is her sister, would things change between Haley and I? I hope not.

"We have to go to your physiotherapy session in a bit," I remind her.

"I know." She still does not look my way.

I ask her if she wants to eat but she denies food. She never denies food unless she is not feeling well. Now I really am worried. I will not leave her like this. I will stay with her and make sure she gets to her physiotherapy session in time.

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