14. Player

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Haley enjoyed the drink I chose for her and she actually drank two more Virgin Coladas. Then she had to go to the restroom - it was the only time she left my side. Thankfully no one tried anything with her so far because I kept her close to me the entire time. I warned my friends not to mess with her on our online group chat. When I see a guy approaching her, I put my arm around her waist and give him a deadly glare. He gets the message and turns away. However, Haley removes my arm from around her waist.

"What do you think you're doing?" she asks.

"There was a guy approaching you. He turned away now."

 She stares at me dumbfounded. She has no f***ing clue how alluring she is. Did no one ever tell her?

"You have no idea how gorgeous you are, do you? Your previous boyfriends never told you?"

She blushes and looks down at the floor. She mumbles something but I do not hear it.


She looks up at me and speaks over the loud music. "I never had a boyfriend."

I could barely hear what she said over the music but I got it anyway. I do not believe her though. She is probably messing with me. "Really? How is that possible?"

"All guys are players so I never give them a chance to break my heart in the first place."

So she never had a boyfriend. I am left speechless for a moment. "Why do you believe that?"

"My mother always dated the players so I never had an example of a man who treats a woman the way she should be treated and I will not repeat my mother's mistakes. I loved her... a lot... I still do... but I won't repeat her mistakes."

That makes sense. I need to do everything I can to prove her wrong though. She deserves to experience dating and everything that goes with it. "I want to take you out on a date."

She laughs at my statement. "You're probably the king of players."

"You don't know that until you give me a chance." She has to let me prove to her that I can be good for her.

"No thanks." She puts her hands on her hips.

Her friends return from the tiny dance floor on one corner of the bar. They interrupt our little chat. "I think I drank to much." Jenny is standing on wobbly legs. She drank a mixture of drinks. She looks at Amy and Haley. "Can you take me home?"

Haley looks at Amy then back at me. "Can we take her home now?"

I nod and say goodbye to my friends so we can take Jenny home. They joke about me taking three girls home and I flip them off. When we arrive at Jenny's house, Haley and Amy help her to the door. I drive to Amy's house next. When Amy leaves to the car, I turn to Haley and say, "I meant everything that I said to you since the second day you arrived here. I really do like you... Not just as a friend or a sister. I want to be more than that to you. I know you believe all guys are players including myself but that's not true. I know you never had a good male role-model in your life but there are a lot of successful relationships. There are also girls who break guys' hearts, you know. In fact you might be the one who breaks my heart eventually."

She shakes her head and smiles. "I doubt that."

"All I'm asking for is a chance... a chance to prove you wrong. Please." I have never begged anyone to go out with me. Why am I doing so now? How is Haley different from other girls? I have no idea, but all I know is that she really is different and I like her more than any other girl.

"Fine. One chance." She pulls out her index finger in front of my face. "But I have no idea how to date. And what about your parents? What will they think of us dating?"

I shrug my shoulders. "We can keep it a secret until we figure it out."

She nods slowly. The jerk inside me is throwing fists in the air with excitement. I tell the jerk inside me that I cannot hurt her in anyway. I drive us home in silence. At times we smile at each other but that is it. When we arrive home, we head upstairs and I want to kiss her so badly before she enters her room but I restrain myself. We simply say goodnight to each other. That night I dream of her again.

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