38. DNA

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I do not know what to think of this new idea - the idea that I might have a sister. My father might have had another family before I came into this world. This DNA test will give me the answers I need. If I do not do this test, I will keep wondering for the rest of my life. I want the truth.

I do not remember my father so I have no idea what kind of man he was. My mother never told me anything negative about him so I always thought of him as a good, honest man. Will this DNA test change my view of him? I do not know how I feel about this. I guess I have mixed emotions.

I wake up with my shoulder feeling better than yesterday. I am so glad for physiotherapy. When I turn, Drew is not there. He must be having breakfast already. I stand up and go into the bathroom to get ready. We made an appointment at a private clinic to have a DNA test for Mona and I this morning. I want to get this over with. I hate feeling this uncertainty.

I put on comfortable jeans and a pastel blue T-shirt. I put on very light make-up and go to the kitchen. Drew is already dressed and finished with his breakfast. He is putting his bowl into the dishwasher but he turns when he senses my presence.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" He looks concerned.

"Yeah. Where's Ashley?"

"She went to by geoceries but she will be here before we leave. She wants to come with us."

Ashley told me yesterday that she does not trust Mona. She believes Mona is lying for some unknown reason. But she respects my decision to take a DNA test to be sure. I appreciate her support.

Suddenly I think of my mother. How would she react to this news if she were still alive? Would she be mad at my father? Would she want to know the truth by doing this DNA test before jumping to any conclusions? Would she even support my decision to take the test, like Ashley did? I guess I will never know. Although I have Drew and Ashley, I wish my mother was here to support me.

Ashley arrives with the groceries and we help her put them in place before we leave. Drew is the one who drives today. We pick up Mona from her motel which is only a ten-minute drive from our house. We all stay silent the rest of the drive. The tension in the car is thick. The only sound in the car is the sound of a Jonas Brothers' song on the radio which is on a low volume.

When we arrive at the clinic, Drew does all the talking. Now that we are here, I am starting to feel nervous. Now it hits me that this will lead me to finding more about my father. This test will shed some light to my father's life before I was born. Noticing my nerves, Ashley grabs my hand to offer her support.

Mona has been typing on her phone the whole way here and she ignores us. She seems to be relaxed as if she already knows the result, or maybe she does not care about the result.

We sit in the waiting area and it does not take long for a nurse to call us in. They explain to us that a DNA test can only be 99.9% certain. The test is quite simple. They just take a cheek swab. The nurse takes two samples from me and two samples from Mona and all four tubes are labelled with our names accordingly. Thankfully no needles are involved because they make me nauseous.

They inform us that they will call us when the results are ready and they should be ready by tomorrow. This means I will stay on edge until we tomorrow. Tomorrow seems too far ahead. I need the results now so that my brain can process the information and I will react accordingly. I am not feeling patient in this situation. Drew seems more patient than me. Even Ashley seems more patient.

"Relax," Drew whispers in my ear as we head back to his car.

I cannot relax no matter how many times he repeats the word to me.

Ashley gives me a sympathetic smile but does not say anything. Mona is still acting like she is living in her own world with her phone stuck in front of her face. She only put the phone aside when the nurse swabbed the inside of her cheek. What is she even doing on her phone this whole time? Texting? Must be a hell of a long text message. Is she playing a game? At one point she must have been taking selfies in the car judging by the way she angled her phone. She is definitely obsessed with her phone.

An idea pops into my head. I should look her up on social media to get to know more about her while waiting for the results. I am not very active on social media. I rarely post anything on Instagram and I never use my Twitter account. In fact I do not even have a profile picture on Twitter. And before you start judging me, I am not one of those people who stalk other people on social media but I need to know more about this stranger.

The only problem I have is that I do not know her last name. Is it the same as mine since we should have the same father? I try typing Mona Watson. Luckily, or not, she is the third person to appear in the search results.

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