30. Surgery

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It is the first day of spring break - unless you count the weekend - and Haley's birthday. Just like I instructed, Haley puts on comfortable clothes. She comes out of the bathroom sans make-up and wearing glasses. Good, I think to myself. She looks radiant without make-up.

I move and stop in front of her. I do not smell any perfume on her so I am guessing she followed all my instructions.

"Thank you for listening to me," I tell her. I wrap my arms around her to pull her close to me and give her a sweet and tender kiss before letting go. "Happy birthday."

We go to the kitchen to find our breakfast ready on the table. My mother already left for work. I still cannot believe she is working. We slept in today since we did not have school. I already informed my mother of my plans with Haley for the whole week.

Haley started having cereal in the morning since I asked her to try it. She was not used to having breakfast in the morning before that - with the exception of when her mother was still alive because she used to make her pancakes.

After breakfast I drive to the clinic. On the way, Haley asks me our destination at least twice. I stop in the parking area of the clinic.

"A clinic? Why? Is something wrong?" Her face is full of worry.

I take her hand in mine. "There's nothing to worry about. I set up an appointment for an eye laser surgery hence why I told you not to wear make-up, contacts, creams and perfume. They will explain everything to you."

A bright smile replaces her frown. "You did this for me?"

I nod.

"Thank you." She leans toward me and gives me a deep kiss. Then she move away abruptly. "Wait, did you pay for it already?"

"I gave them a deposit last time I came here to see what the procedure entails."

"But how did you know I would accept?"

"I knew you wanted to do this but you mentioned you did not want to waste your money for college. My mom helped me out as well. She knows about this."

Her jaw drops. "You two really know how to keep a secret, don't you."

I place a light kiss on her forehead. "Let's go inside."

We exit the car and I lead Haley into the building. We are just in time so we do not have to wait. The doctor explains the procedure to Haley, he asks her about her medical history, and he tells her things she needs to avoid after the surgery like watching TV or reading, alcohol, rubbing her eyes and staring without lubricating the eyes. He also informs her of the possible complications that might arise after the procedure. She signs the consent form anyway. I am scared for her but I hide my fear so I do not alarm her.

The procedure takes less than twenty minutes. Haley says that she cannot see clearly and the doctor tells us that she should recover in two to seven days. I lead her to the car and help her get in. I start the engine and pull out of the parking area.

"Are you okay? Do you feel any pain?" I ask.

"It's not pain. It's just... discomfort."

I hold her hand the rest of the way home. I help her up the stairs to her room. She sits on the bed with her back against the headboard.

"Is there anything you need?" I ask, unsure what to do.

She shakes her head. "Can you just sit with me for a bit?"

I should have planned something more fun for her birthday, not this. I hate to see her like this. I sit next to her as she requested. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For planning this on your birthday. We should have done something different."

"I appreciate this. I have wanted to do it for a long time. So don't be sorry." She entwines her arm with mine and rests her head on my shoulder. "I'm thankful for it. My hazy vision should be temporary."

I kiss the top of her head and rest my head against hers.

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