20. Car

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Drew's friends have been good to me this week and Drew has been a perfect gentleman so far. We have established a schedule this week - we agreed to go on a date every Friday night, hang out with our friends on Saturday nights, and Sunday morning is girl time for me with Amy and Jenny. I have been sleeping in his bed all week and I am totally fine with it. I still kept my things in my bedroom - probably because I still have that one percent of uncertainty. Drew and I have not done anything more than second base because he respects my wish to wait. I have no idea what I am waiting for though. It is not because I was raised Christian but because I do not feel ready to take such a big step. Once we take that step, there is no going back.

Last Wednesday, after dinner, I tried to tell Ashley about me and Drew dating. Drew had already left the room - I had told him I needed to tell his mother about us. Somehow Ashley knew what I was going to tell her before I even opened my mouth.

"How did you know?" I asked her in surprise.

She was not angry at all about it - actually rather delighted. "I noticed his change in behavior around you and the way you look at each other. I notice things no matter how subtle you try to be. I also know you are sleeping in the same bed."

The conversation drifted to protection. She warned me to make sure we use protection. That was embarrassing considering we have not done it yet. She assumed we already had s** which is probably because of Drew's reputation.

Today is Saturday and I am supposed to catch up on my assignments this morning but Drew and Ashley are taking me somewhere. They say it is a surprise and I hate surprises.

Ashley stops the car in front of a car dealer.

"I know you had to sell your car before you came here," Ashley starts. "So I thought of buying you a car. That way you don't have to rely on us to travel."

My jaws drops. This is unbelievable. I was not expecting this at all. I thought we were going out for coffee or something. This is definitely a surprise. I am too shocked to speak.

"Let's go take a look at the cars," Drew says before I can say anything. He is so excited about this. He takes my hand and leads me inside.

I know nothing about cars so I am going to leave it to Drew to choose my car. Anything he decides is good for me, I will take it. It is staggering how much I have come to trust him in such a short period of time.

From the available cars, Drew chooses a white Honda Fit and he keeps asking if I like it or not.

"Yes, I like it."

"It has a parking sensor, radio and CD player-"

I admire his commitment and energy but I have to stop him. "I said I like it." I squeeze his hand in mine and rise on my tiptoes to kiss him gently. He relaxes immediately.

Ashley pays for the car and I promise her that I will pay her back eventually. I still have the money of the car I sold. It only covers half the cost but I also have the money from selling the apartment. That will definitely cover the expense of the car. I was going to save all that money for college but having my own car - something I actually own - makes me feel satisfied.

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