04. Humiliation

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I have never felt so humiliated in my life. Drew did not answer my question but I understood why he kissed me in front of everyone. He wanted to humiliate me and ruin my life. Mission accomplished because that is exactly what he did. All his friends applauded him as if he did a macho gesture. Who does he think he is?

After he turns away from me, I leave the cafeteria and rush to the restroom. I lock myself in one of the stalls and let the tears fall. I let my bag fall to the floor and rest my back against the wall of the stall. I slide down to the ground and let my head drop to my knees as tears continue to fall.

Amy calls out my name from the other side of the door. "Haley! Are you okay?" She knocks on my door. "Can you open the door, please?"

I sniffle and stand up slowly. I unlock the door and open it. I grab my bag from the floor and exit the stall.

Amy looks at me with a concern and confusion in her eyes. "What just happened? Do you know Drew Evans?"

How do I tell her? I shake my head and walk to the sink to wash my face. I wipe my face in a tissue before I answer her. "Yes, I know him, kind of. I am living with his family. His mother was my mother's only friend. He has been a jerk to me ever since I arrived. I wish I could live anywhere else but I am stuck with him."

"Isn't he going off to college in Florida?"

Drew is going to college in Florida? "I don't know." That would be awesome. The farther he goes to college, the better. I would only have to endure his torture for five months - if he leaves straight after graduation.

"I heard he is working hard to get a football scholarship."

"Really?" I hope he does get the scholarship and leaves me in peace. I hope he does not visit his parents after he leaves.

"That's what I heard. Are you going to tell his mom about what he did today?"

I have not thought about that? What will Ashley do if I tell her? Tell her husband? Ground Drew? Take away his phone or car? Then he would really hate me. "I don't think that's a good idea."

Amy crosses her arms in front of her and raises an eyebrow. "Why not?"

"It might make things worse. I just want to get through this year without causing problems."

"Drew is the one causing problems and you need to stand up to him." She points her index finger at me like a mother scolding her daughter for bad behavior.

I cannot imagine how I can stand up to Drew Evans. Everyone at school seems to adore him. "How?"

She puts her hands on her hips. "First of all, do not let him get to you. Secondly, you need to show him that you are not to be messed with. Be the boss."

I chuckle at her choice of words. "How can I be the boss?"

"First, you need a makeover."

A makeover? That was not what I expected her to say. "No way." I am happy the way I am. I definitely do not need a makeover. Well, I do need a makeover, but I do not really care. I do not want to change for other people.

"Yes way. Can you come to my house after school?" We have been friends for only a few hours and she is inviting me to her house? "We can Video call Jenny. She's the expert when it comes to these things."

Who's Jenny? "I have to check with Ashley. Who's Jenny?"

"Jenny Jerkins is my friend - the one I told you is sick today. We are going to teach you how to do your make-up and you can borrow some of my clothes." She really is a good friend. She is being so nice to me on my first day.

"Let me call Ashley."

Ashley does not ask too many questions after I her I am going to Amy's house. Apparently she knows Amy's family. I leave out what happened with Drew. She does not need to know that. She tells me that she will contact Drew to let him know that I will not be going home with him after school. She also informs me that Drew will pick me up from Amy's house. We will see how that goes.

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