32. Flight

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Drew wakes me up with kisses all over my face.

"What time is it?" I whine.

"Time to wake up, have breakfast, pack everything we need and leave."

"I'm going to need some coffee," I grumble before I stand up.

Drew is already dressed and judging by the open luggage on the floor, I am guessing he is going to start packing. I can smell his cologne from afar.

"Should we bring these?" He holds up the packet of condoms I got from my friends.

I feel my cheeks burn and head into the bathroom without giving him a reply. I will secretly bring them with me if he does not. I just do not want to have that pressure of him expecting us to have s**. I will decide to take that step on my own terms. Not that he ever pressured me into anything.

I brush my teeth and go to the kitchen for breakfast. We say 'goodbye' to Ashley before she leaves for work. After breakfast, Drew and I pack our things and he drives us to the airport. Drew will pick up my car from the mechanic when we return.

I get my vision check at the clinic before we continue our way to Portland. My vision is much better than yesterday and the doctor is satisfied with my progress. We listen to some music on the radio to pass the time until we arrive at the airport. We check-in and go to our gate. I got used to PDA by now so we spend most of the time kissing or simply holding each other while we wait for our flight at the gate.

I get nervous when we take our seats on the plane.

Drew senses my nervousness. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just a little nervous. I'll be fine."

He leans in to whisper in my ear. "If you had your first experience, I would have asked you to join the mile high club."

Just like that, my nervousness is replaced by arousal. His lips meet mine and I get lost in him as he deepens the kiss. I forget where we are because Drew is all I can think about. He invades my senses and takes over my thoughts. Nothing else exists when I get lost in him. Drew is my world right now and nothing else matters.

By the time our kiss ends, the plan has taken off already.

"We're flying already?"

He laughs at my amazement. He takes my hand in his and holds it until we land in San Jose. We find a taxi waiting for us and Drew gives him an address.

"Where are we staying?" I ask Drew when the driver drives off.

"First we are going to the hotel and unpack, then we will be visiting an old friend of mine and we are having dinner at one of the most beautiful restaurants in San Jose."

"Who's your old friend?" I am curious about his life before I came to live with him and Ashley. I know about his history with girls but I do not know anything else.

"His name is Nolan. He used to live in Bend, across the street from us. We practically grew up together. His father got a job in San Jose so his family moved here. His grandparents also live here and they have a restaurant. That's where we'll have dinner. You'll love it. The food is excellent and the place is wonderful."

I admire the passion when he speaks of his friend. "How long ago did he move?"

"Three years but we kept in contact through social media and sometimes we visit each other."

"That's nice. Is he a playboy like you were before I came into your life?" I meant to tease him but he takes my question seriously.

"I am not proud of the way I treated girls before you, and no, he was never a playboy."

"I didn't mean to offend you by that." I lean into him and kiss his cheek. His jaw is tense. "I'm sorry."

He relaxes and embraces me. I stay in his embrace until we arrive at the hotel.

The building is huge and modern. The silver-framed windows of the rooms are tall and the facade is pale gray. The front door is a sliding glass door with a sensor. The lobby is spacious and well-lit. Drew speaks to the receptionist and he gives us the key card to our room. I follow Drew to the elevator and to our room. The room is bright and spacious. I notice we have a double bed, a TV, a mini bar and all the basic necessities. The cream curtains have a golden pattern and they make the room look elegant and posh.

I hope he did not spend too much money because of me.

"This looks expensive."

Drew hugs me from behind. "Don't worry about it. I was going to come here anyway to visit Nolan. Having you here makes this visit a hundred times better." He kisses my cheek, then my neck and I lean my head back on his shoulder. "Let's unpack and get settled in."

We unpack our things, shower and get dressed for dinner. I put on a blue cocktail dress and beige sandals. I put on some light make-up before I exit the bathroom.

Drew stands up from the bed when he sees me. "You look... breath-taking."

"You clean up well too."

He is wearing black slacks and a gray dress shirt. He looks hot in them. I rarely get to see him wearing anything close to formal. He always wears casual clothes. I didn't even know he owns anything formal.

"Ready to go?"

I nod. "Yes."

He switches off the TV while I grab my purse and we leave.

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