43. Heartbreak

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My brain does not register what is happening until Mona is pushed off of me by someone. That someone being Haley.

"You b**ch!" Haley screams at Mona, who is lying on the floor with a huge grin plastered on her face.

I have never seen Haley so angry. She is furious.

She turns toward me and slaps me in the face.

What just happened?

"You let her kiss you?!" She shouts at me. "You're unbelievable! I thought you were better than this." She turns and leaves.

I jump forward and run after her. This cannot be happening. She should know that I will never betray her by kissing another girl. She needs to know that I was taken by surprise and I did not have time to react because I was shocked. Haley is everything to me and I do not want anyone but her.

"Haley! Wait!"

She stops but stays with her back toward me. We are in the deserted parking lot.

"She initiated the kiss, not me."

She turns to face me, anger still burning inside her. "You didn't stop her!"

"I was shocked and frozen. I wasn't expecting her to do that."

I step toward her but she raises a hand to stop me. "Don't! Stay away from me."

"Let me take you home at least."

"No! I'll call a cab ... or Ashley."

"I'm going home anyway because there's nothing for me here without you."

She considers my offer for a minute. "Fine. But it does not mean I forgive you."

I nod. "Okay. Text your friends to let them know we're leaving. I'm sure Brody will give them a ride home."

I spent the whole ride back home looking out the window so that we would not talk. It worked. I am locked in my room now and I have no intention in sleeping anywhere else tonight. I heard Ashley ask Drew what happened after I slammed the front door shut behind me, in Drew's face, and ran up the stairs. I cannot face Ashley right now. My friends wanted to come to my house when I told them I was leaving. I just want to be alone tonight. I need to clear my head. I am too pissed off to face anyone right now and if I do I will most definitely say something I will regret by tomorrow. I need to sleep on this and face the consequences tomorrow.

When I wake up I feel as if I drank too much last night but in actual fact I did not have a drop of alcohol. My head is pounding and aching. I sit up slowly on the bed and then stand up. I stumble forward and head into the bathroom. Thankfully this house has a bathroom for each bedroom apart from the main bathroom. This way I do not have to meet Drew. I get my morning routine done slower than usual. I have no motivation to do anything today. I feel like staying in bed all day and not talking to anyone.

When I am finished from the bathroom, I grab my phone from my bed-side table. It has been on silent all night because Drew called before I went to bed last night. I find ten missed calls - eight from Drew last night and two from Amy this morning. I also find three texts - two from Drew and one from Amy. I decide to open Amy's message first.

Amy: How r u? Please call me back when u can.

I dial her number, ignoring Drew's texts.

Amy answers after the first ring. "Hey, how are you?"

"Do I even have to answer that question?" I ask in a monotone voice. I sit on the bed still holding the phone.

"I'm free this morning if you want to hang out. Retail therapy?"

I think about it for a moment. It would be good to get away from Drew. He is probably waiting for me in the kitchen.

"Sure. What time shall we meet?"

"The Mall in half an hour?"

"Sounds good to me. See you there." I hang up and go to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

I put on casual clothes but before I leave my room, I check out Drew's texts.

Drew: Please call me back.

Drew: Please let me explain what happened.

I do not reply to his texts and put my phone in my bag before I open the door slowly and as quietly as possible. No one in sight. Good. I tip-toe down the stairs and head straight for the front door before anyone realizes I am leaving. I will let Ashley know where I am once I arrive at the mall. By the time I start the engine of the car, I see Drew coming out the front door and calling my name. I take off before he reaches me. In my rearview mirror I can see the desperation on his face. He runs his hands through his hair. He must be as miserable as I am. Good. He should be.

I switch on the radio to distract me.

One Kiss (One Kiss Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin