16. Cheater

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The date with Drew went better than I thought it would. I am still skeptical about the fact that he might break my heart eventually. Although the kiss we shared felt too good to give up on him.

It is late so I take a shower, brush my teeth and go to bed. Some time later, I feel the door open and I sit up startled. I really need to start locking my door. Back when I lived with my mother, I never had to lock my room because it was just me and her. Whenever she dated someone, she used to go to his place. She only brought a guy home once for dinner when she thought he was the one.

The figure I see is that of a male but it is not Drew's - it is his father's. What is he doing in my room? I cover myself with the sheets since I am only wearing boyshorts and a thin tank top.

"Wh-Where's Drew? Where's Ashley?" My voice sounds weak.

"Drew's in his room and Ashley is downstairs unpacking our things." His voice sounds gruff. He slowly steps closer to me.

"You should go help her then." I try to sound as tough as possible even though I feel the total opposite on the inside.

He chuckles but does not say anything as he sits on my bed. He raises his hand and for a moment I think he is going to slap me for being rude. Instead he caresses my left cheek but I pull away. He is making me very uncomfortable and I need Drew by my side - I feel safe with Drew.

I shout out Drew's name as loud as I can hoping that he is not asleep. Mason reacts quickly by shutting my mouth with his hands. I panic. What is he going to do? I need to get out of here. My door is closed but not locked. I can make a run for it if he lets go of me.

"You don't have to call Drew. We can have fun, just the two of us." His voice is calm but his eyes are menacing. I loathe him.

He slowly lets go of my face but his hands travel down my body. My adrenaline kicks in and I push him forcefully. Then I jump out of bed, run out the door and try to open Drew's door but it is locked. I bang on the door with my fists and call his name. He opens the door within seconds.

His hair is a mess and he is only wearing boxer briefs. He looks at me with worry in his eyes. "What happened?"

I realize I am trembling when he holds my arms. "Your father... He tried to... I don't know."

He looks to the side and I do the same. His father is standing there. I step away from him.

Drew's expression transforms from worry to rage. "What did you do to her?!"

Mason appears casual as if nothing happened. "What are you talking about?"

"Did you touch her?"

"Of course not."

"Lair!" I scream. I can feel the tears in my eyes and my vision is blurry.

Drew pulls me behind him and attacks his father before I realize what is happening. Drew punches his father and tries to choke him. I am frozen in place.

"What is going on here?!" It is Ashley's voice. "Stop! Both of you, stop it now!" She tries to get Drew off of Mason and I move to help her.

"Drew," I whisper to him trying to gage his attention. It works. He looks at me, his eyes full of sorrow. He hugs me tightly and I hold him close to me as my tears fall down my cheeks.

Mason stands up and Ashley demands to know what happened.

"Drew attacked me for no reason." He should not have said that.

Drew lets go of me and spins around to face his father again. "For no reason?!" he roars. "Tell mom what you did to her." He points at me.

Ashley looks at me with wide eyes.

I swallow before I speak. "He came to my room and..." I take a deep breath. "He touched me." I cannot look at anyone so my eyes stay glued to the floor.

"You perv!" Drew shouts at his father.

Before Drew can say anything else, Ashley speaks up. "You're not sleeping in this house tonight and I'm filing for divorce."

"Are you seriously going to believe a stranger over your own husband. She doesn't have any proof. It's her word against mine." Mason is smiling at his wife. "And this is my house too."

"I have all the evidence I need. I hired a PI and he sent me photos of you with younger females on a boat and in a club. This was while you were supposed to be working!" Her eyes show how much she despises him for sheating on her. "I only came on a vacation with you to get out of this damn house. Tomorrow I will be signing the divorce papers and I will see you in court. Now leave!"

I was not expecting all this. I am not the only girl he tried his way with. There are other women and his wife suspected he was cheating on her. I thought she would not believe me for a moment and kick me out of the house.

"I'm calling my lawyer," Mason says calmly before he leaves.

Ashley turns to me. "I'm so sorry darling. I should have kicked him out before he tried anything with you. I'm really sorry. I saw the photos from my PI today so I couldn't do anything before I had solid evidence."

I understand perfectly her situation. "You did nothing wrong. He did." She should not blame herself for someone else's wrong doing.

Drew pulls me to him and hugs me. I burry my face in his bare chest and his warmth puts me at ease.

"Can you stay with her for a bit. I need to make sure he leaves without a key. And please go put on some pants."

He chuckles and I grin as I hide my face in his chest.

"Come to my room," Drew whispers in my ear.

I look up at him and smile. He is not smiling back though.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"I should be asking you that question. I hate my father now more than ever. I suspected he might be cheating on mom but I never said anything. Thankfully, she was already a step ahead of me and got proof."

"Let's go to your room." Then I add, "But I am not sleeping with you so get your head out of the gutter."

He gives me a wicked grin.

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