18. Trust

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Waking up next to Drew was not what I expected. I should have been in my own bed. But surprisingly, I do not regret being in his bed. I feel quite comfortable and safe with him. Last night was better than I could have imagined. Thankfully I had shaved everywhere before our date. He made me feel relaxed and he did not force me to do anything I did not want to do. I appreciate that he is taking things at my own pace. I am a hundred percent sure that if we moved at his pace, he would have taken my v-card before the first date. But he knows I am nothing like the other girls he dated - or just hooked up with - before me. A pang of jealousy hits me. How many girls has he been with? Should I even dare to ask him? I am curious but I do not want to think of those sluts.

My alarm does not wake Drew up, but he does wake up when he feels me moving to get out of bed. He groans and grabs my arm to keep me from leaving. "Where are you going?"

"I need to brush my teeth and we have to get ready for school."

He groans even louder. "I want to stay in bed with you all day."

"Not today."

He lets go of my arm and buries his head in his pillow in disappointment. I find his reaction adorable. I would like to stay with him in bed all day too but I have priorities. I have worked too hard to get to where I am now to throw it all away. My mother would be disappointed in me if I threw it all away for a boy.

I brush my teeth in my ensuite, I get changed and put on some light make-up. I grab my bag and head down to the kitchen where Drew is already having breakfast and Ashley is preparing our lunch. I ignore Drew because I do not want Ashley to know what is going on between us - not until I am sure I can trust Drew.

"I really am sorry for what happened yesterday. I should have protected you from that cheating son of a b****." Ashley hands me my lunch. "Pardon my language."

"Thank you." I take my lunch. "He should apologize, not you."

She gives me a tight hug. "I will be sending the divorce papers today." Something tells me she was not happy in her marriage.

"Will you be okay?" I ask her when she lets go of me.

She puts on the best smile she could master... for my sake most likely. "Of course. I've been expecting this for quite some time now."

I nod and turn towards Drew who seems to be finished with his cereal. "You ready to go?"

He stands up, puts his bowl in the dishwasher, says goodbye to his mother and I follow him out.

"Are we okay?" he asks as he starts the engine.

I know he is asking this because I ignored him in the kitchen. "Yeah, I just didn't want your mom to know there's something going on between us. Not until I know for sure this is real."

I expect him to drive but he does not. When I turn to face him again, he is staring at me with an offended expression. "You still think I'm messing with you? That I'm just using you?"

"It's gonna take time for me to trust you. You're my first boyfriend so I don't know how things go. I am trying here but my past experience with my mother's exes does not leave me with much faith in men." I am annoyed that he does not understand my point of view.

His expression turns somber. "You're right. I'm sorry. I just want you to trust me but I understand that trust needs to be earned. I will do anything to prove that you can trust me." He takes my hand and squeezes it gently. Even his eyes are gentle.

The way he looks at me and his words give me hope. "Thanks."

He lets go of my hand and drives off. "I will not tell my friends if you don't want me to. We can keep us a secret as long as you want."

"I would like to tell Amy and Jenny first." Amy has been such a good friend to me since day one. She should be the first to know. And Jenny has been good to me as well so far. They have been my rock here, especially when I felt alone.

"Okay." He nods keeping his eyes on the road. "Let me know when I can show you off in front of my friends." He lips turn into a smirk and he glances my way quickly to gage my reaction.

I punch his arm playfully and he laughs.

"On a serious note..." He actually is serious now. "If a guy tries anything with you, I cannot promise that I will not beat him to a f***ing pulp." Why does he always react so violently when it comes to these things? He does not have to protect me 24/7. I have done so well on my own before I met him.

"That will not happen." I do not want him to get into trouble. Especially not for my sake.

"I hope not."

My mind drifts back to his previous girls. "Can I ask you something?"

"You just did," he teases. "What's on your mind?"

I hesitate because I do not know how to ask. "How many girls have you been with before me?"

He gives me a puzzled look, then looks back to the road in front of him. He was not expecting this question. "Where is this coming from?"

"I just need to know, otherwise I'll keep wondering. Please."

"Probably not as much as you think. About fifteen girls maybe?"

I do not know whether fifteen is a lot or not. "Thanks for telling me."

"I'm not proud of that number now that I have you in my life." He takes my hand in his and gives it a little squeeze. "Those girls were just numbers to me. I don't even remember all their names.. You are much more than that."

I love the fact that he elaborates and his words strengthen my feelings toward him.

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