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We got home after the practice. I went to the kitchen for some afternoon snack and then went to my closet to get some clothes for shower. Man, oh man it was so hot, I nearly passed out when I smelled myself. The sweat was nasty.

I opened my bathroom door and stepped inside. As I was about to hang my clothes on the hangers, a sharp scream cut through the air and scared the shit out of me.

- Get out!!

Sky sneaked herself in the corner and used two of her arms to cover as much as she could.

- Oh my God! I'm so sorry, Sky. I'm so so sorry. I'm so inconsiderate.

I couldn't stop apologizing and quickly got out of the bathroom and closed the door behind me as quick as I could.

Put my hand on my heart to feel how fast it was racing. I took some deep breaths to calm myself down and finally a reality hit me into the face: this bathroom was in my bedroom, therefore this was my bathroom.

So what had I done wrong about opening my own bathroom? What? And why was she here in my room anyway? She had her own room and her room had a whole ass bathroom for her comfort.

In case you're curious about a door lock, I didn't install one for my bathroom, because I lived alone and I didn't really need one. Or when friends were over to visit and stayed for a night, I would just lock my bedroom door and it would work beautifully.

I knocked on the door and called for her:

- Sky.

- Y-yes?

Was she still shy because I saw some parts of her body? Come on, she had seen me totally naked before. It's ok. We're literally dating the shit out of each other right now, so what's wrong with seeing each other's body? And it's not like I was gonna storm in to eat her alive in that bathtub.

- Did you go in the wrong room? – I softly asked.

- There is a huge spider in the bathroom over there, I was scared so I'm using yours instead. – she explained with her still shaky voice.

She was shaking, so she was scared. Why was she even scared of me? I'm Megan Rapinoe. I'm her girlfriend. Why was she afraid of me? It hurt when I thought about it.

- Sky. – I called for her name again.

- ... - she didn't say anything back.

- I didn't see anything. Ok, I did see some parts of you but they aren't important. They're just arms and legs which I've seen before, so don't feel uncomfortable when we meet again, ok? – I reassured her.

I didn't hear any replies so I just left the room.

Hoped she was ok. I really didn't wanna break up because of this.

I went over to Sky's room to find that asshole spider and promised to crush it into mush.

- Here it is.

I smiled satisfyingly to myself for spotting it. I climbed into the bathtub, gently lifted my leg and took off one of my flip-flops. I raised the flip flop as high as where the spider was at and used an enough strength of force to tap it against the wall.

Don't worry, I didn't kill it. I just made it faint so I could release it in the front yard. Cos it's pretty freaky when it moves, don't you think? Motionless stuff is usually easier to deliver.

10 minutes or so later Sky got out of my bathroom in my shirt.

It was big for me so it definitely looked big on her too, however she wore it better. She made it into a cute dress that was long enough to touch half of her thighs. Her wet hair was pulled over to one side and she looked like an angle without wings.

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