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Skylar hissed my arm by her elbow.

- What's wrong, honey? – I asked.

She leaned in and whispered in my ear:

- Can you come with me for a second?

I found it mysterious but didn't really put much thoughts into it and only nodded.

As she was about to step on the sand with her bare feet, I stopped her.

- Wait a sec.

I bent down, took my shoes off and wore them on her feet, then finally put them down touch the sand.

- Your feet have to be clean. – I explained.

- What about you? – she asked with her big adorable eyes.

I shook my head.

- I like to feel the sand under my feet. I'm a beach girl. – I winked, taking my socks off and threw them under the table.

- Wifey, you're too good to me, it's not fair for you, cos I cant be that good. – she said, pinched my cheek lovingly which made me winced one of my eyes and smiled.

She pulled me out close to the ocean where no one was near us, then turned left and right to make sure there really wasn't anyone nearby.

- What's the matter, honey? – I asked, started to get concerned.

She looked at me, then lowered her head to look at our feet and started talking:

- I know we've promised to not vow in front of everyone because we have enough faith to skip that part, but can I just quickly promise you something?

I nodded. I was so curious about what she's going to tell me next, however, couldn't help but smiled like an idiot.

- I've heard that athletes will have so much pain as they get older due to all the injuries and surgeries that they have had to go through in the past to be able to get as far as they could in their career. And from what I see, you will not be any different from that. I've dreamt about that moment to come once for awhile and it broke my heart every time. You know how much I hate seeing you in pain right? But I will never let you stop doing what you love despite of how much I hate you getting injured from it, because I just love you too much for taking something so precious and so beloved away from you. I just wanna take a moment to make promise to you. Megan Rapinoe, no matter how physically inconvenient you will be, no matter how the pain makes you grumpy and aggressive, I will always be by your side to suffer with you. I may not be able to help you lessen the pain, but I will go through it with you, will never leave you go through it alone. Please, for me and because of me, keep staying as healthy as you can, keep getting as fit and strong as you can, because that 10-year age gap scares the shit out of me sometimes. I don't wanna live a day without you, so please Megan, please live longer than me. I love you so much, Megan Rapinoe. If the next life we ever become wives again, please do another job, I can't stand you doing this to yourself in another life. Promise me.

- I promise. – I smiled sweetly to my little wife, gently rubbed her naturally and beautifully messy head by the ocean wind.

- And you're definitely not going to do modelling. – she pointed at my face all of a sudden just like my Mom used to do back in the day when I was little, which made me burst out laughing.

- Promise. – I nodded, leaned in and placed a baby kiss on her soft lips.

- I love you, captain. – she hugged me with everything of hers.

I closed my eyes, leaned on her little body and hugged her back with all of mine. I let the wind take away all the last concern that I had of back when I was a lonely lesbian and single individual in this world; and let Skylar Blue be the happiness of my life, the piece of puzzle that my whole life I'd been looking for, forever.

- I can't wait to grow old with you, Skylar Blue.

- Rapinoe.

I laughed:

- Sorry, Rapinoe.

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