Chapter 7: The Amazons Kidnapped in the Amazons.

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Aaron's POV

Me and the rest of the Amazons were in first class. Courtney helping Heather fix her bruised face with makeup. It's amazing what makeup can do.

"Looking good." Courtney smiled.

Chris started an announcement.

"Brace for landing. We've arrived at our next destination. The Amazons! But the runways a little short." Chris stated as me and Courtney buckled our seatbelts.

"Team Amazon in the Amazon. That's gotta be a lucky sign." Gwen stated.

Sierra gasped. Me, Courtney, and Cody looked over our chair at Gwen worried about what she just said.

"Whenever a team predicts good luck they always lose." Sierra pointed.

"But I didn't- no I just meant-" Sierra quickly covered Gwen's mouth.

"Gosh, I hope none of the Amazons said this might be lucky for them. That'd be disasteress." Chris annouced.

Gwen sadly sighed.


Chris landed the plane. We got out of plane and Chris started explaining the challenge.

"Welcome to the Peru!" Chris greeted." Birth place of the Mighty river. This challenge is called the Am-AHHH-Zon Teams must hike along the Inca trail through the Peruvian jungle all the way to Macchu Pichu. Hidden somewhere among the ruins of Macchu Picchu, a golden treasure awaits discovery. Find the treasure to win first class passage to our next destination. Last team to arrive at Macchu Pichu will have to send someone out the elimination door. And be warned, the jungle has many, many viscous insects." Cody's hand shot right up.

"Yes Cody, the legal department made me well aware of your deadly allergies and insisted we supply an epipen." Cody dashed up to Chris to take it, but Chris refused.

"Wouldn't make sense to give it to the person who has the allergies. What if you need an injection while your unconscious?" Chris said.

"Oh! Oh! Me! I can take it!" Sierra volunteered.

"Who can get to carry this?" Chris grinned.

"OOOOO! CHRIS! CHRIS!" Sierra waved her hand.

Cody ran up to Gwen and gave her a sparkling eye look.

"I'll take it." Gwen stated.

"WHAT! NO! I'm the only one who knows what sends Cody into anaphylactic shock. Black ants. Brown ants. Red ants." Sierra started listing a whole list of things.

"Goat saliva? Must making dating a little tough, ay Cody. Here you are, Gwen." Chris tossed it. Sierra glared as Cody silently cheered.

"In the jungle are the Zing-Zings, a native tribe who have never encountered modern men and are not about to. So if you spot a Zing-Zing, do not make contact." Chris said.

"How far is Mucky Pigeon?" Owen asked.

"Macchu Pichu is just a hop, skip, and a jump. Plus 18 hours." Chris said as we all groaned."The jungle is too dangerous to travel at night so teams will have to break at dusk and wait to move along the trail at sunrise."

"And I assume there are no tents?" Alejandro stated.

"Correctumundo. Now, since the playing area is too dangerous. Each team will get a walkie talkie in case of emergency. Teams, I wish you good luck. Or at least, a lack of death."Chris said with an evil grin.


We walked until we came across two paths.

"Maybe we should go right." Gwen suggested.

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