Chapter 1

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"Okay, okay class settle down now!" Mr. Haven said.

"Now class, this is Blaine Anderson. This is his first day at McKinley so I want you all to make him feel welcomed." Everyone in the class stopped their conversations to look at the new student. Blaine looked around the class giving a small wave. Everyone in the class turned to the nearest person to whisper to them.

"He's hot."
"Does he have a girlfriend?"
"He's got a letterman jacket on how is he already apart of the football team?"
"Omg I'm gonna ask him out!"
Blaine looked at the teacher, unsure of what to do or say. Mr. Haven sensed the awkwardness in the room and cleared his throat.
"Right class that's quite enough. Blaine, you can sit next to Mr. Hummel at the back." Everyone went dead silent. A boy sitting at the far back looked up at Blaine.

Blaine was speechless. This boy- who he was presuming was this Mr. Hummel- was absolutely stunning, he had soft brown hair that was styled perfectly, and perfect, almost porcelain like skin. He was wearing a white shirt that had black dots all over it, with a navy blue jacket over it, he had on black skinny jeans that tightly hugged his legs, and it was all paired off with a pair of black Dr. Martens. But the most mesmerising thing about Kurt was his eyes, they were a mixture or green and blue and a bit of grey, they were insanely bright and beautiful, they remained Blaine of the ocean.

Blaine snapped out of his trance and walked over to sit next to Kurt. He sat down and looked at Kurt, who was staring at his note book, writing down something on it.

"Hi, I'm blaine." Blaine said to Kurt with a smile.

Kurt briefly lifted his head up to look into Blaine's eye. Blaine eyes were a beautiful hazel colour, his hair was dark black and had way to much hair gel in it, Kurt couldn't help but notice how handsome Blaine looked, it made his heart skip a beat. He was about to say hi back and introduce himself when he noticed he was wearing a letterman jacket.

He shook his head and looked back down to focus on his notebook, saying nothing back to Blaine.

"Hello?" Blaine didn't understand why he wouldn't speak to him, how could he have done anything wrong when they'd just met? Blaine looked at him confused, then confusion turned into slight anger.

"I don't know what I've done to you for you to not answer me! All I did was say hi... I just wanted to know your name." Blaine turned to face the teacher, his arms crossed and his body slouched.

Kurt stopped writing and stared at Blaine. He was right, Blaine had done nothing wrong to him, just because he has a letterman jacket on doesn't mean he's like the other ones.

"Kurt." Blaine sat up and quickly turned to be greeted with Kurt's eyes staring straight into his.

"Sorry?" Blaine asked, he was definitely confused now.

"I'm kurt Hummel. Sorry for being rude." Kurt said, still looking into Blaine's eyes.

"Um.. It-it's okay I guess, a-and I'm sorry for snapping at you. But, why didn't you answer me at first?" Blaine asked him, trying his best not to stutter. Kurt let out a sigh, and once again turned back to his notebook that was on the desk.

"You're wearing a letterman jacket, which means you're apart of the football team, which probably means you're just like the rest of them."  Kurt tried to hide the sadness in his eyes, but Blaine saw right through it.

"What do you mean, like the rest of them?" Blaine looked at Kurt with confusion, while Kurt refused to look into Blaine's eyes, fearing if he did he would never want to look away.

Kurt didn't answer for a moment, trying to think of the right words to say so he didn't offend Blaine.

Blaine moved his chair slightly closer to Kurt,  while never taking his eyes off him. Kurt stopped writing and looked down at his hands awkwardly.

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