Chapter 10

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Blaine was watching Tv when he heard a knock on the door. He turned off the tv and walked to the front door. When he opened the door, he saw Kurt, who had red, puffy eyes.

"Kurt were you crying? What's wrong?" Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand and walked over to the couch, closing the front door behind him. They sat on the couch and looked into each other's eyes. Kurt couldn't hold it anymore, he burst out in tears. Blaine immediately rapped his arms around Kurt and pulled him into his lap to let Kurt cry on his chest. Blaine played with Kurt hair and kissed him on the top of his head, trying to make him feel better. Kurt held onto Blaine and let out all of his emotions. Once he had stopped crying, Kurt sat up next to Blaine.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Blaine asked. Kurt nodded, but didn't say anything. Blaine put his hand on top of Kurt's hand.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Blaine said softly.

"No... I want to." Kurt finally said. He took a few deep breaths and continued.

"So I was walking down the hall after we had just finished our phone call, and then I heard Karofsky and Azimio shout behind me. They ran up to me and Karofsky grabbed me by the collar. I-I tried to get away b-but they pinned me against the lockers, a-a-and Karofsky punched me in the stomach. I fell to the f-floor, it was so painful and they just walked away laughing, like what they did was okay." Kurt had silent tears running down his face. Blaine opened his mouth slightly, in shock.

"They punched you?!" Blaine shouted, he was clearly angry now. Blaine stood up and started pacing around the room. Kurt looked at him with confusion, his cheeks still wet with tears.

"I should have known they would have done something to hurt you. And where was I? In my fucking house because I couldn't be bothered to get up! God, I'm going to kill them!" Blaine looked as if he was going red with anger. He was running his hands through his gelled back hair, letting a few strands of curly hair loose.

"Blaine stop. It's not your fault, there was no way you could have known. Please, sit down." Kurt said, whispering the last part. Blaine stopped pacing and sat back down on the couch next to Kurt. Blaine softly wiped the tears from Kurt face with the pad of his thumb.

"Sorry, I get angry easily. It's just... I care about you Kurt, like a lot. And I see you trying to be strong and act like it doesn't bother you, but I know it does." Blaine said. Kurt looked down at his hands.

"I'm... I'm just tired Blaine. I hate being scared that someone's going to jump out and attack me when I walk around the school halls. I hate being the centre of all the bullying. I hate people calling me names, either behind my back or right in front of me. I just want it all to stop. But Blaine, I don't want you to fight someone to protect me, as much as I admire that you would do that for me, I don't want you to get hurt." Kurt said. Blaine looked into Kurt's beautiful, bright blue eyes.

"Okay, I'll try to keep my anger to a minimum. But I swear to god if any of them touch you I'm going to go crazy." Blaine said. Kurt chuckled and nodded his head. Blaine stood up and walked over to a shelf and picked up something. He turned around to face Kurt and to show him what he was holding.

"Coraline?" Kurt questioned. Blaine nodded and put the DVD into the DVD player. The movie started playing and Blaine sat down next to Kurt. They watched the whole movie together, whenever Kurt would accidentally brush Blaine or look at him, Blaine would get butterflies in his stomach and he forgot how to talk, or even act normal. When the movie was finished, Kurt looked at his watch, realising the time and stood up.

"I've got to go, my dad wanted to have a nice family dinner or something since we don't get to do it often." Kurt said. Blaine nodded and stood up. They walked to the door together.

"Um... thank you, for being there for me when I was crying and a mess." Kurt said, as he was standing on the door step.

"Kurt, you can always come to me." Blaine said, putting a hand on Kurt's arm. Kurt smiled and they both said goodbye to each other as Kurt walked to his car and drove away. Blaine walked into the house and sat back down on the couch. Hundreds of thoughts were running through Blaine's head. Why would anyone do such a horrible thing to an amazing person like Kurt? Why did Blaine get butterflies in his stomach around Kurt? Also, what was he going to do when his dad came home.

When he was thinking about that last thought, as if someone was reading Blaine's mind, the front door clicked open and a tall, curly haired man stepped into the house.

"Hello Blaine." He says, putting his bags down.

"Hi dad." Blaine said, looking down. There was silence.

"You're mom phoned me. She says she's on the plane and on her way home." Blake said, breaking the tension. Blaine had almost completely forgot about his mother. She had left a couple of months ago for a business trip or something, Blaine didn't really pay attention when she was talking about it. Blaine nodded his head and walked upstairs.

"I've got homework to do." Blaine declared to his dad.

"I'll order pizza." Blake said coldly. Blaine walked into his bedroom and shut his door. Blaine went and sat on his bed. He wasn't happy to see his dad, Blaine knew sooner or later, his dad would want to talk about what happened after Blake left. Blaine didn't want to say that nothing happened incase his dad lashed out, but he can't lie to his dad. Not that he doesn't want to lie to his dad, but his dad had this almost supernatural power that he can tell when anyone is lying. Blaine decided he might as well do the homework he needed to do, just to kill some time.

An hour later, there was a knock on the bedroom door. Blaine walked over and opened the door, to see Blake, holding a pizza box.

"I've already ate half so here's the other half for you. I want to talk about what happened while I was away, but I'm too tired now. So we will start the conversation tomorrow. Your mother will be here around half 1 in the morning." Blake said, as he handed Blaine the pizza box and walked to his bedroom. Blaine shut his bedroom door and put the food on his bed. He turned on the tv and put on the tv show 'The Big Bang Theory". He sat on his bed, watching the tv and eating the rest of the pizza. He didn't really understand what was happening in the show, everything was to complicated, but it was the only good thing on right now. After he had finished the pizza, he turned off the tv, put the empty box on the ground, and got into bed.  He wasn't looking forward to tomorrow at all.



Heyyy, so I just want to quickly say sorry if it takes me longer to get out chapters than usual. It's just stuff like homework and tests and music practice and all that, it's keeping me pretty busy. But I'm going to try my best because I love writing this story, and I've got a pretty clear and vivid idea of the next few chapters. Also I'm trying my best to not do any spelling or grammar mistakes, but I've had to go through a few of the older chapters to change spelling errors, so if I ever get something wrong, feel free to comment about it so I can fix it :) xxx

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