Chapter 13

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Kurt was running around his room like a maniac. He had just picked an outfit, which was a black turtle neck, dark grey -almost black- skinny jeans, a dark grey -almost black- leather jacket and black dress shoes. He sat down on his vanity and made his hair into a quiff. He grabbed his phone and wallet and walked downstairs.

"Hey dad." Kurt said as he sat on the couch.

"Hey kiddo." Burt said. Kurt sat on the couch at stared at his dad. Burt noticed and turned to his son and shot him a confused look.

"What do you want?" Burt asked. Kurt sat back, pretending to be shocked.

"I don't know what you mean." Kurt said.

"The only time you make that face is when you want something." Burt said to his son. Kurt sighed.

"Can I have some money? I'm going to the movies with Blaine." Kurt said. Burt rolled his eyes and took out his wallet.

"Here." Burt said, handing Kurt $25. Kurt smiled and put the money into his wallet. Kurt sat on the couch and watched tv, when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He took out his phone and the screen lit up.

Hey, I'll be there in 5 minutes. xx- Blaine

Okay, just knock on my door when you're here. xx- Kurt

Kurt sat on the couch watching tv. Five minutes later the door bell rang. Kurt turned off the tv, stood up and walked to the front door. He opened the door and saw Blaine standing there. He was gorgeous, he was wearing a white polo shirt, a red bow tie, red jeans, and black dress shoes. His hair was completely gelled back. He looked perfect in Kurt's eyes.

As Kurt opened the door, Blaine was shocked. Kurt looked beautiful. Blaine stood there, almost forgetting how to speak. When he had collected his words, he spoke.

"H-hey, you um.. you look nice." Blaine stuttered. Kurt chuckled and stepped out, shuttling the door behind him. Blaine looked into Kurt's beautiful, sea glasz eye.

"Thanks, so do you." Kurt said, smiling. Blaine blushed and took Kurt's hand. They walked to Blaine's car, Blaine opened the door for Kurt.

"Your ride." Blaine said, gesturing to the car.

"Why thank you good sir." Kurt said in a British accent. Blaine laughed and got into his side of the car. Blaine turned on the radio and the song 'Perfect' by P!nk came on. He started to drive when Kurt turned up the radio and started to sing along.

Kurt: Made a wrong turn, once or twice
Dug my way out, blood and fire
Bad decisions, that's alright
Welcome to my silly life

Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood
Miss "No way, it's all good", it didn't slow me down
Mistaken, always second guessing, underestimated
Look, I'm still around

Blaine was mesmerised my Kurt, he always was when Kurt sang. He was like a ball of pure talent. Blaine snapped out of it and joined in for the chorus.

Kurt and Blaine: Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever ever feel
Like you're less than, less then perfect
Pretty pretty please, if you ever, ever feel like you're nothing
You are perfect to me!

Blaine: The whole world's scared, so I
blaine and Kurt: swallow the fear
Blaine: The only thing I should be drinking is an
Blaine and Kurt: ice cold beer

Blaine was surprisingly good at rapping, they both sounded amazing together.

Blaine: So cool and limed and we
Blaine and Kurt: try, try, try
But we try too hard and its a waste of my time

Blaine: Done looking for the critics 'cause there
Blaine and Kurt: everywhere
Blaine: They don't like my jeans, they don't
Blaine and Kurt: get my hair
Blaine: change ourselves and we
Blaine and Kurt: do it all the time

Kurt: Why do we do that

Blaine: yeah!
Kurt: Oh, pretty pretty please
Blaine and Kurt: pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel like you're nothing
You are perfect to me

They finished the song and smiled at each other.

"We sound really good together." Kurt said. Blaine gave him a warm smile and nodded.

"What are we actually going to see, you haven't told me?" Kurt asked while they were driving to the movies.

"It's a secret." Blaine said, smirking. Kurt rolled his eyes and folded his arms. They arrived at the movies and Blaine parked near the entrance. They got out of the car and walked into the building.

"What snack do you want?" Blaine asked Kurt. After a moment of thought, Kurt decided on popcorn.

"Good idea, I'll get us a large so we can share and I'll get us both a coke. Just wait here." Blaine said walking off. Kurt stood there awkwardly waiting for Blaine to come back. After 5 minutes, he saw Blaine walking back, carrying a large popcorn, two cokes, and 2 tickets. Kurt took his drink and the popcorn. He looked at the tickets that Blaine was holding.

"West Side Story?" Kurt said, grinning like a five year old. Blaine laughed and nodded. They walked over and gave their tickets to the person working there. Once they were all set, they walked into their screen and sat on their seats, the place was packed. The adverts were just starting, so it was around 10 minutes before the actual movie started. Blaine sat through the whole of the adverts, turning to Kurt and saying 'I want to see that' every time an ad for a movie would come on, but both of them knew that he'd never bother to go and see them. The movie started to play and everyone sat in complete silence to watch it. Halfway through the movie, Blaine rested his head on Kurt's shoulder and put his hand on top of Kurt's. They sat like that the whole way through the movie. When the movie finished, the both got up and started to walk to Blaine's car.

"I think you would make a great tony, I mean you have the gangster side but also the sweet loving side." Kurt said to Blaine. Blaine looked at Kurt while smiling.

"And you'd make a hilarious Officer Krupke, maybe in an alternate universe." Blaine shrugged. Kurt laughed and they got into Blaine's car. They drove to Kurt's house, talking the whole way there. Once they arrived, Kurt turned to Blaine.

"I'll see you tomorrow, bye." Kurt said. Blaine nodded and said 'goodbye' to Kurt, then he got out of the car and walked into his house. Blaine watched Kurt go inside, then drove home.

"Hey little bro, dinners on the table." Finn said to Kurt as he walked into the house. Kurt nodded and the two boys headed to the dinner table.


Hey, sorry if this took a little longer than normal to come out. I wanted to watch 'West Side Story' first incase I wanted to write about it (also I loved the movie). Also get excited because there will be a lot of drama in the next few chapters and I'm excited to write it. And sorry This chapters sorter than normal I just didn't know what to write for it. Also I know the timing is weird with the movie being in the cinemas at the time the shows set but whatever, and last thing is at the start of chapter twelve, I changed it so that Blaines parents wouldn't  be home for a month or two instead of one week because the timing would be wrong and they'd be home too quickly. xxx

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