Chapter 5

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Blaine was sitting at a table in the library, staring at all his homework. He could do most of it, but his Spanish homework was killing him. He had never been good at Spanish, all he could say was 'hello' and 'can I have a cronut?' It was the only things he wanted to know, but he needed to pass Spanish to stay on the football team, but he didn't understand any of it.

Blaine was to focused on the homework to notice a brown haired, fashionable boy sit on a chair across from him. He didn't say anything to see if Blaine would notice, but after a while he got bored of waiting.

"What are you doing?" Kurt asked. Blaine jumped at the voice. He looked up to see Kurt chuckling at him, Blaine smiled.

"Sorry, this is just stressing me out." Blaine said. Kurt looked at the papers scattered all over the table.

"What is it?" Kurt asked. Blaine leaned back in his chair and clasped his hands.

"Spanish homework. I don't know how to do any of it." Blaine said with a sigh. Kurt looked at Blaine while Blaine looked up at the ceiling.

"I could help you with it, I'm pretty good at Spanish." Kurt suggested. Blaine sat up and looked at Kurt while smiling like a moron.

"Really, that would be amazing!" Blaine said excitedly. Kurt laughed at Blaine cuteness.

"You could come to mine after school, my parents won't be home so we won't be bothered." Blaine said. Kurt nodded.

"Sounds great I'll meet you at your car. But I've got to go, glee club meeting." Kurt said. Blaine smiled and waved goodbye to Kurt as he walked away. Blaine put his papers in his bag and walked to his first class.


"Okay boo you need to talk to me." Mercedes said walking up and sitting next to Kurt in class. Kurt raised his eyebrow at her. Mercedes rolled her eyes.

"About Blaine, and don't tell me nothings going on. I always see you to together talking and laughing, and when you not with him you're either on the phone or texting him. So spill white boy." Mercedes said. Kurt laughed and sat back in his chair.

"Honestly, there's nothing happening. We're friends and that's it. I told you before, he's straight." Kurt said. Mercedes lightly punched him on the arm.

"Don't give me that crap. I see they way you two act together and the way you look at each other. If you aren't in a relationship then at least admit you have a crush on him." Kurt whipped his head up to look at Mercedes and give her a death glare. After a minute he sighed and puts his head in his hands.

"He's funny and sweet and caring and a really good guy." Kurt paused and thought for a minute.

"Oh my god, maybe I do like him." Kurt whispered in a defeated tone. Mercedes put her hand on Kurt's shoulder.

"Kurt, you know it's okay to like someone." Mercedes reassures him. Kurt sat up and looked at Mercedes.

"Not when they're straight and will never want to be with me like that. I promised myself that I would never like a straight guy again, and here I am admitting I have a slight crush on Blaine." Kurt said. The bells rang signalling the end of the day. Kurt walked to his locker and put his books away. He was suddenly not looking so forward to going to Blaine's house, but he wouldn't bail on him like that. Kurt shut his locker and walked out to find Blaine's car.

He looked around and saw a short haired boy with a letterman jacket on, leaning against his car. Kurt walked over to him. Blaine smiled at Kurt and opened the car door for him. Kurt said a quiet 'thank you' and got into the car. On the way there, Blaine spent the whole time ranting to Kurt about how he got tackled in football practice by some guy who didn't even know how to play. Kurt wasn't really paying attention, he stared out the window the whole ride there, nodding every now and then and saying an occasional 'uh huh'. They reached Blaine's house and they both got out of the car.

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