Chapter 24

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Blaine woke up, cuddling with Kurt. He looked down at the beautiful boy sleeping on his chest. He loved Kurt more than anything, Kurt was Blaine's world. He slipped out of the bed, without waking up Kurt. He looked at Kurt peacefully sleeping, then Blaine quietly shut the bedroom door and walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. He got out all the ingredients for a full English breakfast. Bacon, beans, eggs, sausages and tomatoes.

Kurt woke up in Blaine's bed alone. He got up and walked out of the room and down the stairs. He heard singing from the kitchen. He walked towards the kitchen, and there was Blaine, singing and dancing while cooking breakfast. This is what Kurt wanted to wake up to every day, his love singing and dancing around the kitchen like an idiot, both of them completely happy. Kurt walked over behind Blaine and wrapped his arms around his waist and rested his head on Blaine's shoulder.

"Morning sweetheart, what are you cooking?" Kurt asked. Blaine turned around and smiled at Kurt.

"English breakfast. Can you make the coffee please gorgeous?" Blaine asked. Kurt nodded and went over to another counter to make coffee for both of them. They put the food and drinks onto the dining table and ate their breakfast together.

"What do you want to do today?" Blaine asked. Kurt was silent, thinking of what they could do.

"Maybe just have a relaxing day together, sit on the couch and watch TV together. How does that sound?" Kurt asked. Blaine nodded his head and smiled.

"Sounds wonderful." Blaine answered. They finished their breakfast and washed their dishes. Once they were finished cleaning up, they went into the living room and sat on the couch. Blaine grabbed the remote and flipped through the channels, finally settling on 'The Simpsons'. Blaine put the remote down on the coffee table and cuddled into Kurt. He rested his head on Kurt's shoulder and took Kurt's hand in his own. They sat like that for the next while, watching TV together.


Blaine was walking down the halls of McKinley. He could hear people whispering things about him. He had tried to hide the hickey on his neck, but clearly everyone could see it. He put his head down and walked down the corridor.

"Oh my god did you see Blaine today?" Mercedes asked as she walked up to her best friend. Kurt shook his head.

"No I haven't, Why?" Kurt suspiciously asked. Mercedes could hardly contain the gossip to herself.

"He's got a huge hickey on his neck. Everyone can see it!" Mercedes said. Kurt eyes went wide. He thought Blaine would have tried to cover it up, he should have never gave Blaine that hickey.

"Who do you think gave him it?" Mercedes asked.

"I-I... I don't know." Kurt stuttered. Mercedes continued to ramble on about it.

"It's was probably one of those cheerleaders who wanted a quick one night stand. I know that girl Bree has been all over him. i mean what did we expect he is on the football team, most of them go for girls like that. Oh god Kurt, this must be hard for you since you have a crush on him." Mercedes babbled. Kurt looked at her and gave her a mean look..

"Don't talk about Blaine like that, he's not like all the other jocks. I'm just not on the mood for gossip right now." Kurt said. Mercedes looked at him confused.

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