Chapter 22

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"What was Mercedes talking about in glee club?" Blaine asked as they were on Skype. Kurt was doing homework and Blaine was painting.

"What do you mean?" Kurt said, looking at the screen to look at Blaine.

"When she was talking about us singing a couple song. Did you tell her about us?" Blaine asked, worry in her voice. Kurt gave him a reassuring smile.

"No, I didn't tell her, no one knows. She asked me a few days ago if we are a couple and I was about to tell her, but I thought I should make sure you're comfortable with it before we tell anyone. I would never out someone." Kurt said. Blaine smiled at him.

"Thank you, I love you." Blaine said, going back to his painting.

"I love you too, but I do not love this English homework." Kurt said, which made Blaine laugh. then they went silent, until Blaine spoke.

"I know it's hard for you to hide this, and I'm really sorry for keeping us a secret. I just..."

"I know, it's okay Blaine." Kurt butted in. Blaine gave him an apologetic smile.

"I want us to be out and proud. I just... I'm scared and I don't know where to start." Blaine said quietly.

"Well you could always start with the glee club, they were amazing when I came out. The first person I ever told was Mercedes. You'll be okay Blaine, and I'll be right beside you the entire time, supporting you the whole way." Kurt said. Blaine was silent for a while, clearly deep in thought.

"Maybe I could start with the glee club. They are the most accepting people in the school." Blaine said quietly, as if he was talking to himself, but Kurt heard him.

"You don't need to do it if you're not ready, I don't want to you come out just for me. I want you to do it when you feel that it's time to share that part of yourself with the world." Kurt said to him. Blaine nodded and said a quiet 'I know'. Blaine faced the screen and smiled at his boyfriend, who started laughing like crazy.

"What? What's so Funny?" Blaine asked, furrowing his eyebrows. Kurt had to take a minute to stop laughing so hard.

"You've got paint all over your cheek and on your nose." Kurt said through tears of laughter. Blaine turned to look in a mirror, then saw the paint and got a look of horror. He jumped up and washed all the paint off his face. All of this made Kurt laugh more.

"It's not funny, stop laughing." Blaine moaned while pouting. Kurt wiped the tears off of his face, his laughing had stopped now.

"You're so cute." Kurt chuckled. Blaine crossed his arms and went back to his painting.


"Okay guys, after a lot of consideration, I have come to a decision." Mr Shue said. The whole room sat with anticipation. Everyone wanted that duet, a chance to shine at Nationals.

"Well, who is it Mr Shue?" Mercedes asked.

"Before I announce who won, I just want to say you all were incredible, and I'm sure all of you guys would be amazing at singing a duet at nationals. But obviously I can only pick two of you guys. Finn, drum roll please." Mr Shue said. Finn was sat at the drums, he played a drum roll, then Mr shue continued to speak.

"And the two people that are doing the duet are... Kurt and Blaine!" Mr Shue shouted. Kurt was in shock, he had never had a special part,
And now he's going to get to do a duet with his boyfriend. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt. Everyone was clapping and cheering for them.

"We did it Kurt." Blaine said, Kurt turned and smiled at him.

"Yeah, we did." Kurt said, still in shock. Glee club was finished for the day, Kurt and Blaine were going to the Lima Bean. They got into Blaine's car and drove to the coffee shop. Once they'd got there, Blaine went and found a table and Kurt bought the coffees.

"Here's your drink." Kurt said, as he sat the coffee in front of Blaine.

"Thank you." Blaine said as he took at sip of the coffee. They spent the next while talking about the duet they were going to do.

"We should go on a date." Blaine suddenly said. Kurt almost spit out his drink.

"Sorry?" Kurt asked. Blaine smiled at him.

"I said we should go on a date. We've never been on a date before and I'd like to go on one with you, if you'd want to that is." Blaine said. Kurt put his drink down on the table.

"I'd love to go on a date with you." Kurt said.

"How about on Saturday, I'll pick you up at half seven." Blaine said. Kurt nodded.

"Sounds great, but I should really get going now, family dinner." Kurt explained, standing up. Blaine stood up and they walked to Blaine's car. Blaine drove Kurt home and parked just outside his house.

"I'll see you tomorrow, bye." Kurt said. Just as Kurt was about to open the car door, Blaine looked all the doors.

"Blaine sweetheart, can you unlock the door so I can get out please?" Kurt asked. Blaine just looked at him, with a smirk on his face. Then Blaine climbed over the control panel and sat on Kurt's lap. He cupped Kurt's cheek with his hands and gently kissed him, then it slowly but surely getting more heated. Blaine slowly made his way down to Kurt's neck, planting simple kisses. They'd never went as serious and hickeys and tongue, and right now in front of Kurt's house, where his father lives, didn't seem like the right time. Blaine went back up to Kurt's lips and gave him one more kiss.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself." Blaine said, smirking. Kurt chuckled. Blaine climbed off of Kurt and sat in the drivers seat, unlocking the doors.

"I'll see you tomorrow, I love you Blaine." Kurt said as he got out.

"I love you too Kurt." Blaine said. He watched Kurt walk away from the car and into the house. Then he started the car and drove home.



Heyyy, Okay so this chapter wasn't that exciting or interesting, but I didn't know what to write. I mean I have ideas of story lines I want to put in the story, but none of them fit in right now. So I guess this was just a filler chapter. xxx

Secret LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora